Veterans' Day

image of three US veterans: a Latina woman, a Latino man, and a black man

Today is Veterans' Day in the US. (Technically, it was yesterday, but it's being observed today this year.)

Thank you to all the women and men who have served this country with decency in a military capacity, who have been willing to risk their lives to defend its sovereignty, resources, and people.

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Trump Is a Cruel, Traitorous Disgrace

Donald Trump was in Europe the past couple of days, behaving like an absolute nightmare, the puppet of Vladimir Putin that he has always claimed not to be.

With Trump standing nearby, French President Emmanuel Macron gave an Armistice Day speech about the threat of rising nationalism that would have shamed Trump, if he had any shame. Back home, Democrats who are now empowered to investigate Trump took notice, e.g. Rep. Adam Schiff.

Meanwhile, Trump was multitasking as a despicable shit to his people back home, tweeting out blame at forest management for the devastating forest fires, which have claimed dozens of lives.

And now that he's home, he's back on Twitter, ranting about how our European allies are unfair to the United States.

I don't know what there is to be said that hasn't already been said a thousand times before. Donald Trump is a cruel, traitorous disgrace.

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Open Thread

image of a purple sofa

Hosted by a purple sofa. Have a seat and chat.

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The Virtual Pub Is Open

image of the exterior of a pub which has been photoshopped to be named 'The Beloved Community Pub'
[Explanations: lol your fat. pathetic anger bread. hey your gay.]

Belly up to the bar,
and be in this space together.

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Friday Links!

This list o' links brought to you by cherries.

Recommended Reading:

Jean Coulter with Rich Juzwiak at the Muse: [Content Note: Sexual harassment; retaliation] Harassed Out of Hollywood: A Veteran Stuntwoman Reflects on Life in the Movies and on the Blacklist

Alice Driver with Migrant Refugees at Longreads: When You Carry All That You Love with You

Yessenia Funes at Earther: [CN: Environmental devastation] The Congo's Ancient Forest Could Be Gone in Our Lifetime

Doreen St. Félix at the New Yorker: Samin Nosrat's Sensual, Compassionate Food Travels in Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat

Kathryn VanArendonk at Vulture: [CN: Spoilers] The Best Hidden Jokes You Missed in The Good Place Season 3

Staff at Marine Megafauna Foundation: Innovative Techniques Used on Whale Sharks in the Galapagos to Find Out More About Their Reproduction

Kerry Wolfe at Atlas Obscura: Callanish Stones

And congratulations to my friend Mustang Bobby on 15 years (!) at his blog Bark Bark Woof Woof!

Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!

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Discussion Thread: Good Things

One of the ways we resist the demoralization and despair in which exploiters of fear like Trump thrive is to keep talking about the good things in our lives.

Because, even though it feels very much (and rightly so) like we are losing so many things we value, there are still daily moments of joy or achievement or love or empowering ferocity or other kinds of fulfillment.

Maybe you've experienced something big worth celebrating; maybe you've just had a precious moment of contentment; maybe getting out of bed this morning was a success worthy of mention.

News items worth celebrating are also welcome.

So, whatever you have to share that's good, here's a place to do it.

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1. The Democrats won the House, in case you hadn't heard!

2. I made a good stew last night, hearty and healthy and delicious, and there was enough left over for lunch today.

3. One of my favorite people on the planet is visiting this weekend. Huzzah!

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Dudley the Greyhound standing in the garden, looking up at me with a sweet face
He is just the most loveable guy. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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We Resist: Day 659

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures (plus the occasional non-Republican who obliges us to resist their nonsense, too, like we don't have enough to worry about) is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

* * *

Earlier today by me: The Thousand Oaks Shooting: Updates and Bernie Sanders, What Are You Even Doing This Time? And ICYMI late yesterday: Mueller's Investigation Is in Big Trouble, Folks.

Here are some more things in the news today...

In good news:

[Content Note: Nativism] And in very fucking bad news:

In sum: Trump has issued a proclamation that basically says he can deny refugees asylum as long as he demonizes them as a threat to national security. This is so fucking bad.

Meanwhile, if any reporters try to question him on this nativist nightmare:

We are so fucked.

* * *

Katie Benner at the New York Times: Sessions, in Last-Minute Act, Sharply Limits Use of Consent Decrees to Curb Police Abuses. "Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions has drastically limited the ability of federal law enforcement officials to use court-enforced agreements to overhaul local police departments accused of abuses and civil rights violations, the Justice Department announced on Thursday. In a major last-minute act, Mr. Sessions signed a memorandum on Wednesday before [Donald] Trump fired him sharply curtailing the use of so-called consent decrees, court-approved deals between the Justice Department and local governments that create a road map of changes for law enforcement and other institutions. The move means that the decrees, used aggressively by Obama-era Justice Department officials to fight police abuses, will be more difficult to enact." A racist asshole to the last!

Kate Riga at TPM: The Endangered Zinke Is Casting About for a Life Raft, Maybe at Fox News. "Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has his irons in the fire, casting about for potential employment opportunities as it becomes increasingly likely that he'll fall under [Donald] Trump's post-midterm axe. According to a Thursday Politico report, Zinke has inquired into positions at Fox News, boards of directors at energy companies, and private equity firms. Zinke's spokesperson derided the rumors as 'laughably false' and belonging on the satirical website 'The Onion.' A Fox News spokesperson denied the reports." And they're always honest, so.

