Grecia: Afiche en solidaridad con la compañera anarquista encarcelada Aggeliki Spyropoulou

November 3rd, 2018

NOTA DE INSTINTO SALVAJE: Se ha traducido el afiche al español como un pequeño gesto a la compañera y para adherir a realizar cualquier gesto en solidaridad con todxs lxs combatientes en prisión.

Afiche en solidaridad con Aggeliki Spyropoulou, compañera anarquista encarcelada en el caso del intento de fuga de CCF. La compañera fue condenada a 28 años de prisión por su participación en el intento de evasión en el 2015, que consistía en volar una parte de la prisión de Korydallos y liberar a lxs miembros encarceladxs de Conspiración de las Células de Fuego.

Para escribir a Aggeliki:

Aggeliki Spyropoulou
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
Gynaikeies Fylakes
T.K. 18110

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Lessons Regarding Warfare: On Confronting J20 Repression (USA)

November 3rd, 2018

Receive and transmit:

A critical and at times biting look back on the fight against J20 repression. This text will hopefully lead to more reflections, responses, and above all – critical reflection as we look back and assess our own activity.

I’m a former J20 defendant.

Off the bat, I want to say that I only speak for myself. I’ve learned this is important. No one has permission to speak for me, and I don’t permit myself to speak for anyone else. I think this is the common mistake made by “organizations” of any form, all these tiny Leviathans that pick up this or that cause, on behalf of such and such people: their project is still representation, the creation of subjects and sovereigns, still business as usual. In the end, I think they manage our struggles for us.

Our struggles need to be direct. They have to emerge directly from within our own lives, our particular situations, and we need to embrace a willingness to confront them. No one is coming to liberate us but ourselves. I think this is a good thing however, it means there’s no one to wait for.

I’m not going to discuss what happened on January 20th, 2017. The majority of ex-defendants had their charges dismissed without prejudice, and in addition to possibly placing them at risk, recounting a few (allegedly) shattered windows during a largely symbolic protest doesn’t mean nearly as much to me as the last eighteen months of concentrated, intense state repression. Read the rest of this entry »

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Indonesia: ‘No (ITS), ¡No Seguirás Adelante!’ por Eat

November 1st, 2018

EN: ‘No (ITS), You Will Not Go On Forward!’ by Eat (Indonesia)

Han pasado tanta mierda de parte de la llamada pandilla Eco-Extremista y de todas sus porristas misántropas, nihilista y aspirantes. Encontré su texto del año pasado, “El mito anarquista“, lleno de cristianismo vulgar que esconden como eco-extremismo. Vamos, ¿es esto lo mejor que pueden hacer? ¿Afirmando haber matado a personas sin esperanza en alguna ocasión? Y leyendo sus amenazas de muerte mientras publicas fotos de alguien que asesinaste (según tu reivindicación, por supuesto), es realmente divertido, no, realmente lo es (realmente me río, literalmente cuando leo los comunicados y las fotografías, ¿qué mierda?).



[Abrir con el navegador TOR]

Tengo que decir, este comunicado hace mi día, es jodidamente hilarante.

Después de que tu fea cabeza calva, Abe, haya sido expuesta, comenzaste a actuar como el imbécil infantil que todos ustedes son. ¿Sus estúpidos teóricos de América del Norte y tu pequeño grupo de porristas en Europa? Read the rest of this entry »

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Flyposter in solidarity to imprisoned anarchist comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou (Greece)

November 1st, 2018

Poster Aggeliki

Solidarity flyposter for Aggeliki Spyropoulou, imprisoned anarchist comrade in the CCF Escape case. The comrade was sentenced to 28 years in prison for her involvement in the 2015 escape attempt to blow up part of Korydallos Prison and free the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

Write to Aggeliki:

Aggeliki Spyropoulou
Dikastiki Fylaki Korydallou
Gynaikeies Fylakes
T.K. 18110

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Italy : Flyer text from ‘NOT JUST A MEETING’ 2-3 Oct 2018, against the Singularity University Summit

November 1st, 2018

Via TracesOfFire:

The “Singularity” is a metaphor taken from the physics of Ray Kuezweil, founder of the Singularity University, used to describe the technological process that will manage to combine human being with technology. That’s the reason why the Singularity University has the purpose of teaching the leaders how to apply modern exponential technologies to anthropological, social and ecologic changes required by the technological world.

