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Polls start to close in midterm elections with Trump's agenda on the line

Polls start to close in midterm elections with Trump's agenda on the line

Millions of voters have lined up at polling stations across the US for the most hotly anticipated midterms in a generation. Follow our live coverage.

  • by Rachel Olding, Matthew Knott & Rachel Clun

The Great Super Lie: A new report challenges how much we need to retire

The Great Super Lie: A new report challenges how much we need to retire

The superannuation industry has spent decades convincing us our savings are inadequate. But now, at long last, the Great Super Lie has been exposed.

  • by Ross Gittins

Surfer in hospital after fighting off shark with his surfboard

Surfer in hospital after fighting off shark with his surfboard

"[The shark] grabbed him on the leg and pulled him off the board. He used the board to belt the shark away," said Ballina Shire mayor David Wright.

  • by Rachel Clun

'Fear and chaos': Wall Street could be rocked by midterms, warns Nobel prize winner

'Fear and chaos': Wall Street could be rocked by midterms, warns Nobel prize winner

Economist Robert Shiller says Wall Street is vulnerable to another swoon, especially if the midterms don't go Donald Trump's way.

More top stories

'Contradictory': The Sydney bus ads that are sending mixed messages

'Contradictory': The Sydney bus ads that are sending mixed messages

The NSW government has been warned it is risking its own childhood obesity prevention efforts by taking junk food advertising money.

  • by Esther Han
Is this Sydney's next late-night hotspot?

Is this Sydney's next late-night hotspot?

Breweries and eateries could transform a pocket of industrial land in Sydney's south into the next night-time drawcard.

  • by Megan Gorrey
Killing the copycat: Bee hive company wins epic battle

Killing the copycat: Bee hive company wins epic battle

The Australian inventors of Flow Hive has won a battle against a copycat in a case that gives hope to other inventors.

  • by Nina Hendy
Latham joins One Nation to 'fight for civilisational values'

Latham joins One Nation to 'fight for civilisational values'

"I’m in a position and a stage in life where I just can’t stand on the sideline talking about it," Latham said .

  • by Michael Koziol
As Trump wages trade war, China approves new trademarks for Ivanka

As Trump wages trade war, China approves new trademarks for Ivanka

The trademarks include shoes, shirts and sunglasses and less obvious fits such as voting machines and semiconductors.

  • by Austin Ramzy



Opinion & Perspectives

Growing up gay in a Christian school had lasting effects on my life

When I was 12, my parents sent me to a Christian high school.  While this may have been well intentioned, there is something neither they or I knew which may have influenced their decision: I was gay.

Oliver Griffith

The only sure thing is it was tough to pick a winner

The pollies with the inside tips, the money men and their quantitative analysts, and even some of the bookies lost at Flemington.

Kylar Loussikian
Kylar Loussikian

A breast reduction lifted a painful weight from my life

"I started wearing a bra at age 11, and they just kept on getting bigger. It was like my boobs had a growth hormone all their own."

Alison Cassar
Alison Cassar


Mark Latham will contest NSW election with One Nation to 'fight for civilisational values'

Mark Latham will contest NSW election with One Nation to 'fight for civilisational values'

"I’m in a position and a stage in life where I just can’t stand on the sideline talking about it, I want to get stuck in," the former Labor leader said.

  • by Michael Koziol


Property bydomain

Generation rent could be left in poverty by retirement age: report

Generation rent could be left in poverty by retirement age: report

Australia's increasing cohort of lifelong renters are at risk of living in poverty in retirement, claiming the current system is ill-prepared to care for them.

  • by Jim Malo
Number of Sydney pet-friendly rentals slumps, leaving owners struggling

Number of Sydney pet-friendly rentals slumps, leaving owners struggling

62 per cent of Australian households have pets – one of the highest rates in the world – but study finds only 5 per cent in NSW explicitly allow them.

  • by Sue Williams


Are gun stocks forecasting the US midterm elections outcome?

Are gun stocks forecasting the US midterm elections outcome?

Everyone wants to read market tea leaves for a view on the US elections. Gun stocks are one such leaf -- but formulating a thesis from them is a fraught exercise.

  • by Brad Olesen

Small business



Is it time to think of ASMR videos as art?

Is it time to think of ASMR videos as art?

They're edgy, unnerving and almost avant-garde.

  • by Karen Heller
Love Actually turns 15: The movie's 15 sweetest, funniest and saddest quotes

Love Actually turns 15: The movie's 15 sweetest, funniest and saddest quotes

From cue cards to Titanic, Love Actually gave birth to some brilliant cinema moments that are still as poignant today.



Smarter living

What is the Ketogenic Diet and is it any good for you

What is the Ketogenic Diet and is it any good for you

It's swept through the fitness folks but is the infamous Ketogenic Diet worth the hype?

  • by Michael Jarosky
One in four Australians do not know their neighbours

One in four Australians do not know their neighbours

New research by HSBC Bank has found that nearly one in five Australians only know their neighbours by sight and seven per cent wouldn't know them if they fell over them.

  • by Angela Saurine

Food bygoodfood

Travel bytraveller

Cars bydrive


Bowman hit with one month suspension over Melbourne Cup indiscretions

Bowman hit with one month suspension over Melbourne Cup indiscretions

Winx's jockey copped three different charges from stewards over his ride on this year's Melbourne Cup runner-up Marmelo.

  • by Adam Pengilly
Wallabies hookers to take more ownership of floundering lineout

Wallabies hookers to take more ownership of floundering lineout

Australia's hookers know they need to lift their game if they are to beat Wales on the weekend.

  • by Tom Decent


Burgess banned for NRL openers over eye-gouging

Burgess banned for NRL openers over eye-gouging

  • by Ian Laybourn
Merrin sought for Super League marquee contract

Merrin sought for Super League marquee contract

  • by Ian Laybourn
Hasler brings Manly band back on official return

Hasler brings Manly band back on official return

  • by Scott Bailey and Matt Encarnacion


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