The emergency is the “extent, severity, pace and closing window of opportunity to avoid potentially catastrophic outcomes”
Main Content
Did the National Enquirer blackmail Amazon’s Jeff Bezos to Protect the Saudi Crown Prince?
Bezos alleges that the investigation of the Saudi connection most alarmed Mr. Pecker, and precipitated the attempt to blackmail the Amazon CEO
“Sun is Setting on Dirty Energy:” Green New Deal Resolution’s New Era of Climate Action
By Jake Johnson, staff writer | – ( – “When we look back on today, this will be the moment we will be able to […]
“Make America Cruel Again:” Trump’s War on Immigrants
The U.S. government “is allowing people who would otherwise qualify for resettlement to live under conditions that could kill them.”
Iran Politics a “Powderkeg” of Corruption and Repression as Revolution Turns 40
Concern over corruption by successive governments has become a “powderkeg”
Congress Toughening toward Saudis amid Report Prince Threatened ‘Bullet’ for Khashoggi
US intelligence understood that the ambitious 33-year-old heir apparent was ready to kill the journalist
Last 5 Years Hottest on Record: NASA, NOAA; & World Hotter than any time in 120,000 years
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The National Space and Aeronautics Agency (NASA) and its sister agency NOAA report that the past 5 years are the […]
Grand Ayatollah Sistani Slaps down Trump: You may not use Iraq against its Neighbors
“Iraq wants balanced relations with neighboring countries, avoiding interfering in their internal affairs or detracting from their sovereignty.”
Lawsuit Against Salaita & American Studies Assn for Boycotting Israel Dismissed
These desperate lawsuits brought to silence advocates of Palestinian rights make it even clearer who wants to silence debate
Labor Strikes, once Blunted by GOP and Corporations, are Back and Shaping Public Policy
The teachers strikes have been focused on demands that have a major impact on the quality of classroom instruction