Everyone loves it until they're on it


  • Ep 40 - Missing Mark

    Mark Latham’s Studio 10 no-show sparks three days of fury from host Joe Hildebrand.

True-blue ScoMo

The PM road tests some new media slogans during his Queensland bus tour.

Media freeze

Prime7 Central West is locked out by the local MP but they’re not alone.

Cancer confusion

Today Extra story linking mobile phones to cancer misleads viewers.

Just Married

Pauline Hanson and Mark Latham together at last, but day one with Latham barely in the hot seat, how long will the honeymoon last? #MediaWatch #MediaBites

Fury at the Mail

Can anything stop the Daily Mail and its brazen theft of other people’s yarns? Journalists share their anger at how the popular website rips off their work and ideas.

Left Wing Bomb Plot?

Stupid questions for Charlie Sheen, CNN bomb threat a left-wing plot? ScoMo's gender gaffe, rebel moo by Sunrise cash cow, and NW's Miley Cyrus lie.



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