Free Software Foundation Europe


Call for sessions at the FSFE assembly during 35C3

24 October 2018

In the context of the 35th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again, acting as an information booth and a meeting point for our friends and all friends of Free Software. As in previous editions, we offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community, and this is our call for participation.

Free Software changing Microsoft's patent strategy

23 October 2018

In October Microsoft took a big step concerning its software patents by joining the LOT Network (LOT stands for "License on Transfer") and the Open Invention Network (OIN). This is a clear sign of progress on the long road to handing control of technology to the people, and the FSFE encourages Microsoft to take additional steps in this direction.

Digital-O-Mat: Wat vinden de partijen in Hessen van Vrije Software?

10 October 2018

De Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) heeft voorafgaand aan de komende verkiezing voor de Landdag in Hessen met behulp van een "Digital-O-Mat" de posities van de partijen ten aanzien van Vrije Software onder de loep genomen. Opvallend zijn met name de zwaarwegende verschillen tussen de huidige coalitiepartners. Terwijl de CDU zich voor de status quo uitspreekt presenteert Bündnis 90/Die Grünen zich als ondersteuner van Vrije Software en spreekt zich expliciet uit voor het door de FSFE gepropageerde grondbeginsel "Publiek Geld, Publieke Code!" van de gelijknamige campagne uit.

"Go open today, there's no excuse not to" - interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS expert at National Land Survey Finland.

17 September 2018

Oskari is a Free Software platform for browsing, sharing and analysing geographic information from distributed data sources. Its development is coordinated by the National Land Survey of Finland and is organised through the Oskari network with over 38 organisations from both the public and private sector. Oskari was awarded second prize in the cross-border category of the European Commission's Sharing and Reuse Awards Contest 2017 and is currently going through incubation phase to become an official Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) Project. To shed light on best practices regarding Free Software developed by public funds, we have conducted an interview with Timo Aarnio, GIS Expert at the National Land Survey of Finland’s SDI Services department.

New FSFE staff member Alexander Sander: EU public policy programme manager

07 September 2018

The Free Software Foundation Europe is happy to welcome our newest staffer Alexander Sander. Alexander is hired as our new EU public policy programme manager and works full-time in the FSFE's Berlin office. In this position, Alexander mainly works with us on policy topics covering Free Software and Open Standards issues at the EU and member state level and helps us identify and monitor EU policy developments to alert the FSFE's network on relevant issues.
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FSFE with a booth at OSHWDem in A Coruña, Spain

10 November 2018

In the third consecutive year, the FSFE will run a booth at OSHWDem, a faire about Free Software and free hardware. OSHWDem is well known in A Coruña with plenty of visitors from the city and also outside, counting with the presence of lot of Free Software and hardware advocates. We look forward to many interesting talks and hopefully also find people to start a local FSFE group and/or a local language translation group.

FSFE with talk, workshop and booth at SFScon in Bolzano, Italy

15 to 17 November 2018

From November 15 to 17, part of the FSFE team will be present at the SFScon in Bolzano, Italy. The FSFE's president Matthias Kirschner will give a talk and our EU public policy programme manager Alexander Sander will host a policy workshop. Also, we will run a booth, where we will present the findings of the REUSE software study - carried out by the University of Bolzano. If you are around, do pass by: we look forward to meeting you.

FSFE booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

24 November 2018

As in previous years, the FSFE will be present with a booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, Netherlands. We look forward to interesting dicussions and chats about FSFE and Free Software.

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