Asia | Latest News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald



Forced from the Philippines, Sister Patricia Fox lands in Melbourne

Forced from the Philippines, Sister Patricia Fox lands in Melbourne

Australian nun kicked out of the Philippines by President Rodrigo Duterte for protesting against human rights abuses arrives in Melbourne.

  • by Matilda Boseley


Thousands mourn the cleric known as the 'father of the Taliban'

Thousands mourn the cleric known as the 'father of the Taliban'

Maulana Samiul Haq was killed in a knife attack on Friday.

Asia Bibi's family seeks asylum and lawyer flees the country after Pakistan blasphemy ruling

Asia Bibi's family seeks asylum and lawyer flees the country after Pakistan blasphemy ruling

Hard-line Islamists have been protesting in Pakistan against the Christian woman's acquittal on blasphemy charges. Now her family wants to flee the country.

  • by Sam Blewett
China thaw: Morrison minister to fly into Shanghai

China thaw: Morrison minister to fly into Shanghai

More than 150 Australian companies will be represented at the Shanghai expo next week.

  • by Kirsty Needham
Australia-Indonesia relationship faces months of uncertainty

Australia-Indonesia relationship faces months of uncertainty

The Morrison government's decision to review the location of Australia's Israeli embassy has put relations with Indonesia on an unpredictable footing.

  • by James Massola & Karuni Rompies
China’s 'extraordinary' ambitions: the futuristic city being built on reclaimed land
Sri Lanka

China’s 'extraordinary' ambitions: the futuristic city being built on reclaimed land

A new project in Sri Lanka has been likened to a Chinese company building a huge island off Bondi Beach and then putting a new city on it. 

  • by Matt Wade
'Ruined dreams': the people locked up in China's desert 're-education' centres

'Ruined dreams': the people locked up in China's desert 're-education' centres

Most have only seen them from the air, but China correspondent Kirsty Needham got on the ground in Xinjiang to explore China's vast network of gulags.

  • by Kirsty Needham
'Shocked': Former Indonesia ambassador upset over Jerusalem proposal

'Shocked': Former Indonesia ambassador upset over Jerusalem proposal

Jakarta's former ambassador in Canberra says Australia should pursue a foreign policy more independent of the United States.

  • by James Massola & David Crowe
Pakistan Islamists block roads to protest acquittal of Christian

Pakistan Islamists block roads to protest acquittal of Christian

Asia Bibi was accused of making derogatory remarks about Islam after neighbours objected to her drinking water from their glass because she was not Muslim.

  • by Syed Raza Hassan
Technical problem prompted alert call from Lion jet's earlier flight
Lion Air Tragedy

Technical problem prompted alert call from Lion jet's earlier flight

The Lion plane asked to return to Bali five minutes after take-off, but then the pilot said the problem had been resolved and he was going on to Jakarta.

  • by Gayatri Suroy
It could be goodbye to the banks if WeChat takes over the world

It could be goodbye to the banks if WeChat takes over the world

I’ve been to China three times in the past 2 years and continue to be amazed at its development in all fields and not the least of which is communications.

  • by Harold Mitchell