Submission Guidelines

Online Submissions and Pitches

Going Down Swinging publishes creative non-fiction, spoken word, commentary, essays, comics and experimental work online.

We want work that is relevant but timeless, and appeals to both an Australian and international audience. We want work that dances on the boundaries and punches you in the gut. We fall hard for work that was born to be online and work that doesn’t belong anywhere else. Dip into our archives and current features to get a feel for what we’re looking for.

We generally publish pieces up to 2,000 words in length, but we can be convinced to break our own rules for a piece that breaks our hearts. If you are pitching, please also send links to examples of other work you’ve done, if you have them. This helps us get a feel for the tone and personality of your writing, and to find out whether it’s a perfect match. We are also happy to receive submissions in full.

We pay all our contributors. Payment is dependant on the length, format and other specifics of the piece.

There’s no limit to how many pitches you can send, but please only send us your best and brightest ideas. We generally only accept work that has not been published elsewhere.

Submissions and pitches for online should be sent to

Online Artwork/Illustration Expressions of Interest

We are always giddy to hear from artists and illustrators who may have an online project in mind, a piece they think suits GDS online, or who just want to keep in touch. We often commission illustrations to accompany our feature pieces, so if you’re handy with these kinds of things get in touch with links and/or attachments of previous work, and any ideas you’ve been saving for a rainy day.

We pay all our contributors. Payment is dependant on the specifics of the work/project.

Artwork/illustration expressions of interest for online should be sent to

Print Submissions

Submissions for our upcoming print publication are closed. 

Our 39th edition will celebrate the best genre writing in Australia and beyond. We want it all: YA fic, romance, necromantic devotional poetry, spoken word, comics, fan fiction, scripts, confessional journalism, spec fic, apocryphal hagiographies, crime, plays, copywriting, comedy, adventure stories, food writing, the list goes on.

If your work doesn’t fit into a box, don’t worry – we’ll make one for you. Keep an eye on our social media and mailing list for updates on the upcoming edition.
