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Dinyar Godrej argues that consumption patterns in a wasteful society add up to much more than the sum of individual actions.
The daughters of Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi pose with an image of their mother while standing outside their residence in Sheikhupura located in Pakistan's Punjab Province November 13, 2010. Standing left to right is Esha, 12, Sidra, 18 and Eshum, 10. REUTERS/Adrees Latif

Aasia Bibi has just been acquitted for blasphemy charges. But Imran Khan’s government has now curtailed her human rights. Jahanzeb Hussain asks, ‘Where is the outrage?’

Bolsonaro, whose middle name is ‘Messiah’, was the perfect bait for Christians, says Pamela Machado.

Cambridge Analytica – the disbanded data analytics company that allegedly used its software to create and disseminate hateful and inciting messages – in relation to Trump and Brexit, the company also played a nefarious role disseminating fake news in Africa.  In Nigeria, it tried to influence the 2015 election

Misinformation is rife, but it’s nothing new, writes Nanjala Nyabola.

Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of an independent Congo. But the former colonial masters Belgium, along with the CIA, conspired to have him overthrown and killed. This comic by ILYA  (with Yohann Koshy) tells the tragic story of Lumumba’s rise and fall.

The tragic, heroic story of Congo’s first prime minister. By ILYA.

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Latest issue

October 2018, Issue 516

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Written in stone
  • The personality crisis
  • Hall of Infamy – Elon Musk
  • Debate: the West and aid to Africa
  • The devil and the deep blue sea

Latest from New Internationalist

Cambridge Analytica – the disbanded data analytics company that allegedly used its software to create and disseminate hateful and inciting messages – in relation to Trump and Brexit, the company also played a nefarious role disseminating fake news in Africa.  In Nigeria, it tried to influence the 2015 election
The daughters of Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi pose with an image of their mother while standing outside their residence in Sheikhupura located in Pakistan's Punjab Province November 13, 2010. Standing left to right is Esha, 12, Sidra, 18 and Eshum, 10. REUTERS/Adrees Latif
Black Lives Matter protest
Director of Peterloo, Mike Leigh
Extreme-right leader Jair Bolsonaro at the polls in Rio di Janero
Jeff Bezos must be stopped, writes Mark Engler. Nobody is calling to task Amazon's dirty work. About 165 billion packages are shipped in the US each year.

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