Ed Mazza at the Huffington Post: Lindsey Graham Awkwardly Tries to Walk Back Vow to Unleash 'Holy Hell' on Trump. "Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is attempting to explain his reversal on a 2017 threat that there would be 'holy hell to pay' if [Donald] Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Although Sessions got the boot this week, Graham vowed instead to work with Trump 'to find a confirmable, worthy successor.' When confronted with his previous comments on Thursday, Graham chuckled. 'When was that? What year?' he asked." What a fucking shitwheel he is.

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In continuing election news...

[CN: Video may autoplay at link] Staff at CBS News with the AP: Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Pulls Ahead in Razor-Close Arizona Senate Race. "Democrat Kyrsten Sinema pulled ahead of Republican Martha McSally on Thursday in the Arizona Senate race by a margin of 2,000 votes. This marked the first time that Sinema has pulled ahead of McSally in the days since the election. An additional 120,000 outstanding ballots were made available from Maricopa County Thursday. The county encompasses Phoenix and some of the state's liberal enclaves. There are an 345,000 ballots that needed to be counted per a knowledgeable source with the Arizona Secretary of State's office."

Will Sommer at the Daily Beast: Republicans Freak Out as New Ballots Threaten Florida Senate Win. "As the Republican margin in Florida's U.S. Senate race narrowed and the contest headed toward a manual recount...Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who is clinging to a roughly 34,000-vote lead over Sen. Bill Nelson (D), held a press conference at the Florida governor's mansion in which he called on law enforcement to launch an investigation and announced that he and the National Republican Senate Committee were bringing a lawsuit against officials in Broward County, where many votes are still being counted. In other words, the state governor used his state-funded official residence to launch legal action against his own state's election officials about an election he was a candidate in."

Rage. Seethe. Boil.

Tom Dart at the Guardian: Black Girl Magic: 19 Black Women Ran for Judge in Texas County — and All 19 Won. "While Beto O'Rourke's bid to oust Ted Cruz for a U.S. Senate seat may have stolen midterms headlines this week, another 'Texas miracle' was under way in Harris county, where 19 African American women ran for judge — and all won. They campaigned together under the slogan 'Black Girl Magic' with the support of the Harris county Democratic party, and united for a pre-election photograph inside a courtroom. Their victories marked an unprecedented level of success for black female judicial candidates in the county, which includes Houston." YES!

Jason Burke and Abdalle Ahmed Mumin at the Guardian: 'She's Made Us Proud': Ilhan Omar's Journey from Somali Refugee to U.S. Congresswoman. "In 1995, Omar arrived in the U.S. as a refugee, settling first in Arlington, Virginia, before moving to Minneapolis in 1997. She won a seat in the state's legislature in 2016, becoming the first Somali-American lawmaker in the country. She had previously worked as a community organiser, a policy wonk for city leaders in Minneapolis, and as a leader in her local chapter of the African-American civil rights group NAACP. 'I saw her on the television last night when her election victory was projected. Well done I can say. She tried her best. Thank God she has won now,' said [Fadumo Kuusow, who still lives in a refugee settlements near the remote Kenyan town of Dadaab, where Omar was once her neighbor]."

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[CN: Wildfires.] Kyla Mandel at ThinkProgress: Adding to Historic Wildfire Season, California Suffers Three Rapid Growing, Late-Season Fires.
The rapidly-spreading Camp Fire erupted Thursday and overnight effectively devastated the entire town of Paradise, home to 27,000 people northeast of San Francisco. First reported at 6:30 in the morning, by noon the fire was spreading an astonishing 80 acres per minute. As of Friday morning it had burned 20,000 acres.

"Pretty much the community of Paradise is destroyed, it's that kind of devastation," the AP reported CALFIRE Captain Scott McLean saying. "The wind that was predicted came and just wiped it out."

...At the same time as the Camp Fire, some 75,000 homes were also evacuated due to the Woolsey Fire just north of Los Angeles. Spreading across 8,000 acres, the evacuations have been described as "unprecedented for the area," LA Bureau chief Jon Passantino tweeted.

At the same time, it took just 12 minutes for the Hill Fire — burning just 9 miles away from the Woolsey Fire — to jump Highway 101, consuming 10,000 acres.

The full extent of the damage is still being assessed and as of Friday morning the fires were "zero percent contained." The three fires, all fueled by intense seasonal winds, add to an already unprecedented fire season this year.

This summer saw 16 different fires in California alone.
My god. The threat is still nowhere near over. And this is going to be our new normal, because of climate change that our president and his party refuse to even acknowledge is real.

What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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The Makeup Thread

Here is your semi-regular makeup thread, to discuss all things makeup and makeup adjacent.

Do you have a makeup product you'd recommend? Are you looking for the perfect foundation which has remained frustratingly elusive? Need or want to offer makeup tips? Searching for hypoallergenic products? Want to grouse about how you hate makeup? Want to gush about how you love it?

Whatever you like — have at it!

