5283ca016a3cf5731f8338cda26d37e3By Emma Mud and Josh Sims

Pride is political again! All wings of the LGBTQ community seem to be in agreement on that. Calls to put debates to one side and delegate decisions to a “board” or to common sense are gone, replaced with hui in which the issue of cops at our parade can be discussed in lively detail. Not all is perfect. Far from it; one Māori woman prominent in PAPA was spat on by a member of the pro-police contingent, a frightening reminder of just how close behind civil debate outright violence can be. But we should take heart! Whereas three years ago it was lamented that protests lead by NPIP (now PAPA) were making Pride political, now our relationship to the police is opened up as a topic for acknowledged debate. People have to pick sides. Spiralling out of these arguments come questions regarding the nature of both corporations and the military.


Capitalist power isn’t facing the guillotine yet, but court is in session. What then, is the prosecution saying?
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United NZEI and PPTA Action Can Win

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From the archive

Anzac Day: Against the Carnival of Reaction

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