This aim clearly succeeds in preparing the best transhumanist researchers and directors of the world since some of them merge with the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the most important research universities of the world; with the DARPA, a governmental institution of the United States Department of Defense for the development of new technologies for military use; With Google, Microsoft and others… Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Mexico: Anarchist Prisoner Miguel Peralta Sentenced to 50 Years Imprisonment

November 1st, 2018

On October 26th, our comrade Miguel Ángel Peralta was notified that the judge has found him criminally liable for the commission of the crime of attempted homicide against Eliza Zepeda Lagunas (former municipal president of Eloxochitlán and now a local member of MORENA / National Regeneration Movement for District 04 of Teotitlán, Oaxaca). The judge imposed a penalty of 50 years imprisonment against Miguel and his brother Manuel, as well as a financial penalty of 150,000 pesos compensation for damages.

For this reason, Miguel has decided to end the hunger strike that he began on October 19th, to regain his strength and to focus on continuing a second stage to obtain his freedom.

Freedom for all!

Down with the walls of the prisons!

Previous Article on ActForFreedomNow about Miguel beginning the hunger strike.


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Milan: Villa Vegan squat is under eviction! Days of resistance! (Italy)

November 1st, 2018


In recent days it has come rumor that they want to evict Villa Vegan Tuesday, October 30th.

We believe it is a trust information and we are determined to resist, so let’s make a call to all the people in solidarity reach us to prepare together resistance and mobilization against the eviction. It is welcome anyone who wants to support the place, who has crossed over the years, who has carried on the struggles that here have found complicity, all the comrades who they think that if they want to evict an anarchist space occupied by 20 years must cost him dear.

In all these years of occupation Villa Vegan has hosted comrades from all over the world, has given logistical support to many self-managed projects, especially those from the hardcore punk scene, and a lots of fights, including those of against prison system and in solidarity to prisoners, ecologists and for liberation animal, against racism and CIEs (renamed then CPR), transfeminist queer and against gender violence, antifascist; struggles that refuse relations with institutions and always in opposition to the capitalist system and the state. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

In Arkhangelsk anarchist Misha Zhlobitsky explodes FSB reception (Russia)

November 1st, 2018

October 31, 2018 8:52 local time in the city of Arkhangelsk at the entrance to the reception room of the Regional Directorate of the FSB of the Russian Federation in the Arkhangelsk Region an explosion was heard. The rebel anarchist Mikhail Vasilievich Zhlobitsky, also known in the Telegram channel as Valerian Panov, blew himself up. This is the first case of anarchists undermining the FSB in 19 years – the previous attack was organized in 1999 against the reception office of the FSB in Moscow by the New Revolutionary Alternative organization.

Mikhail Zhlobitsky died as a result of a self-detonation, causing injuries of varying severity to three FSB officers. He was 17 years old.

A few minutes before the explosion, the anarchist left a message in the chat group under the nickname Valerian Panov. Here is what he wrote: Read the rest of this entry »

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Montanaso Lombardo, Italy: Greenhouses of the CREA Research Center Destroyed

October 29th, 2018

On the night of October 2nd, with the half-moon as an accomplice who discreetly guided our steps without exposing us too much, we entered the property of the CREA Research Center of Montanaso Lombardo (Lombardi). We devastated the institute’s four big greenhouses, destroying almost all of the experimental plants they contain.

It is not surprising that the media have remained silent about this action, despite the serious damage done to their research: indeed, the CREA research centers are under the direct control of the government, who have every interest in concealing the actions that put spanners in the works of their projects.

CREA specializes in the sequencing and genetic engineering of plants and hyper-technological modernization of agriculture and livestock. Their latest research, funded by the government, is focusing on the development of the so-called GMO 2.0.

We will not passively observe the umpteenth project that manipulates the living by annihilating spontaneity in the name of profit. Before leaving, we left some huge slogans inside the greenhouses: “NO BIOTECH”, “NEITHER OLD NOR NEW GMO” and “HAMBACH RESISTS”.

Solidarity with those who fight in defense of the earth against industrial civilization.

Greetings of complicity to the comrades affected by the Scripta Manent and Panic operations.

Anarchists Against the Misery of the Existent


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About the arrested comrades – Call for solidarity with Silesian 2 (Poland)

October 29th, 2018

Poland, Katowice 2015, AntiCongress (AntyKongres): Anarchist comrades living in Poland organised Anticongress, a protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) held in Katowice, Poland. Anarchists organised demonstrations, lectures and in the evening decided to scout an abandoned building to protest against capitalism and the economic decisions taken above our heads by politicians and bourgeois and against housing policy in Poland. The police tried to get inside and throw them out and silenced the voices of opposition preventing to disrupt the meetings at EEC. Our comrades defended bravely and fearlessly throwing petards [small explosives] and bottles but in the morning antiterrorists break through using stun grenades and arrested 21 anarchists. Read the rest of this entry »

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Two comrades are imprisoned in Poland for protesting against the European Economic Congress

October 29th, 2018

On 19 October our two comrades were arrested because of a court sentence given to them for taking part in anarchist protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) 2015 which was held in Katowice.

