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  1. قبل ١٢ ساعة

    The discovery of the transcendent dimension is the most important thing in any human life. In this video Eckhart discusses the awakening of consciousness as our common human destiny and the true measure of success in one’s lifetime.

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  2. ٩ يوليو

    Challenge and suffering are a part of every human life. Yet, teaches Eckhart, so is the potential for discovering through even the greatest adversity who we are in our depths.

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  3. ٩ يوليو

    “Failure lies concealed in every success, and success in every failure.” - Eckhart Tolle

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  4. ٩ يوليو

    "Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance." - Eckhart Tolle

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  5. ٨ يوليو

    Welcoming Life - Australia Retreat Part 5 Overview: Eckhart Tolle talks about how life’s inevitable difficulties become a pathway to awakening, and how to stay present amidst the continual challenges we encounter.

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  6. ٦ يوليو

    "Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting, come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being." - Eckhart Tolle

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  7. ٦ يوليو

    Eckhart Tolle offers guidance for settling into presence and resting in the depth of an “unfilled” moment.

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  8. ٣ يوليو

    "The first important step into the now is to become aware of whatever surrounds you." - Eckhart Tolle

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  9. ٣ يوليو

    Eckhart Tolle is joined by bestselling author and innovative educator Sir Ken Robinson to discuss the common threads of their transformational teachings.

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  10. ٢ يوليو

    Eckhart discusses how the cultivation of present-moment awareness and the acceptance of the nature of impermanence can inform and guide our evolution.

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  11. ٢ يوليو

    "Accept the present moment and find the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time." - Eckhart Tolle

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  12. ١ يوليو

    In this Question and Answer snippet, Eckhart Tolle takes a look at habitual patterns and how to break free of them.

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  13. ١ يوليو

    "There is always a simplicity about the present moment." - Eckhart Tolle

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  14. ٣٠ يونيو

    "Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” - Eckhart Tolle

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  15. ٣٠ يونيو

    Eckhart addresses the students at New York University in this featured talk, discussing a range of topics including different forms of knowledge, the fourth state of consciousness, the source of unhappiness, and the purpose of life’s challenges.

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  16. ٢٩ يونيو

    Can you listen from a place of alert stillness and allow people to express their opinions? Eckhart discusses the shift in consciousness from our ordinary perspective to a deeper awareness that transcends the personal sense of identity.

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  17. ٢٨ يونيو

    New Podcast With Eckhart and Russell Brand

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  18. ٢٦ يونيو

    In this Question and Answer sample, Eckhart Tolle explains how applied thinking rooted in presence has its purpose.

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  19. ٢٥ يونيو

    Guidance in trusting the deeper self and the wisdom it emanates.

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  20. ٢٥ يونيو

    "When you create a problem, you create pain. All it takes is a simple choice, a simple decision: No matter what happens, I will create no more pain for myself. I will create no more problems." - Eckhart Tolle

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