
eX-detainees’ Message to the Refugee Sector in Australia

If you are wondering what we should do after Scott Morrison’s Liberal government winning the federal election 2019; Here are a few eX-detainees' recommendations at RISE for you to consider. Our eX-detainee members have been saying this for years but it has been brushed aside by the whole refugee sector. Enough is Enough, regardless whether it is the Labor government or Liberal government, you have to fight for the aboli...tion of detention centres not “small wins”.

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Nothing About Us Without Us

All money raised will go directly into the following areas:


- Advocacy Case-work and Campaigns (Case work clinic, resource case work and campaigning)
- Settlement Support Services (Free Driving Program; Employment and Training support Services etc.)
- Drop-In Centre open 10am - 6pm all week (includes Resource Library, Food Bank, Computer Pod with internet access and resume clinic, workshops, Arts and Educational Programs)

Your support will allow us to continue challenging the harmful policies and discourses which surround eX-detainees, Asylum seekers and Refugees which pervade social and political spheres both locally and globally.

$2+ Tax deductible :


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We will not be silenced.
#StudentWalkOut RISE eX-detainees, calling for students across Australia to take actions against the Australian Government for its inhumane treatment of refugees in Australian-run detention centres both offshore and onshore. #ShutDownAllDetentionCentres
eX-detainees Request Student Walk Out in Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Australia's Detention Camps. March 6 at 1pm. If you are a student share with your networks Event details #StudentWalkOut