* * *

As I keep mentioning every time I post a Makeup Thread, lol, I haven't gotten any new products in a long time, but I just received (literally this morning) Kerry Washington's Force of Nature Eye Palette for Neutrogena, and I am very excited about it!

image of my hand holding the closed palette
image of my hand holding the open palette, revealing the five colors inside

First of all, I love Neutrogena makeup, because I know it's never going to break me out; it's so gentle on my absurdly fussy combination skin.

Secondly, Neutrogena products are always reasonably priced, but they're currently having a 25% off sale at their website, so this palette regularly priced at $12.99 is only $9.74 at the moment.

Third, these colors!

Fourth, I love Kerry Washington. The end.

Anyway! What's up with you?

(As always, I'm not affiliated in any way with any of the companies whose products I mention, nor am I getting anything in exchange for my recommendations. I just like the products!)

* * *

Please note, as always, that advice should be not be offered to an individual person unless they solicit it. Further: This thread is open to everyone — women, men, genderqueer folks. People who are makeup experts, and people who are makeup newbies. Also, because there is a lot of racist language used in discussions of makeup, and in makeup names, please be aware to avoid turns of phrase that are alienating to women of color, like "nude" or "flesh tone" when referring to a peachy or beige color. I realize some recommended products may have names that use these words, so please be considerate about content noting for white supremacist (and/or Orientalist) product naming.

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Bernie Sanders, What Are You Even Doing This Time?

[Content Note: White supremacy; misogyny.]

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Bernie Sanders actually said this shit (emphases mine):

RS: Do you have any thoughts about the leadership in the House?

BS: I will let them work that out themselves. I'm obviously not a member of the House anymore. We'll let them make their own decisions. But this is what I absolutely do believe. I absolutely believe that from day one, the Democrats in the House have got to come out with a progressive agenda that speaks to the needs of working people. And that leads to — as you know, the Medicare-for-all bill I introduced, which is to be implemented over four years, lowers the eligibility age from 65 to 55, covers all of the children, and lowers the cost of prescription drugs. My guess is that about 80-percent of the American people would support a proposal like that. It's wildly popular. And that's what the Democrats have got to do. They've got to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, they've got to make public colleges tuition-free, and they've got to lower student debt. All of these proposals are enormously popular. And they're good public policy. And here's what I think, Matt, that maybe nobody else in the world believes. As you know, Trump is a 100-percent political opportunist, who has no political views other than how he can win elections.

RS: Well, that's true.

BS: Today, if he is a racist and a sexist, tomorrow he may be a great civil rights champion — if he thinks it gets him five more votes. He has no core values. I would not be shocked that if the Democrats passed popular, good legislation, that Trump would look around him and say, "Hey, why not? What do I give a damn?" And he may come on board, because ultimately he doesn't believe in anything except winning. So I believe it's terribly important that the Democrats come out of the gate full-steam ahead and start passing really good legislation that puts Trump and the Republicans on the defensive.
Bernie. No.

Sure, Trump is a deeply cynical political opportunist, and he is also a master media manipulator who understands that contrarianism gets headlines just for the sheer shock value, so there is an outside possibility he might surprise everyone by scribbling his Sharpied signature onto, say, a Democratic healthcare bill someday.

But that wouldn't indicate anything about who he fundamentally is, which is a vile wreck who loves harming people so much that malice is his agenda.

Which is why it is incredibly dangerous — and straight-up fucking stupid — to suggest that he might actually become a "great civil rights champion" because he puts his name on something unexpected in the hope it will garner him even more power that he can exploit to hurt people.

Bernie's already writing the narrative that Trump would want us to believe if he pulled this opportunistic shit. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?

I have some uncharitable thoughts about what the answer to that question is.

Further, Bernie is dead wrong that Trump doesn't have any fixed political views. Donald Trump is as committed to white supremacist patriarchy as anyone in the whole of the United States today.

As I have previously observed: Someone does not live a life careening from housing discrimination against Black applicants, to public musings on eugenics and the superiority of one's own genes, to a crusade against exonerated men of color, to a birther campaign against the nation's first Black president, to a presidential announcement address steeped in racism and nativism, to a campaign slogan that's dogwhistled white supremacy, to anti-Semitic tweets and sloganeering, to an attack on a judge because of his ethnicity, to an entire campaign exploiting racial and xenophobic fears, to a presidential agenda centered around toxic attacks on immigrants and Muslims and demonizing cities with significant Black and/or immigrant populations, to defending Confederate monuments, to defending actual goddamn Nazis, and everything that has come before and in between, if one is merely obtuse.

Trump's record on race is not one of accidental gaffes. It is one of a lifetime commitment to white supremacy.

And despite the fact that Trump has repeatedly asserted that he cherishes women, Trump is an overt and committed misogynist.

He likes to say that nobody has more respect for women than he does, but anyone who doesn't sexually assault women; anyone who doesn't use sexist slurs or publicly insult the appearance of women they don't like; anyone who doesn't fail to support comprehensive women's healthcare including reproductive choice; anyone who doesn't tell working mothers earning low wages just to work harder; anyone who doesn't direct border agents to tear babies from their mothers' arms; anyone who doesn't use their female employees as cover for their misogynistic policies; anyone who didn't turn a political contest with a woman into a national referendum on how the country values women; anyone who doesn't defend domestic abusers who work for them; anyone who didn't put a sex abuser on the Supreme Court; anyone who doesn't value women exclusively for the way we look, who doesn't reflexively objectify women, who doesn't treat women like property, who doesn't divide women into categories of worthiness based on whether we arouse them; anyone who does not subscribe to a toxic, retrograde chauvinism that upholds systemic gender inequality and relies on a posture of inherent male superiority respects women more than Donald Trump does.

