This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Michael Fox
  • TOPICS: Fascism and the political situation in Brazil.

The “Wisconsin Idea” Strikes Back!  Scott Walker Loses, Truth and the Human Condition Wins!

Early morning November 7th delivered jolly good news for Wisconsin. Butler (and sometimes Pinkerton) to Wichita’s dirty oil and coal billionaire Koch Brothers, Governor Scott Walker, lost his re-election bid. Late Tuesday night, Rick (aka, “Speculum”) Santorum, sallied forth with a hurrah that GOP Scott Walker was an “unkillable Zombie” on track to win again! With over 97% of the vote in, Walker looked to have another race in the bag in once progressive Wisconsin. But, then 45,000 absentee ballots from urban Milwaukee County came to the rescue, thus knocking off Santorum’s zombie. More

With Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Israel Finds Another Natural Partner on the Far-Right

The victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential election last week has won Israel a passionate new friend on the international stage. The world’s fifth-most populous nation will now be “coloured in blue and white”, an Israeli official said, referring to the colours of Israel’s flag. More

The Dystopian Future of Facebook

In 2017 Facebook said they could detect teenagers’ moods and emotions such as feeling nervous and insecure by their entries, a claim they denied later, adding we do not, “offer tools to target people based on their emotional state”. The internal report was written by two Australian executives-Andy Sinn and David Fernandez. The report according to The Guardian was written for a large bank and said that, “the company has a database of its young users – 1.9 million high schoolers, 1.5 million tertiary students and 3 million young workers”. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Child Separators

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on building a movement against ICE. Trump vs. the Intelligence Agencies by Mel Goodman; The Browning of the Left by Dan Glazebrook; Mexico Under AMLO by Kent Paterson; Who’s Afraid of Hannah Arendt by Michael Dolinar; The Violence of Capitalism by Ron Jacobs; The Psychology of the Rich by Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark; Summer of Fire by Jeffrey St. Clair; The Hell We are Now In by Chris Floyd; Is the Universal Basic Income Worth the Fight? by Pete Dolack; What Color is Music? Lee Ballinger.

The Rogues’ Gallery
