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Trump's budget request for border wall faces defeat.

“…a clear abuse of power that should offend any patriotic, Constitution-loving American.” (Houston Chronicle editorial) President Trump’s emergency declaration announcement is unpopular and unconstitutional, losing in the court of public opinion and soon in the actual courts. The burden now falls on Republicans to declare whether they stand with Trump or with the American people … Continue reading »

New Gallup poll, showing strong and growing opposition to wall and 81% support for citizenship, latest reminder that the more Trump talks the more people oppose him Amidst long blocs of executive time, President Trump is preparing for tomorrow night’s State of the Union address and undoubtedly planning to keep a focus on his border … Continue reading »

Trump turns every day more into a one-note president obsessed with building a wall at our southern border, several recent polls demonstrate that voters now trust Democrats more than Trump and Republicans on border security issues. In fact, under Trump, the country as a whole has become more pro-immigrant by a number of measures. According … Continue reading »

Polling released this week from Quinnipiac and Washington Post/ABC underscore the ongoing damage to Trump and the GOP over their continued obsession with the border wall. As Trump’s overall approval ratings decline, more Americans now trust congressional Democrats to handle border security issues than Trump and the country overwhelmingly wants elected officials to avoid another … Continue reading »

New polls from CBS News and Politico/Morning Consult continue to find that Trump and Republicans are being blamed for the government shutdown. CBS News polling released today: By a 71-28 percent margin, Americans say the border wall is not worth a government shutdown. By partisan affiliation: Democrats: By 92-7 percent, say wall not worth the … Continue reading »