Scott Bessent says "60 to 70 per cent of what we do is getting ready so we have the work on the shelf when the moment ...

Investment legend warns of Fed fallout

Global money flowed into bonds, then equities and emerging markets as it searched for yield amid ultra-low interest rates. "This is now in reverse and that is less fun," warns investment legend Scott Bessent. "The tide will go out the same way."

Westpac now market leader in tech

If cloud computing is the future of banking then Westpac is well positioned to lead the way among the big four banks thanks to a $500 million investment in a new customer service hub.

New car sales have fallen for seven consecutive months as a house price slowdown crimps discretionary spending.

House price pain puts brakes on car sales

New car sales have dropped for the seventh consecutive month as households put the brakes on big-ticket discretionary purchases amid a property price slowdown that is hurting confidence.

Westpac profit flat in 'tough conditions'

Provisions for customer refunds and higher funding costs kept a lid on Westpac's profit growth with the bank reporting flat full-year cash earnings of $8.07 billion in line with expectations.

Investors are tipped to be fixing on potential stimulus measures from China to provide another boost for share prices.

Miners carry the hopes of ASX investors

With banks under pressure and growth stocks falling out of favour, the mining sector is once again carrying the hopes of ASX investors as the year limps to a close.

US midterms shouldn't shake local markets

Australian shares are set to open the week lower ahead of the 2018 US midterm elections on Tuesday with most analysts forecasting the Democrats will win back control of the House of Representatives.


China could be the loser in this cold war

By Alan Mitchell

Beijing is desperate for technology boosts to avoid the dreaded middle income trap. That gives the US a lot of leverage in the struggle between superpowers.

Westpac now market leader in tech

If cloud computing is the future of banking then Westpac is well positioned to lead the way among the big four banks thanks to a $500 million investment in a new customer service hub.

Virgin Australia says it will consult more about its veterans plan.

Virgin to 'consult' further on veterans plan

Virgin Australia could drop controversial plans to offer veterans priority boarding and in-flight acknowledgement, after criticism by ex-service groups and One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

'ScoMo express' hits road in Qld

On a bus tour dubbed the "ScoMo express", the Prime Minister will target key marginal electorates in the sunshine state during a four-day visit

Final results had 56.4 per cent of the voters who participated in the referendum deciding to maintain ties with the ...

New Caledonia sticks with France

A majority of voters in the South Pacific territory of New Caledonia chose to remain part of France instead of backing independence.

President Donald Trump, at a campaign rally in Montana, says "America is booming".

Trump midterms blitz a warm up for 2020

Propelled by the best wages growth in nine years and renewed warnings about illegal immigrants, Donald Trump embarked on a final three-day blitz of key Senate battle grounds.

Personal Finance

NAB has raised standard variable rates for new borrowers, but in a change to the status quo, it is maintaining rates on ...

NAB no longer has lowest rates

NAB has raised standard variable rates for new borrowers, but in a change to the status quo, it is maintaining rates on hold for existing customers.

Why SA, Adelaide uni merger failed

The negotiating team had to contend with the leadership issue, which was complicated by the cultural differences of the two universities.