These aren't even comprehensive lists of Trump's racism and sexism. His commitment to white cishet male supremacy is long, vast, and well-documented.

Suggesting that he has no fixed principles at all is to erase Trump's demonstrable history of malice against marginalized people.

And asserting that Trump could somehow undo all of that by cynically signing some hypothetical piece of progressive legislation is as incorrect as it is gross.

This is careless, at best. But I am not feeling inclined to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt anymore. He has abetted Trump with bullshit like this far too many times.

Once is far too many. And it's been more than that.

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The Thousand Oaks Shooting: Updates

[Content Note: Gun violence; disablism; toxic masculinity.]

Over the last 24 hours, we've learned the identities of the people who were killed when Ian David Long who opened fire in a bar in Thousand Oaks, California yesterday, killing 12 people and injuring others before killing himself: Sean Adler, 48; Cody Coffman, 22; Blake Dingman, 21; Jake Dunham, 21; Ron Helus, 54; Alaina Housley, 18; Daniel Manrique, 33; Justin Meek, 23; Marky Meza, Jr., 20; Kristina Morisette, 20; Telemachus "Tel" Orfanos, 27; and Noel Sparks, 21.

My condolences to their families, friends, and all who knew them. I am so sorry.

We've also learned more about Ian David Long, a former marine who was thought to have PTSD, though apparently did not have an official diagnosis. Naturally, many people are using reports of his having PTSD to spin the old "mentally ill lone wolf" chestnut, but Long had a history of being abusive that predated his time in the military. Like virtually every other mass shooter, he was abusive toward women:

"He attacked me. He attacked his high school track coach," said [Dominique Colell]. "Who does that?"

...Colell says it happened during practice when someone found a phone and she was trying to figure out who it belonged to.

"Ian came up and started screaming at me that was his phone," said Colell. "He just started grabbing me. He groped my stomach. He groped my butt. I pushed him off me and said after that — 'You're off the team.'"

But Colell says she was encouraged by other coaches and the school to accept an apology to not ruin his future in the Marine Corps.

"I should have reported it then," said Colell.

And although she never would have predicted this, Colell says she doesn't believe this is just a case of PTSD. She says Long had issues long before he was ever a Marine.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people with PTSD," said Colell. "They don't go around shooting people. This kid was mentally disturbed in high school. There were signs and the administration knew it."
Long had also had multiple interactions with police over many years, most of them for minor infractions, but there was a serious confrontation in April of this year, during which police were seen by neighbors "drawing their guns and rifles and training them on the house," because Long was inside thrashing irately and refusing to come out. He eventually came outside to talk to police, but they decided he wasn't a threat and left.
Deputies who responded to the incident said Long was irate and acting irrationally, said Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean. The sheriff's crisis-intervention team and mental health specialist met with Long, and those who evaluated him discussed the possibility that "he might be suffering from PTSD," Dean said, because of Long's service.

Under a 5150 order, authorities are allowed to take people into custody and hold them for up to 72 hours because they are considered a threat to themselves or others. But the mental health crisis team that evaluated Long cleared him, Dean said. If they had placed him under a psychiatric hold, he would have lost the legal right to own a gun.
Long's mother was worried about him, but Long reportedly refused help. It's unclear if she was the one who called police in April, or if it was one of the neighbors who heard him violently raging inside their home, but someone certainly urged authorities to pay attention to Long.

And if they had, perhaps 12 people would still be alive.

I'm deeply troubled by the way men raising flags with people around them are "evaluated" by law enforcement: If they can calm themselves down enough to seem vaguely reasonable, and personally assure responding officers that they're cool, that's enough. Never mind that Long's mother and neighbors knew he was a ticking threat.

Surely the assessment of people who live with and beside men raising flags should carry more weight.

[CN: Description of violence] I'm reminded of that recent case in Russia in which the husband kept threatening the (now ex-)wife that he was going to take her into the woods and hurt her with a knife, so she called police to report him, and the officer who showed up asked him if he was going to do that, and he said no, so the officer just left. And then the guy took his now ex-wife into the woods and cut off both of her hands.

In court under questioning, he smirkingly noted that he simply lied to the police officer.

It seems pretty clear that Long did the same. He simply lied about being a danger to himself and to others.

Of course we need a high threshold for involuntary holds — especially because abusive men would use it against women all the damn time if it were easy. (Oh the bitter irony.) But it really shouldn't be difficult for police officers to discern the difference between someone who is trying to use an involuntary hold against someone because they're abusive fucks and a parent or partner or teacher or boss or neighbor who is desperately begging them for help.

It has to be harder for guys like Long to convince law enforcement they're not a threat. Because here we are.

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Open Thread

image of a pink couch

Hosted by a pink sofa. Have a seat and chat.

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Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Quinalla: "What is the most interesting thing you've figured out about yourself lately?"

