Susan Dauchand exits a voting booth after making her selections in the mid-term election in Mechanic Falls, Maine.

Exit polls show dissatisfaction with Trump

Counting is under way in America's referendum on Donald Trump, after a day of surging voter turnout, long queues outside polling booths and exit polls pointing to dissatisfaction with the President.

Democrats seek to capture US Congress

Early results in the US mid-terms have begun to trickle in as Americans cast votes to decide whether Trump's fellow Republicans maintain their grip on the US Congress.

Chinese developers flee 'dire' market

Chinese developers are steering away from expensive inner city site purchases for apartment projects as they wait out the 'dire' housing downturn and the uncertainty of next year's federal election.

ASX flat on subdued day of trading

Australian shares are trading flat going into the final few hours of trading with only very minor gains and losses being made by the index heavyweights.

Bega Cheese has opted to sell its stake in Capilano Honey.

Bega abandons Capilano Honey battle

The sting is out of the battle for Capilano Honey with Bega Cheese abandoning any plans to launch a takeover to rival one supported by Kerry Stokes.

The University Pathways business runs courses for students who don't qualify for university, either because they don't ...

Navitas' big pitch to BGH

Navitas management will this week meet Ben Gray's BGH Capital to show why it's worth more than $5.50 a share.

Westpac's executives take 25pc hit on pay

Westpac CEO Brian Hartzer and his group executives have had their bonuses cut, taking some accountability for the bank's poor performance in the wake of the banking royal commission.

Higher funding costs hit CBA.

Higher funding costs hit CBA margins

Higher funding costs has compressed Commonwealth Bank's net interest margin in the three months to the end of September, in which it made a cash profit of around $2.5 billion.

The sheer scale of Danske's dirty money scandal, much of which overlapped Ole Andersen's tenure, made his continued ...

Danske chair forced out over scandal

As Danske Bank finds itself at the centre of one of Europe's worst money laundering scandals, main shareholder A.P. Moller used its roughly 20 per cent stake to force out chairman Ole Andersen.


Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor is insisting retailers cut their electricity prices on January 1.

Power retailers mum on price cuts

Power retailing CEOs have got behind a proposal to bring forward the introduction of a reference price that would enable consumers to compare discounts while avoiding giving any commitment to lower prices.

The federal budget will be about $5 billion a year better off and moving faster to surplus if Treasury adopts similarly ...

Budget closer to surplus on RBA upgrade

The federal budget will be about $5 billion a year better off and moving faster to surplus if Treasury adopts similarly bullish forecasts to the Reserve Bank of Australia's more rosy outlook for the economy.

Bond investors like Labor's franking cut

Bond fund managers have backed Labor's proposal to cut the generosity of franking credits, assessing the shake-up will reduce the tax bias for dividends and encourage retirees to put money into the debt market.

'The financial services industry fear factory should be shut down because it encourages Australians to worry ...

Retirees far better off than 20 years ago

The Grattan Institute has urged federal Parliament to abandon plans to divert 12 per cent of wages to superannuation, arguing most people can already expect to live comfortably in retirement.

Television personality Sean Hannity rubbed shoulders with audience members before the start of Monday's campaign rally ...

Hannity's on-stage support crossed line

By taking part in Donald Trump's rally, Sean Hannity was crossing the line that traditionally separated those in the news media - even opinion hosts like him - from the people they are supposed to cover.

Personal Finance

Firms follow the big four into advisory

Firms follow the big four into advisory

Accounting firms that have emulated big four firms Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC by moving into non-accounting services have been the big winners in this year's list of Top 100 firms.