February 2012
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Month February 2012

Download Sedition

Sedition, a joint publication between MAC, Jura and Organise!, was launched last night at MAC. You can download it by going to the following permalink: anarchy.org.au/sedition.

Sedition will be launched in Sydney on Saturday March 10 at Jura Books from 3pm.

Any future editions will also be posted there. We will also publish some of the articles on this site over the coming weeks.

Up and running

anarchy.org.au is now a fully operational deathstar dilapidated menacing satellite. Over the coming weeks the site should be updated a bit more. There are launch parties happening tonight in Sydney and Adelaide for Sedition, a joint publication between Organise!, Melbourne Anarchist Club and Jura. More on that later.

The site will be administered solely by MAC for now, but we’ll be opening it up to others as time and organisation allows (within the next few months hopefully). In the meantime, we’ll be using this site to gather news and announcements relevant to anarchists in Australia, as well as providing resources and reading materials. There’ll also be an archive which will be gradually built up.

If you are part of a like-minded group in Australia, you can send us an email and we’ll add your group to our links and directory: mac@anarchy.org.au.

Feel free to leave suggestions for content in the comments.

Anarchy.org.au relaunch

Anarchy.org.au will be relaunching on February 25, 2012. In the meantime, we’re going to muck around with the code a bit until we’re a fully operational deathstar.