
Anti-Muslim Bigotry Since November 2015

I’ve been updating a thread which documents attacks on Muslims, mosques, and people of color perceived to be Muslim, since the attacks on Paris. The thread has been growing at an alarming rate and I’ve decided that while I will continue to publish updates on Twitter that it would be easier to share and parse through if I created a one-page entry on my website. If there are any I missed, or if you would like to add your own, please contact me.

Paris Attacks
November 13, 2015

Connecticut mosque shot up hours after Paris attacks
November 13, 2015

Pregnant Muslim woman in Mission Valley attacked on same night as Paris attacks
November 13, 2015

Muslim takeaway workers in Fife, Scotland are attacked by group of men shouting about ISIS 24 hours after Paris terror attacks
November 14, 2015

Man in Oklahoma threatens to “start shooting anything that looks like a Muslim after what they did to France.”
November 14, 2015

Uber driver threatened with death and viciously beaten and choked by passenger who believed he was a Muslim
November 15, 2015

Muslim family living in Orlando believes their home was shot at several times on Saturday because of their faith
November 15, 2015

Mosque in Ontario, Canada deliberately set on fire, building rendered unusable
November 15, 2015

Two ‘Middle Eastern looking’ passengers in Boston removed from flight, later rebooked
November 15, 2015

Movie-goer racially profiled by man who attempts to search his person due to “what happened in Paris”
November 15, 2015

Two Pinellas county (Florida) mosques threatened. Voicemail says that attendees would be firebombed and massacred
November 16, 2015

Toronto couple posted a sign asking Muslims in their community if they were “sorry for the slaughter” in France
November 16, 2015

Two Muslim tourists attacked by man who verbally assaulted them, spat on them and sexually assaulted one
November 16, 2016

Driver attempts to run Muslim student over near campus
November 16, 2015

Muslim woman viciously beaten and verbally abused by group of men while out picking up her children from school
November 16, 2015

Montreal man arrested after threatening, on video, to kill one Arab per week
November 16, 2015

Texas mosque vandalized, tearing up a Qur’an and covering it in feces
November 17, 2015

A petrol bomb was thrown into the home of a Muslim family in Ballymena, northern Ireland
November 17, 2015

Teacher in California presents lesson on Islam to 7th graders that includes rewritten song with lyrics that talks about “making an explosion”
November 17, 2015

Man enters mosque in Texas and intentionally wipes shoes on interior carpet, curses at worshipers and refuses to leave
November 17, 2015

Racist passenger in Baltimore has 4 ‘Middle Eastern looking’ passengers removed from flight
November 17, 2015

Texas man arrested after threatening to shoot up mosque
November 17, 2015

Florida man threatens to bomb mosque, shoot children
November 18, 2015

Dorval mosque receives threat: “We’re going to hurt you. We don’t want Muslims in
Quebec, and we’re going to do something”
November 18, 2015

Two Muslim woman accosted on the subway on Toronto
November 18, 2015

Two Arab men denied entry aboard their flight for speaking Arabic
November 18, 2015

Muslim woman attacked in southern France. She was punched in the neck and her chest was cut with what was believed to have been a box cutter
November 19, 2015

Man leaves explosive outside mosque, throws Molotov cocktails
November 19, 2015

Muslim student in Toronto verbally assaulted, spat on
November 19, 2015

San Diego State University was battered by an unknown male who pushed her and pulled her by her scarf while making hate-related comments and threats based on her ethnicity
November 19, 2015

New York postal worker harasses and spits on Muslim woman
November 20, 2015

Threatening letter sent to mosque in Corpus Christie, Texas
November 20, 2015

Armed protesters stand outside Texas mosque
November 21, 2015

Muslim student punched in the face in broad daylight for wearing the hijab
November 23, 2015

Muslim taxi driver shot in the back by passenger on Thanksgiving night
November 24, 2015

Muslim student removed from flight in front of passengers
November 24, 2015

Student mosque in Houston, Texas vandalized
November 24, 2015

Anti-Islam group with armed members posts Muslims’ names, addresses to Facebook
November 25, 2015

Sikh man verbally abused, spat on, called a terrorist and punched in the face in Poland
November 28, 2015

Cold Lake mosque in Canada vandalized with ‘Go home’ graffiti f0r second time
November 28, 2015

New Jersey police officer suspended with pay after posting anti-Muslim screed calling for mosques to be demolished
December 1, 2015

Hateful graffiti spree targets Muslims and Syrian refugees in Calgary, Canada
December 2, 2015

Mosque in Manassas gets threatening phone call, person says “you will all be killed”
December 3, 2015

Muslim woman in Thorncliffe, Canada verbally attacked while riding bus, told that she should get raped and go back to her country
December 3, 2015

The windows of a Palm Beach Islamic center were smashed and the prayer room was spattered in blood
December 5, 2015

U. of Texas student, friend leave popular Austin cafe amid anti-Muslim backlash from other customers
December 6, 2015

Pig’s head left inside University of Western Australia mosque?
December 7, 2015

Muslim sixth grader allegedly attacked by schoolmates who called her ISIS, tore at her hijab
December 7, 2015

Somali restaurant set on fire, vandalized. graffiti included what appears to be an ?SS? in the style of a symbol from Nazi Germany above the painted words ?go home.?
December 8, 2015

A woman hurled anti-Islam slurs and then hot coffee at a group of Muslims after she saw them praying in a California park
December 9, 2015

Muslim forced off Tube after commuter complained he used iPad ‘suspiciously’
December 9, 2015

Muslim family that just moved into a new neighborhood in Plano, Texas and have already been vandalized twice
December 9, 2015

Customer slaps worker, destroys property after asking if they were Muslim
December 10, 2015

A Sikh temple had to order a banner that read “we are American Sikhs” due to hate crimes
December 10, 2015

Georgia school says teacher had no ?ill intent? asking Muslim student if she had a bomb in her backpack
December 10, 2015

Muslim woman told she wasn’t trusted, stalked & knife was pulled out on her at car wash in Chino Hills, CA
December 10, 2015

CAIR office received envelope with note that read ?Die a painful death,Muslims,?and white powder (later deemed harmless)
December 10, 2015

Seattle Police Department investigating possible hate crime against driver after passenger called him a terrorist and punched him in the head
December 10, 2015

A Sikh temple in Orange County has been vandalized by someone who thought it was a Muslim house of worship
December 10, 2015

A security firm hired by a mosque in northern Virginia quit, saying that they can no longer protect them
December 11, 2015

The Islamic Community Center of Phoenix (where the armed hate-protest took place) had multiple windows smashed
December 11, 2015

2 women in Tampa report hate crimes. One incident involves one of the women allegedly being shot at after leaving her mosque
December 11, 2015

FBI investigating blaze at Coachella mosque reportedly hit with fire-bomb
December 11, 2015

Vandals spraypaint ‘Jesus Is The Way’ on California mosque. A bomb squad was also called in for what turned out to be a plastic replica of a hand grenade
December 13, 2015

Police: 7th-grader calls Muslim schoolmate ?son of ISIS,? threatens to shoot and kill him
December 14, 2015

Florida Islamic School vandalized with “Fuck Muslims” spray painted on wall.
December 14, 2015

Clerk was shot in the face by a man who called him a terrorist, said “I used to kill people like you in Iraq”
December 14, 2015

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The author Roqayah

Writer, researcher, published poet, and cat enthusiast.

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[…] The list of people who need this advice is long, and if you’re one of them, or know one of them, sit them down and have a talk. We can decide to divide the country and drive people into the arms of ISIS, or we can decide not to. […]
