Good Weekend | The Age

Good Weekend

There is a better way of teaching bored Australian students

There is a better way of teaching bored Australian students

Disengaged students are being given individualised lesson plans to spark their interest. Could the approach spark wider educational reform?

  • by Sharon Bradley


George Soros on the new world disorder
George Soros

George Soros on the new world disorder

His enemies paint him as all-powerful, but the billionaire philanthropist believes his political legacy has never been in greater jeopardy.

  • by Michael Steinberger
How Rob de Castella inspired a new mum to finish the New York marathon
Two of Us

How Rob de Castella inspired a new mum to finish the New York marathon

Cara Smith ran her first marathon last year in New York, cheered on by former world champion Rob de Castella. She has since finished two more 42-kilometre events.

  • by Jane Cadzow
Bohemian rhapsody: Why there's no stopping this 103-year-old dancer

Bohemian rhapsody: Why there's no stopping this 103-year-old dancer

All it takes to live a creative life, says Eileen Kramer, is to follow your desire. It’s just that most people don’t.

  • by Fenella Souter
Stitch in time: Rwanda's designers create a bright future

Stitch in time: Rwanda's designers create a bright future

The African nation’s fashion scene is determined to shift perceptions of their country beyond its genocidal past.

'My doctor called and told me I might be having a heart attack'

'My doctor called and told me I might be having a heart attack'

A 20-something writer is convinced the end is near. Only one question remains: does he tell his loved ones by text or Instagram?

  • by Evan Williams
Spotlight: Are our phones listening in?

Spotlight: Are our phones listening in?

Shoosh! Our phones might be eavesdropping. You think I'm being paranoid?

  • by Greg Callaghan
Dicey Topics: Daniel Bull talks politics, death and sex
Dicey topics

Dicey Topics: Daniel Bull talks politics, death and sex

The 37-year-old Australian explorer discusses the subjects we're told to keep private.

  • by Benjamin Law
Beyond hygge: Pull up a banana lounge and settle in

Beyond hygge: Pull up a banana lounge and settle in

Seeking new ways to soothe jangled nerves? Why not give Daryl-ing a go?

  • by Amelia Lester
Why Blade Runner has left an indelible mark on my life

Why Blade Runner has left an indelible mark on my life

Everything changed for teenaged-me in 2019. No, not next year, but the then-dystopian future presented in director Ridley Scott’s sci-fi film released in 1982.

  • by Stephen A Russell
The Full Bottle: Does Australia produce any good grappas?

The Full Bottle: Does Australia produce any good grappas?

For a top-shelf digestif, distilled in-house, look no further than the country's oldest family-owned winery.

  • by Huon Hooke