That I'm more tenacious than I even thought.

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What I'm Reading Now

A thread for sharing what we're currently reading: Fiction, nonfiction, novels, short stories, historical fiction, biographies, romance, fanfic, comic books, graphic novels, longform journalism, research papers, stuff for pleasure, stuff for work, whatever.

I haven't had a chance to read anything for the past week or so, because I've just been too busy with all the news and too tired to read when I have downtime, but I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else is reading!

What are you reading now?

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Mueller's Investigation Is in Big Trouble, Folks

Earlier today, USA Today investigative reporter Brad Heath tweeted: "Mueller's office told the D.C. Cir. that if the acting attorney general instructs them not to take particular investigative steps, that's that. 'It is not the case that the special counsel is off wandering in a free floating environment.'"

Now, as far as I can tell, this statement is nothing more than Bob Mueller saying he doesn't view the scope of the special counsel as unconstrained; that he answers to someone.

(Usually that someone is the Attorney General, when the Attorney General isn't compromised and then obliged to recuse himself and then fired and then replaced by a nightmare who hates the special counsel's investigation.)

The statement came as part of an answer to questions from the bench this morning during a scheduled D.C. Cir. argument "that the purpose of Mueller's appointment was to make the investigation of Russian interference sufficiently independent 'that the American people could have confidence in it.'"

So, on the one hand, it's entirely innocuous. On the other, given the context and timing, it sure seems to be communicating something urgent about the fate of the investigation.

Maybe that Matthew Whitaker is already asserting his power over its direction. Maybe that the investigation has already been killed. At minimum, it seems like a plea that, without intervention, the investigation is doomed.

Which I certainly and reasonably surmised, once a fervent critic was handed control.

Still, here is what seems to be a signal for help, coming from Mueller. That is troubling, even though the crisis was entirely expected.

It's evident that Whitaker is wholly prepared to disallow any of Mueller's findings from reaching Congress. If he is even allowed to finish his investigation and make a final report, it will remain in the darkness.

At this point, I believe our best hope for seeing Mueller's report may be Mike Pence, who I still believe may be cooperating with Mueller. And even if he's not, he may be willing to use Mueller to make his own move.

Pence has wanted to be president virtually his entire life, and I can't shake the feeling that he is tired of waiting. Surely he knows that if Trump goes down in an election loss in 2020, his last chance at the presidency goes down with it. That's looking far more likely after the midterms — which means Pence's best bet at this point is to make sure that Trump goes down via resignation or impeachment.

Otherwise, I fear that the only other way Mueller's report will ever see the light of day is if Mueller himself breaks the law to publicly disclose it. And I don't imagine that's very likely.

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Fat Fashion

This is your semi-regular thread in which fat women can share pix, make recommendations for clothes they love, ask questions of other fat women about where to locate certain plus-size items, share info about sales, talk about what jeans cut at what retailer best fits their body shapes, discuss how to accessorize neutral colored suits, share stories of going bare-armed for the first time, brag about a cool fashion moment, whatever.

* * *

A going-to-the-movies-with-a-friend look, part of which was seen in the last selfies thread, but here's the whole thing:

image of me, a fat white middle-aged woman with long brown hair and glasses, standing in a full-lenth mirror wearing a purple t-shirt with a rainbow that says 'Feminist', a red cardigan, skinny-cut blue jeans, and purple Doc Martens slip-ons

I got the t-shirt at Tee Public; the cardigan at Old Navy (they no longer sell it in a red, but still have other colors); the jeans at Torrid, where they don't sell this exact pair any longer, but here's something similar; and of course my trusty old purple Docs.

This is definitely a favorite outfit when I want to be bright, colorful, and fiercely feminist all at the same time.

Anyway! What's up with you?

Have at it in comments! Please remember to make fat women of all sizes, especially women who find themselves regularly sizing out of standard plus-size lines, welcome in this conversation, and pass no judgment on fat women who want to and/or feel obliged, for any reason, to conform to beauty standards. And please make sure if you're soliciting advice, you make it clear you're seeking suggestions—and please be considerate not to offer unsolicited advice. Sometimes people just need to complain and want solidarity, not solutions.

[Note: I am not receiving anything in return for my recommendations here, nor am I affiliated in any way with any of the companies mentioned herein. Any endorsements made are on products I purchased myself, just because I like them!]

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda the Black and Tan Mutt lying beside my husband on the sofa, on her back, with her legs in the air and her head hanging off the side, sound asleep
It's too bad Zelly's never really gotten comfortable at Shakes Manor, lolololol. ♥

As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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We Resist: Day 658

a black bar with the word RESIST in white text

One of the difficulties in resisting the Trump administration, the Republican Congressional majority, and Republican state legislatures (plus the occasional non-Republican who obliges us to resist their nonsense, too, like we don't have enough to worry about) is keeping on top of the sheer number of horrors, indignities, and normalization of the aggressively abnormal that they unleash every single day.

So here is a daily thread for all of us to share all the things that are going on, thus crowdsourcing a daily compendium of the onslaught of conservative erosion of our rights and our very democracy.

Stay engaged. Stay vigilant. Resist.

