Politics With Charles P. Pierce

This Woman Is Made of Iron and Leather

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has kicked cancer's ass twice.

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Surprise Glacier
Now You Can Catch a Cold From a Guy Who Died 30,000 Years Ago

70 percent of Alaska's infrastructure is at risk due to the Great Chinese Climate Hoax.

Senate Votes On Confirmation Of Brett Kavanaugh To The Supreme Court
I Hope That Tax Cut Was Worth It

House Republicans are now subject to the same Trumpian chaos we all live through every day.

Paul Ryan's Career Ends as It Was: As Full of Sh*t as a Christmas Goose

Be gone, zombie-eyed granny-starver from the State of Wisconsin. Go to your fat lobbying gig.

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Donald Trump
The Trump Foundation Was Essential Trumpism: One for All and All for Me

Meanwhile, Michael Flynn knew an opportunity to grift a buck and hopped on board.

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James Comey
James Comey Has Some Public Penance to Do Before He Gets to Scolding Everyone Else

At what point will the ex-FBI director grapple with his own role in the 2016 election?

Putin, Hollande, Merkel And Poroshenko Meet Over Ukraine Peace Plan
We Made It Easy for the Russians

Hackers and trolls seized on existing fissures and resentment in our politics to wreak havoc.

Brian Kemp's Credibility Is Shredded Before He Even Takes Office

More evidence the Republican Party has completely detached itself from democracy.

Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Walker Hots GOTV Rally On Eve Of Midterm Election
Conservative Elites Will Go to Amazing Lengths to Deny People Basic Healthcare

An improbably successful lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act in Texas—and Wisconsin's attempt to stay involved in it.

President Trump Signs Executive Order Ending Family Separations At Border
We Are Governed By Monsters Now

The Trump administration's cruelty is not just deliberate. It is casual.