The Ed Morrissey Show

The Ed Morrissey Show (#TEMS on Twitter) airs most Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-5:30 ET. It’s cool chat and hot politics with newsmakers and pulsetakers. Andrew Malcolm, the Prince of Twitter, and Duane “Generalissimo” Patterson are regular co-hosts, plus we have great guests on each show. Every show airs live here on the TEMS page, and then embedded back into the day’s show post after the show finishes.

Now you can join the conversation in the chat room! Be sure to register at Ustream to participate in our raucous live-chat sessions. (And if the log-in prompt doesn’t come up in the chat box below, use this link instead.) The Monster and Duke of the Dance moderate the chat room — the interactive feature for viewers to participate in the show. Be sure to get there early!

Note: We simulcast over Facebook Live on Hot Air’s Facebook page. Be sure to join us there and jump into the comments!


If the new Java-based chat does not work well for you, try refreshing your browser after first allowing for the Java application to run. If that still doesn’t work, join us through the Ustream channel page for TEMS!

Want to see all episodes of The Ed Morrissey Show? Add the RSS feed to your reader and keep them handy!