* * *

Earlier today by me: Mass Shooting in Thousand Oaks, California and The White House Attack on Jim Acosta Is Vile and Matthew Whitaker, Sessions' Replacement, Is Awful.

We'll start today with some election news, as some races are finally getting called or are still unresolved...

Kira Lerner at ThinkProgress: Stacey Abrams Vows to Fight On as Tens of Thousands of Ballots Are Still Uncounted in Georgia. "Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams vowed on Wednesday to fight on, demanding that all provisional and mail-in ballots in Georgia's Democratic strongholds be counted before the race is called. Republican Brian Kemp, meanwhile, declared victory during a press conference Thursday and announced he'd be resigning from his position as secretary of state. 'We know our opponent has had the secretary of state's office declare he is the winner,' Abrams' campaign said on a press call Wednesday night. 'We are here to say we don't accept that.'"

Steve Bousquet at the Tampa Bay Times: Recounts Loom Larger, Legal Action Begins as Margins Tighten in Key Florida Races. "As the Senate race between Gov. Rick Scott and Sen. Bill Nelson appears headed to a statewide recount, both candidates are mobilizing teams of lawyers and legal skirmishes are well underway. Thursday dawned with Scott leading Nelson by just more than one-fourth of a percentage point. The candidates for agriculture commissioner are much closer, divided by 0.06 points, and in the contest for governor, Ron DeSantis' advantage of 0.52 over Andrew Gillum was close to the threshold for a mandatory machine recount."

Adam Peck at ThinkProgress: Democrats Pick Up Another House Seat in the Georgia District That Once Belonged to Newt Gingrich. "Late Wednesday night, Rep. Karen Handel (R-GA) issued a statement conceding her reelection bid to upstart Democratic challenger Lucy McBath in Georgia's 6th congressional district, one of the most reliably Republican districts in the country. ...The seat will now be filled by Lucy McBath, the mother of 17-year-old Jordan Davis who, in 2012, was shot and murdered by a white man who complained Davis was playing his music too loudly. McBath made gun control a central pillar of her campaign, and was one of the handful of mothers who lost sons to gun violence to campaign across the country for Hillary Clinton in 2016." Blub. Congratulations, Lucy McBath!

Yvonne Wingett Sanchez and Jessica Boehm at the Arizona Republic: With Arizona Senate Seat at Stake, Republicans Sue County Recorders. "With the U.S. Senate seat hanging in the balance, the Yuma, Navajo, Apache and Maricopa County Republican parties filed a lawsuit against all Arizona county recorders and the Secretary of State late Wednesday. ...The Republican groups are challenging the way counties verify signatures on mail-in ballots that are dropped off at the polls on Election Day, according to the complaint obtained by The Arizona Republic. At stake is an unknown number of ballots that could tip the result of the U.S. Senate race. Just 17,000 votes separated Republican Martha McSally and Democrat Kyrsten Sinema as of Wednesday evening, a cliffhanger that could take days, if not weeks, to call."

Michael Finnegan at the LA Times: Down Two, California Republicans Could Lose up to Four More House Seats. "California Republicans lost two House seats in Tuesday's midterm election and could surrender more as tens of thousands of ballots are counted in four other contests that remain too close to call. The party has an exceedingly small chance of holding the seats of Reps. Dana Rohrabacher and Jeff Denham, historical voting patterns suggest. Two other Republicans, Rep. Mimi Walters and Young Kim of Fullerton, hold thin leads over their opponents that could also vanish."

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[Content Note: Bigotry; abuse] Goldie Taylor at the Daily Beast: Dear White Lady, What Are You Doing to Us?
I really want to understand how you — or, anyways, so many women like you — chose a man like Donald Trump over a vastly more qualified Hillary Clinton. I want to know if you honestly thought he had the moral compass, not to mention the mental wherewithal, to be president of these United States. There may be a good number of reasons that you're just flat out tired of the Clinton name. However, I can guarantee you that she wouldn't have left people to suffer in Puerto Rico. The City of Flint would have gotten the federal funding it needs to completely overhaul its water systems. We certainly would not be the laughingstock of leaders from around the globe. No one would have been snickering during her address to the United Nations.

...Surely, you heard the way he talked about women on that Access Hollywood tape? You weren't convinced when he called undocumented immigrants 'rapists' and 'murderers'? Or when he said in a nationally televised interview that women who seek reproductive healthcare to end an unwanted pregnancy should be punished? Seriously, I think he meant jail. According to a Pew public opinion poll, 40 percent of Republican women are pro-choice. Overall, more than half of all women believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. But, y'all still voted for this guy.

...Did you not hear the fight in Stacey Abrams' voice? Did you not hear her when she dropped all the ideological talking points and crafted a plan for her state that prioritizes an investment in families? Did you not hear her when she said Republicans are actively declining $8 million a day in federal dollars because they refuse to expand Medicaid?

...I sincerely hope that one day I will be able to count on you as an ally, to call you — without hesitation — my sister.
This is a very good piece by Goldie. I don't pretend to know the minds of white women who vote Republican, and I don't know what on earth will reach them, but I desperately hope that they accept this plaintive but firm invitation.

Surely setting high expectations for conservative white women and inviting them to meet those expectations is a better strategy than calling all white women trash, without exception or caveat, of which I have seen far too much lately, especially from progressive white women.

