Promoting and Protecting Free Software

Image illustrant l'April

Founded in 1996, April is the main French advocacy association devoted to promoting and protecting Free/Libre Software. With its 4102 members (3712 individuals, 390 businesses, associations and organizations), April is a pioneer of Free Software in France. Since 1996, it is a major player in the democratization and the spread of free software and open standards to the general public, professionals and institutions in the French-speaking world. It also acts as a watchdog on digital freedoms, warning the public about the dangers of private interests keeping an exclusive stranglehold on information and knowledge.

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Image of Lionel Allorge«The goal of April is to set a structure capable of promoting and defending free software with means consistent with the stakes involved. In order to achieve this, April needs your support.

Joining April doesn't require that you be an active member of the association. But thanks to its thousands of members, it will be far easier for April to be heard from elected people, from the government and from social and economic decision-makers. Thanks to your donations and subscriptions, it shall be capable of paying for its permanent employees and employing new people, as required by April's actions and long-term issues that are getting every day more complex.» Jean-Christophe Becquet, president of April.

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to Support Free Software

image illustrating joining the associationYour subscription does make a difference. We need you. A minute and a half long explanation on why supporting April and on how to do so:

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