11-06-2018 02:20:25 PM -0800
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11-06-2018 06:38:03 AM -0800
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Stretch, grab a late afternoon cup of caffeine and get caught up on the most important news of the day with our Coffee Break newsletter. These are the stories that will fill you in on the world that's spinning outside of your office window - at the moment that you get a chance to take a breath.
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If they don't make sure everybody knows they voted against the political party their peers all hate, they might get cast out of the tribe.
Judgment day for Trump and much, much more.
The first major group of American Al-Shabaab fighters left Minneapolis 10 years ago today.
And they wonder why he hates them.
“Man, if he beats her… Jesus! F*cking John James. That would suck!"
Promises kept, Resistance is rabid.
Tomorrow is the most important election of your lifetime, assuming you're less than two years old.
Bone-chilling anti-Semitism? Serial felon? Meet the rising Democratic star.
Will the GOP keep the House?
Haunted by memories of 2016.
It seems the Dems have their bumper sticker for 2018: "Zero F*cks for Anyone. #Resist"
With prominent links to Iran and China. Why are we just hearing about this now?
Both outcomes "extremely possible."
Adjusting the narrative that Trump is enabling anti-Semitic hate.
The Arizona GOP Senate candidate finds a new line of attack against Rep. Kyrsten Sinema just three days before the election.
The film is making a mint at the box office. Here's why.