
Introduction to Number Twenty

It has been a long time since we’ve been back in your lives. A whole year, in fact. And while we wish we could blame this delay on our busy lives fomenting revolution, lately it has felt a lot more like we’ve been fighting to keep the small gains we have won. In our home province of Ontario,…

From UTA Number Twenty

Introduction to Number Nineteen

Editorial Committee

Dear readers, family, fans, and critics,

Welcome to Issue 19 of Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action! With the election of Donald Trump in the US, the extension of Erdo?an’s presidential powers in Turkey, the persecution of Chechnyan queers, and the election of Rebel Media’s darling…

From UTA Number Nineteen

Introduction to Number Eighteen (published Aug 2016)

Upping the Anti Editorial Committee

Dear readers, family, fans, and haters,

Thank you for your sustained love, resistance, and solidarity. We’ve been working hard to bring you some really exciting and thought provoking material to keep you coming back for more! It is with much pleasure and gratitude that we bring you Issue 18 of…

From UTA Number Eighteen (published Aug 2016)

Introduction to Number Seventeen

Upping the Anti Editorial Committee

In the summer of 2015, as we prepare to release Issue 17 of Upping the Anti, there is no shortage of examples of global resistance to systems of oppression and exploitation. The Black Lives Matter movement initiated global protests and vigils against anti-Black racism, and racist police and…

From UTA Number Seventeen

Introduction to Number 16

Cara Fabre, Lindsay Hart, Matt Hayter, Sharmeen Khan, Manuel Marque?s -Bonilla, Amelia Spedaliere, and Andrew Winchur

As Upping the Anti 16 goes to press, we find many of the uprisings and struggles that once inspired new hopes have now been bated. The Arab Spring resulted in regime changes and a reconfiguration of imperial dynamics in most countries, while in Syria the war continues, with no clear trajectory of…

From UTA Number 16

Introduction to Number Fifteen

September 2013. Here at Upping the Anti, we have been going through a great deal of change. As some editorial members have children, some get jobs in Nepal, or some move on to graduate school, we find ourselves struggling with the workload. We struggle to do what needs to be done without enough…

From UTA Number Fifteen

Introduction to Number Fourteen

As this issue goes to print – almost a full year after our last – European countries boil in a General Strike, Occupy Sandy Relief challenges the US government for primacy in disaster relief, and the Strike Debt Campaign launches a Rolling Jubilee, seeking to buy up and write off Americans’…

From UTA Number Fourteen

Introduction to Number Thirteen

Editorial Committee

As 2011 closes out, we can’t help but think that the current moment is ripe with opportunities. Uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, anti-austerity protests in Europe, and opposition to homegrown austerity measures like Scott Walker’s anti-labour legislation in Wisconsin prove that…

From UTA Number Thirteen

Introduction to Number Twelve

UTA Editorial Committee

Six months ago, we released UTA 11 and proclaimed that it had been “born in interesting times.” It’s an assessment that continues to apply today as we release this, our twelfth issue. Since last summer’s G20 showdown on the streets of Toronto, radicals have had to consider how best to…

From UTA Number Twelve

Introduction to Number Eleven

UTA Editorial Committee

This issue was born in interesting times. As the first drafts rolled in, Toronto was shaken by the June mobilizations against the G20. When the dust settled and the charred shells of police cruisers had been scraped off the streets, hundreds of our comrades were behind bars and many were facing…

From UTA Number Eleven

Introduction to Number Ten

UTA Editorial Committee

Five years isn’t a long time. In the history of struggle, it’s barely a blip. Radicals learn early that, if we’re not in it for the long haul, we’re not really in it at all. But for a radical grassroots publication like ours with no external funding, a volunteer editorial team, and an…

From UTA Number Ten

Introduction to Number Nine

UTA Editorial Committee

We can hardly believe it, but we’ve done it again. Welcome to the ninth issue of Upping the Anti, our latest contribution to the world of independent radical publishing. As soon as we’re done with one issue, another is in the works, and as usual, the challenges of producing a 200 page book…

From UTA Number Nine

Introduction to Number Five

UTA Editorial Committee


When the editors of Punk Planet recently became the latest in a long line of ruffians to close the doors on their radical publishing venture, they tried to soothe us by saying: “the fight is now yours.” Agreed. But it’s getting kind of lonely around here. It’s not that people…

From UTA Number Five

Introduction to Number Seven

Nicole Cohen, Aidan Conway, Kelly Fritsch, Tom Keefer, Sharmeen Khan, Clare O’Connor, AK Thompson

We are very pleased to present the seventh issue of Upping the Anti. In this issue, we continue to highlight important discussions within contemporary social movements. In our effort to locate these discussions in our current political context, our editorial focuses on the question of catastrophe.…

From UTA Number Seven

Introduction to Number Six

Nicole Cohen, Aidan Conway, Caitlin Hewitt-White, Tom Keefer, Sharmeen Khan, AK Thompson

It’s been a busy seven months for us at Upping The Anti. Not only have we been preparing content for this, our sixth issue, we’ve also participated in a number of events and meetings that have inspired us to think things through in new ways. Some of us attended the Academic Freedom Conference…

From UTA Number Six

Introduction to Number Four

Aidan Conway, Tom Keefer, Sharmeen Khan, and AK Thompson

We are happy to offer up a new, fourth, issue of Upping the Anti. Unlike last time, we don’t have to apologize for being behind schedule. What’s more, thanks to increased sales and better distribution, we have been able to print this issue without going any furthur into debt. We’ve also been…

From UTA Number Four

Introduction to Number Three

Aidan Conway, Erin Gray, Tom Keefer, and Sharmeen Khan

Welcome to the third issue of Upping the Anti. After all the usual hard work and delays, we’re happy to once again present these pages. As always, our content is devoted to discussing both the successes and shortcomings of contemporary movements for social change.

We kick off this issue with a…

From UTA Number Three

Introduction to Number Two

Aidan Conway, Erin Gray, Tom Keefer and Sharmeen Khan

Welcome to the second issue of Upping the Anti. We would like to start by letting you know that we have made new additions to the editorial crew. Erin Gray of Toronto has joined our editorial collective, and Dave Mitchell of Regina has joined us in the capacity of reviews editor. We are excited to…

From UTA Number Two

Introduction to Number One

Welcome to the first issue of Upping the Anti. We have been working on bringing you this issue since September of 2004. We have been torn between the desire to get something out according to our original timeline (February of 2005) in order to establish the journal as a timely and viable project,…

From UTA Number One

Introduction to Number Eight

Erika Biddle, Aidan Conway, Kelly Fritsch, Tom Keefer, Sharmeen Khan, Clare O’Connor, AK Thompson

The eighth issue of Upping the Anti took shape in the midst of a storm. Of our seven editors, five were on strike for 85 days between November and February with the membership of CUPE Local 3903 at York University in Toronto. Fighting precarious work and the neoliberal university, we weathered an…

From UTA Number Eight