Our friends where sentenced to community services because of the crime called “infringement of privacy”. They were protesting in empty abandoned tenement house which was city property. They wanted to protest against the inherent contradiction between empty property and homelessness and to show injustice of savage capitalism.

Arrest is a consequence of avoiding these community services. One of activists went to prison for 2 months till 15 of December. He is kept in prison in Tarnowskie Góry (Silesian region). From the very beginning he started hunger strike, because he doesn’t have possibility to eat vegan food. Administration refused to pass him warm clothes. The cell is not heated and he has no any jacket. According to official rules, prison keeps 50% of all money income. Anyway, director of this penal facility doesn’t allow him to use prison shop, or to buy food for him during dates with visitors.

About the other detainee we have no information. Police didn’t want to inform anybody about his situation, because of formal causes (administration refuse to allow him date with relatives, because he doesn’t remember the exact address of their place of residence). That is why we don’t know the condition of his imprisonment. Read the rest of this entry »

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Spain: Six anarchists arrested in Murcia

October 28th, 2018

Six anarchists have been arrested in Murcia by the Spanish National Police who accuse them of being responsible for several explosive and incendiary attacks against infrastructure including pylons. The six anarchists aged 21 to 27 are accused of possession, storage and trafficking of explosives, and property damage. This operation follows an arrest and search that took place in June this year in the town of Molina de Segura (Murcia region), during which a young anarchist was arrested and explosive material seized. Thirty similar actions in their equipment and targets took place in Murcia. The six anarchists arrested are charged for the last nine attacks.


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From the US Prison Strike to the Greek Prison Struggle: An Interview with Imprisoned Anarchist Christos Tsakalos

October 27th, 2018

From It’s Going Down:

Below is an interview with Greek anarchist prisoner Christos Tsakalos that discusses the situation of heightened repression and resistance inside of Greek prisons, and discusses the influence of the US prison strike on Greek prisoners.

The following is an interview with anarchist political prisoner Christos Tsakalos who is currently in his 7th year of 180 year prison sentence in the Korydallos prison of Athens, Greece. He is accused of association with the revolutionary group known as the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire or CCF. Christos has refused to ever claim innocence as he refuses to kneel with remorse for acting against his enemy the state and capitalist society. He was caught while on the run from the state in 2011 in the city of Volos. He has been accused of bank robbery, participating in dozens of actions against the state and capitalism claimed by CCF, and given 115 years for a prison escape in itself. He has remained active throughout his time in prison, and has shown inspiring integrity in his refusal to cooperate or compromise with the state.

CCF was a group that was formed out of the December 2008 uprising in Greece that resulted from the police murder of a 16 year old boy Alexandros Grigoropoulos. The group saw defeat and futility in the street protests happening both in reaction to this murder, plus the dawning austerity of the 2008 crisis, and began a clandestine campaign of revolutionary action. With an extreme effort by the state to crack down on “terrorist” groups, CCF faced an extensive operation against them, resulting in the imprisonment of alleged and admitted members, plus a new dawn of modern surveillance and counter-insurgency strategies by the typically disorganized Greek state.

Christos is one of many political prisoners in Greece who have remained active in prison, and has openly declared solidarity with the prison strikes happening in the USA. There have been solidarity actions in Greece this year alone at the Korydallos and Larissa prisons of Greece. Read the rest of this entry »

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Berlin, Germany: Arson Attack Against a Securitas Patrol Vehicle by ‘Amad Ahmad’ Cell FAI-FRI

October 27th, 2018

Berlin, October 15th, 2018

The anarchist movement has sharpened it’s profile. This has meant that the repression against us has intensified in recent years. From Germany, the G20 has triggered an increase in activity by security agencies because they have realized that they are not in control of us and it became so obvious that a response was necessary. The destruction in Hamburg, the lack of compromise and the determination of the hooded ones hit them exactly where it was intended. Uncertainty was triggered there, in a place where people people’s property defines themselves and their complicity in a warring society. The luxury automobile or the patrol car on the verge of becoming a pile of charred plastic – a casualness towards the war against the poor, the outcast and the inept.

Following the publication of the text ‘The Insurgent’s Autism’, in issue 9, June 2018 of the eco-anarchist publication Fenrir, we felt an urge to respond. And for a moment we attack the illusion of security in this society in a very specific place to engage in communication and open a space for discussion.

…We do not know what to think regarding what out comrade Alfredo Cospito is saying when he speaks about a vision of an anarchist praxis that would become more dangerous because it keeps on experimenting. We can only speak for ourselves, that we have become more dangerous and are quite successful because the power misjudges our real potential. The willingness to remain alone, the claiming of total responsibility for our destiny… Read the rest of this entry »

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