Equal Love rally Sydney
Equal love rally Sydney continued
Dylan Voller speaks in Sydney

Bolsonaro has praised military rule and threatened to "clean up" activists and supporters of left parties. His support is a product of Brazil’s economic collapse and disillusionment with the Workers’ Party.

Brazil has a far right president after Jair Bolsonaro won 55 per cent in the final run-off election. His surge in support is a product of Brazil’s economic collapse and disillusionment with the Workers’ Party.

Brazil has a far right president after Jair Bolsonaro won 55 per cent in the final run-off election. His victory, in Latin America’s largest country, is another sign of the rise of the far right internationally. Bolsonaro has described himself as “homophobic—and very proud of it”, said women should be paid less than men and told a female parliamentarian, “I would never rape you because you don’t deserve it.” He has called black people “animals” who should “go back to the zoo”. Join Solidarity for a talk and discussion about the rise of the far right in Brazil and the resistance.

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