Environment | Weather, Climate Change & Conservation News | The Sydney Morning Herald


'We want to do everything we can': NSW readies for renewables surge

'We want to do everything we can': NSW readies for renewables surge

The NSW government has set aside $55 million to help smooth the introduction of new solar and wind farms.

  • by Peter Hannam


1 million signatures given to consul-general in bid to end Indonesia's dog-meat trade

1 million signatures given to consul-general in bid to end Indonesia's dog-meat trade

Animal welfare campaigners hand-delivered a petition with signatures from the likes of Ellen DeGeneres to the Indonesian consul-general in Sydney on Monday.

  • by Steve Jacobs
'Getting close': El Nino event seen as not far off as Sydney sizzles
Extreme weather

'Getting close': El Nino event seen as not far off as Sydney sizzles

The hot start to November may be a taste of the summer to come with meteorologists watching a Pacific Ocean that is being primed for an El Nino event.

  • by Peter Hannam
NSW east coast now in 'severe' fire danger as mercury soars
Extreme weather

NSW east coast now in 'severe' fire danger as mercury soars

A large mass of hot air moving across the state on Friday is driving temperatures up towards 40C in some parts, as a number of bushfires burn.

I tried out Queensland's new recycling scheme so you know what to expect

I tried out Queensland's new recycling scheme so you know what to expect

Despite teething problems, Queensland's cash for containers scheme is up and running.

  • by Tony Moore
Temperatures to soar in Sydney on Friday, prompting total fire ban
Extreme weather

Temperatures to soar in Sydney on Friday, prompting total fire ban

The large pool of heat that have been baking inland Australia will reach the east coast, pushing the mercury towards the 40-degree mark and prompting authorities to declare total fire bans for Sydney, the Illawarra and the Hunter.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Success guaranteed': Reef centre misses funding despite strong review
Great Barrier Reef

'Success guaranteed': Reef centre misses funding despite strong review

A world-renowned coral reef research centre missed out on funding to groups proposing the study of the "digital child", "creative aging" and the Enlightenment despite an external review finding its plan to be "revolutionary".

  • by Peter Hannam
'Bare minimum': Greens arc up over Labor's climate policy rebuff
Bill Shorten

'Bare minimum': Greens arc up over Labor's climate policy rebuff

The federal Greens approached their Labor counterparts to secure a 'joint leadership' on climate and energy policy ahead of the next year's elections, only to have their overture rebuffed.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Bit of a shock': Coming heat to dry off much of October's wet spell
Extreme weather

'Bit of a shock': Coming heat to dry off much of October's wet spell

Sydney's wettest October in nine years helped ease fire conditions for a time but the coming surge in heat will sap much of those gains in vegetation moisture, the Rural Fire Service and meteorologists say.

  • by Peter Hannam
This Northern California mountain lion is a serial killer - of horses

This Northern California mountain lion is a serial killer - of horses

Ranchers and conservationists have been arguing over how to best manage wild horses in a California national park. Now, a cougar is helping out.

  • by Jaclyn Cosgrove
Two billion people hit by natural disasters in the past decade: Red Cross
Foreign aid

Two billion people hit by natural disasters in the past decade: Red Cross

Australia is in the world’s most disaster-prone region.

  • by Matt Wade