That, by the way, is not a suggestion to take it easy on conservative white women — they're doing immense harm. It's an observation that there is a space between giving them a pass and dismissing them all out of hand, and, in my estimation, Goldie blazed a good path in the middle ground here, holding conservative white women accountable while also communicating that they could, and should, do better.

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Eileen Sullivan and Adam Liptak at the New York Times: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized with 3 Broken Ribs. "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of the Supreme Court was hospitalized on Thursday morning, with three broken ribs after falling in her office Wednesday evening, a spokeswoman said. Justice Ginsburg, 85, went home after her fall, but experienced discomfort over the night. She was admitted to George Washington University Hospital, where doctors found three broken ribs on her left side, Kathy Arberg, a Supreme Court spokeswoman, said in a statement. The next sitting of the Supreme Court begins on Nov. 26, and Justice Ginsburg's history suggests the injuries are not likely to keep her away. She broke two ribs in 2012, without missing work." Get well soon, RBG!

Josh Rogin at the Washington Post: Democrats Prepare to Investigate All Aspects of Trump's Foreign Policy. "For two years the Trump administration has largely ignored attempts by congressional Democrats to oversee — much less investigate — the execution of U.S. foreign policy by the executive branch. But the incoming chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot L. Engel (D-N.Y.), told me his committee will waste no time before beginning inquiries into how the White House, the State Department and even the Trump Organization have been conducting foreign policy. 'The White House needs to take us seriously, and if they don't, we are going to make sure they take us seriously,' Engel said in an interview Wednesday. 'I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. …But if not, I intend to use every prerogative that I have to ensure oversight.'"

[CN: White supremacy] Elliot Hannon at Slate: White Nationalist Leader Posts Pictures of Casual White House Visit a Day After Midterms. "A day after the midterms, the stakes of the Trump presidency were again on display Wednesday, as Patrick Casey, the leader of the white nationalist neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa visited the White House. Casey posted pictures on Twitter of the South Lawn of the White House along with the caption 'Evropa has landed at the White House!' It's unclear the nature and extent of the visit, but the area Casey is accessing is pretty clearly outside the bounds of what would be a normal White House tour. For access to the working parts of the White House, visitors must be accompanied by a staff member. Casey posed for photographs outside the South Portico of the White House and in front of the Oval Office from South Lawn Road."

[CN: Racist apologia] Gideon Resnick at the Daily Beast: Bernie Sanders on Andrew Gillum and Stacey Abrams: Many Whites 'Uncomfortable' Voting for Black Candidates. "'I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American,' Sanders told The Daily Beast, referencing the close contests involving Andrew Gillum in Florida and Stacey Abrams in Georgia and that ads run against the two. 'I think next time around, by the way, it will be a lot easier for them to do that.'"

[CN: Threats; rape culture] Tim Mak at NPR: Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Continues Receiving Threats, Lawyers Say. "Christine Blasey Ford is still being harassed after leveling sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, her lawyers say. 'Justice Kavanaugh ascended to the Supreme Court, but the threats to Dr. Ford continue,' said Ford's lawyers, Debra Katz, Lisa Banks, and Michael Bromwich, in a statement to NPR. ...She's had to move four times, she wrote last month. She has had to pay for a private security detail. She hasn't been able to return to her job as a professor at Palo Alto University. A spokeswoman for the school did not respond to a question about whether there was a timeline for Ford to return."

Josh Kovensky at TPM: Ex-Manafort Son-in-Law Allegedly Bragged About Aiding Mueller Probe as Part of Scam. "Paul Manafort's former son-in-law Jeffrey Yohai boasted about having 'turned state's evidence' on his ex-father-in-law in order to to swindle investors into a real estate scam, according to a newly unsealed criminal complaint. ...Yohai's bragging about his nonexistent ties to the Mueller probe — though false — allegedly earned him a brief payday. The investor agreed to go into business with Yohai, and claimed to have lost $200,000 from the venture."

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[CN: War; violence] Bethan McKernan and Patrick Wintour at the Guardian: 'The Violence Is Unbearable': Medics in Yemen Plead for Help.
Aid agencies and medical staff on the ground in Hodeidah have begged the international community to intervene to stop the violence in the besieged Yemeni city as coalition and Houthi rebel forces struggle to gain the upper hand ahead of a planned ceasefire at the end of the month.

"The violence is unbearable, I cannot tell you. We're surrounded by strikes from the air, sea, and land," said Wafa Abdullah Saleh, a nurse at the barely functioning al-Olafi hospital in the Houthi-controlled city centre.

"The hospital treats the hungry and people injured in airstrikes day in and day out, but there is a serious shortage of medicine," she said. "Even if we try our hardest we cannot treat patients because we lack the necessities for basic operations."

...In a joint statement on Thursday, several international aid agencies condemned the intense new violence in Hodeidah, calling it a "deeply disturbing development," and calling on all parties to the conflict to cease the fighting and engage with the UN-sponsored peace process.

A new round of peace talks to end the war — which has killed an estimated 56,000 people and left 14 million on the brink of starvation — are scheduled for early December in Sweden.

