October 24, 2018

Editorial Note: TRIGGER WARNING – This article contains explicit stories of sexual assault and trauma. This is part two of a two-part series on rape culture and sexual abuse within Muslim communities and will focus on other arguments used to blame victims as well as examining these arguments from the Islamic standpoint. Part one debunks common false statements often given to excuse or ignore sexual abuse and trauma. Also, the terms “victim” and “survivor” are both used in this piece… Read more

October 22, 2018

Islam as it developed up to this point, especially the one promoted by wealthy Arabs is a highly legalistic institution where many Muslims tend to ask so-called religious scholars if something is halal (allowed) or haram (forbidden). A philosophy of anti-enjoyment of life is prevalent among many, believing that any enjoyment here on earth is questionable and true pleasure will be enjoyed only during the next life, where all that is forbidden here is allowed there[1]. This fatalistic, self-defeating culture… Read more

October 15, 2018

For Muslims, Makkah, where the Ka’ba is located, is the epicenter of their faith and Madinah, home of the Prophet’s mosque, their sanctuary for spiritual bliss. These two cities happen to be in Saudi Arabia, which is once again in the news for the most chilling of reasons, presenting Muslims with a difficult decision to make. Last week, we learned that the country likely killed one of its own citizens, in cold blood, inside its own consulate, in a foreign… Read more

October 11, 2018

Editorial Note: TRIGGER WARNING – This article contains explicit stories of sexual assault and trauma. This is part one of a two-part series on rape culture and sexual abuse within Muslim communities. Part one debunks common false statements often given to excuse or ignore sexual abuse and trauma. Part two of this series, coming next week, will look at other arguments used to blame victims, and the author will examine them from the Islamic standpoint. Also, the terms “victim” and “survivor”… Read more

October 8, 2018

I was headed to a class on public transport in Cairo, Egypt when I heard the sound of something slamming into a wall. When I turned to my right, I saw a woman attempting to pick up her phone from the floor. A man towered over her and was yelling. When she finally found it, she lifted it to begin dialing a number when he slapped it out of her hand and slammed her back to the floor. I was… Read more

October 5, 2018

Islam is not sexist, but sometimes, Muslim men are. Islam is not misogynistic, but sometimes, Muslim men are. My words may be alarming, but they are not meant to be accusatory. Muslim men: You are privileged to live in a world that has largely been shaped by male paradigms, one that has been written in your own voices. As a Muslim woman, I challenge you to make a choice: Step outside this male-dominated intellectual framework and recognize how it cripples… Read more

September 26, 2018

Throughout the past decade, I’ve worked with a variety of MSAs (Muslim Student Associations) in different capacities. My first days as a Muslim were spent as an undergraduate, stumbling through leadership positions in my first MSA and largely failing to bring about good programming or developing a cohesive community. After graduating and working with other Muslim organizations, I shared what lessons I was learning with my former MSA and acted as an advisor for many years before transitioning to a… Read more

September 18, 2018

Muslims around the world commemorate in Muharram (the first month of the Muslim year) the death of Hussain ibn Ali, a leader who epitomized the struggle against tyranny. For some context, consider the following: A tyrannical leader comes to power exploiting an arcane political system. Having been handed everything by his father, this ruthless and decadent dictator enriches himself and his family at the expense of the common people. As his regime upends the values of justice that the nation… Read more

September 13, 2018

I performed Hajj for the first time this year. It will most likely be my only time, although only Allah (swt) knows for sure. This I know: I want to go back. I am also wary, upon coming home, of being absorbed back into my former routines of daily living. Our group had it really easy (all thanks to Allah, of course). We didn’t have to wait six hours for our bus to take us to Arafat. We had air-conditioned… Read more

September 11, 2018

Recently while watching the internet light on fire at how a Bishop inappropriately touched a young musical artist, Ariana Grande, I was reminded again of the importance of the principles and laws that Islam stands for. Imagine for a moment: It’s the funeral of one of the most celebrated musical artists in history. A young attractive vocalist, known for hip hop, takes the stage and woos the crowd with her vocals in a tribute to the deceased. As she concludes… Read more

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