The MRC's War On Journalists, Part 3: Craven Callousness

The Media Research Center tries to protect its brand and insists its (and President Trump's) hateful anti-media rhetoric doesn't inspire violence against journalists -- then claims that it's "self-centered" for journalists to be worried about their safety.

Related: Part 1: Katy TurPart 2: Jim Acosta

The Kavanaugh Playbook At CNS

Like its Media Research Center parent, had marching orders to push through Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination and attack his accusers.

Hating Anita Hill Through Brett Kavanaugh

Christine Blasey Ford's sexual misconduct accusations against Brett Kavanaugh allows the Media Research Center to revel yet again in how much it hates Anita Hill for raising questions about conservative icon Clarence Thomas.

The MRC's Playbook On Kavanaugh

The Media Research Center knew what it had to do as a Trump loyalist: Defend Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination and denigrate the women who accused him of sexual misconduct (and bury the fact that a key witness used to work for the MRC).

Beyond Paul Nehlen: WND's White Nationalism Problem

Two more WorldNetDaily-published authors have shown their true colors of support for white nationalism and/or anti-Semitism. But WND has been flirting with white nationalists and race-baiters for years.

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