
6th National Desiree Alliance Conference

The Sex Worker Rights Movement:
Addressing Justice

July 10-15th , 2016
New Orleans, LA

If you’re interested in volunteering for this conference, please email us at 
Contact us if you have further questions.

Conference Scholarship Application Guidelines can be found here in English or Spanish

The deadline for scholarship applications will be announced. Please email us if you have further questions.

To register for the conference in 2016:

You are required to first send an email introductory to Once we have received that, we will send you the web address for our registration process. Please send us an introductory letter as soon as you can after we announce the next conference dates and location.

In your introductory letter, please include the following:

  • Name, email address, and contact phone number (including best time to call)

  • How you found out about the conference

  • Why you would like to come

  • If you are a student (this will enable you to register as a student to get a student discount. If you say you are a student, you must attach a scanned copy of your current student ID with your email to get the discount code)

  • If you plan to present

Please send your introductory email to with “Introduction for Registration” as the subject. You will receive an auto-reply from ‘register’ to confirm receipt of your email. If you do not receive this, please re-send.

When you register for the conference, you will be asked for general information on your registration form. PLEASE NOTE that all registrants will be placed in the directory UNLESS you check the box that opts you out of the directory.

Once more- we will have limited space this time, so register early!

Registration fees for the conference include:

    • Attendance at any or all of the workshops, presentations, and sessions

    • Name badge and registration packet

    • Some food
    • Childcare during the conference
    • Special discounted room rates
  • The opportunity to meet amazing people!

Registration fees do not include:

  • Transportation

  • Lodging

  • Extra curricular activities

  • Fundraiser after party (you will have the option of purchasing a ticket during registration, and early registrants get a discount)
  • Souvenirs, personal expenses, etc.
  • Dinners are NOT included

See Logistics for suggestions.

Contact us if you have further questions.

Registration will take place in three stages: Early, Regular, and Late.

Please email us at for info.

The following delegate fees apply*:

PLEASE NOTE: If you are waiting for notice on your proposal, please email us and let us know your name, the title of your presentation and the date of submission.

Category Early
(11/30, 2015-02/28, 2016)
(02/29-04/24, 2016)
(04/25-07/1, 2016)

Registration Fee

$225 $275 $325
Student Fee** $200 $250 $275
Group Fee* -$10 -$10 -$10

* A small service fee will be added onto your total by online the registration and payment services.

**Group fee: When 10 or more registrations are made and paid for from the same source

***Student fee: Must provide proof of enrolment for school (student ID)

Your registration will read as “Pending” until payment has been received. You may opt to pay by credit card and/or Debit Card. Nobody is eligible for double discounts (i.e., you may be both a student and a presenter, but you only qualify for one discount).

If you’re interested in volunteering for this conference, please email us