Politics | Federal State & International Politics Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Drastic dual election plan considered as government tries to regain ground

Drastic dual election plan considered as government tries to regain ground

The Morrison government is considering the possibility of two elections to improve its chances in next year's poll.

  • by David Crowe

Opinion & Perspectives

Gagged: A brazen attack on Parliament and the public interest

The Attorney-General has diminished himself by censoring the government's most important watchdog.

Richard Mulgan

Diplomatic thaw shows Beijing eager for friends, experts say

China experts say Foreign Minister Marise Payne’s crucial visit to Beijing shows the Chinese government wants to get the relationship back on track.

David Wroe
David Wroe

Protecting against trade ends up harming many

Turning the clock back through industry protection will not restore well-paid jobs to middle-skill men.

Jenny Gordon


Gagged: A brazen attack on Parliament and the public interest

Gagged: A brazen attack on Parliament and the public interest

The Attorney-General has diminished himself by censoring the government's most important watchdog.

  • by Richard Mulgan
China’s President Xi Jinping.

Diplomatic thaw shows Beijing eager for friends, experts say

China experts say Foreign Minister Marise Payne’s crucial visit to Beijing shows the Chinese government wants to get the relationship back on track.

  • by David Wroe

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