At the UN, diplomats were working frantically to get agreement on a draft resolution by next Friday that would demand a ceasefire and the free flow of humanitarian aid. But there is concern that the U.S. is demanding the draft include passages criticising Iran's role in Yemen that might be sufficient to prompt a Russian veto.
Fucking hell. The Democrats' scrutiny of Trump's foreign policy cannot come soon enough. Literally.

What have you been reading that we need to resist today?

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Matthew Whitaker, Sessions' Replacement, Is Awful

Any sensible person fully expected that outgoing Attorney General Jeff Sessions' replacement would be even worse than he was. The only question was what particular flavors of terrible it would be.

Sessions' interim (and possibly permanent) replacement, Matthew Whitaker, who's been handed control of Special Counsel Bob Mueller's investigation, is already shaping up to be a total fucking nightmare.

Last year, he penned a piece for CNN entitled "Mueller's Investigation of Trump Is Going Too Far."

In a piece by Betsy Woodruff et. al. at the Daily Beast about the secretive, anti-Democrat group he led, a Department of Justice trial attorney is quoted saying, "Whitaker is on record as being more interested in propping up Trump than in upholding the rule of law. It's hard to have confidence that he'll do anything other than what the president had said in his tweets."

Like Donald Trump, Whitaker is a con artist who was "involved in a Miami-based invention-marketing company the Federal Trade Commission shut down last year after calling it a scam," and like Mike Pence, Whitaker is a Christian Supremacist who believes that judges should have "a biblical view."

In July of 2017, Whitaker was a guest on a CNN panel where he defended Don Trump Jr.'s taking the Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives offering "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, because: "You would always take that meeting."

Speaking of Don Jr., his father is reportedly (and take that with a grain of salt) very worried that his son is about to be indicted by Mueller: "In recent days, according to three sources, Don Jr. has been telling friends he is worried about being indicted as early as this week. One person close to Don Jr. speculated that Mueller could indict him for making false statements to Congress and the F.B.I. about whether he had told his father about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting."

If Trump is worried about his son being indicted, presumably it's less out of actual concern for his son but because he is worried about his own guilty hide. He may feel like he's next, which is why he has "already begun reviewing with his lawyers the written answers to questions from special counsel Robert Mueller."

And why he acted swiftly to oust Sessions and shove Rod Rosenstein aside to put Whitaker in charge of the Mueller investigation.

Trump and Whitaker share one very important thing in common: They both believe Whitaker's primary role at the Justice Department is to shield Trump from justice.

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The White House Attack on Jim Acosta Is Vile

[Content Note: Authoritarianism; misogyny.]

Yesterday, during Donald Trump's post-midterms press conference, CNN's Jim Acosta, who has been a regular target of Trump's ire, was dismissed and scolded by Trump when he asked about Special Counsel Bob Mueller's investigation and questioned Trump's incendiary language about the migrant caravan headed toward the southern border.

Trump sneered at Acosta: "That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. That's enough. Put down the mic. CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN. You're a very rude person."

Acosta continued to try to ask his questions, as is his job, and a White House aide, a young woman, was sent over to him to try to grab the microphone away from him. He held onto it, persisting as Trump shouted at him that he'd had enough.

Later in the day, the White House announced that it was suspending Acosta's press pass "until further notice." In a statement, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said he would be stripped of his "hard pass," which grants access to the White House grounds.

Sanders defended the decision by accusing Acosta of "placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern," which she added was "absolutely unacceptable."

This was, to be clear, an outright lie. The video clearly shows that Acosta did not "place his hands" on the woman who was trying to rip the microphone away from him, casting furtive glances at Trump the entire time she was doing it.

At one point, Acosta's hand does come in contact with her arm, but only because he was trying to get away from her as she was grabbing at the mic. It is clearly a defensive and accidental contact.

Sanders, however, was determined to make the case that Acosta assaulted the young woman, so she deployed doctored video, slowed down in that section, to make it appear as though Acosta is making a downward "chopping" motion.

The White House had this accusation and the doctored video ready to go alarmingly quickly — and as Leah McElrath noted on Twitter, "Within moments of Acosta asking his question at the presser this morning, hundreds of accounts began spamming multiple hashtags accusing him of assault."

The White House was quite evidently trying to set up Jim Acosta to accuse him of assault. When he didn't respond as anticipated (by a bunch of abusive men), they resorted to using doctored video to try to make it look like an assault.

Note that part of this plan was using a woman with the hope she'd be assaulted.

And we haven't heard anything from her.

The White House has asserted on multiple occasions (Trump, Corey Lewandowski, Rob Porter, Roy Moore, Brett Kavanaugh) that women who accuse men of assault are liars, being used by Democrats for political purposes. That's rank projection. Here they are, doing precisely what they accuse Democrats of doing.

(Also note that the "assault" the White House is saying Acosta made on their aide is almost exactly what Donald Trump actually did to reporter Alexi McCammond along the campaign trail in 2016.)

This was clearly a set-up. And it should terrify and enrage all of us that the White House is engaging in this sort of manipulation, propaganda, and personal attacks on journalists as the president's war on the free press continues to escalate.

And fuck everyone who is calling this "a distraction." This isn't a distraction. This is what life looks like under an authoritarian regime, and we had better damn well be paying attention.

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