Cleveland Kidnapping

I understand this is a bit off topic as there hasn’t been information released, to my knowledge, isn’t inherently related to sex work. Although as sex workers we are all vulnerable to this kind of situation. Some of us have faced it first hand ourselves.

But for anyone who knows me or knows of me these events obviously touch me on many levels very deeply.

These girls are heroes beyond imagination. While the man who helped get them out is being called the hero and he is. His efforts still are tiny in comparison to what these girls endured for ten years. If they ever stumble on to this blog I hope they know that anything they did to survive is something to be honored and cherished.

I have seen very ignorant commentators in the news related to this state they can’t believe these girls had no chance to escape in ten years. People who say things like that have no idea what they are talking about. While it is now coming out that they were kept in restraints. Being kidnapped, raped, likely tortured, and fearing that anything they do may cause them horrendous pain or to be killed is a more powerful restraint than anything physical could ever be.

I am so pleased these women escaped. And so hope that they all find love, support and assistance to help them go through the very difficult recovery process. Hopefully the women will hear a lot of people tell them that they did nothing to deserve this. This was a choice by psychopaths to do this to them and that they will get all the love, support and whatever else they need to rebuild their lives and somehow go on from this.

As someone who went through something very similar to this. I am so pleased they were able to escape and so hope they get all the support they need. I endured far less than ten years of what they did and know the staggering effect it has had on me. Ten years is almost hard to fathom.

The women are heroes. What it took to survive this and to take the chance to escape is courage beyond pale.

7 Responses

  1. Thank you for offering your insight here. I was wondering if you were going to comment on the situation. These women need helped in every way possible but at least they have the rest of their lives to live now.

  2. Ridiculous. I had to listen to two hours of your. Bs in a recent class that you bored to tears.. Jill captivity is contrary to what you claim. Everyone that truly wishes to escape will keep trying. Trapped coal miners tap until they are rescued or stop living. Women who say they can’t escape just don’t want to take responsible that they are adults which want rough sex and a man to take care of them. But when caught red handed then they play coquettish victim to keep standing with other feminist men hating misandry.

    You are just man bashing and crusading to end prostitution because you are repressed and ashamed. Either Amanda is your friend or a sock puppet for saying you have insight. I sees why she is your only believer. You are just another hateful and hopelessly lost feminist . Whine Malle bash,victim whine male bash victim

  3. Heath — Where do I begin? You’re a complete fucking moron.

    Also, yes, I’m Jill’s sock puppet. You found me out. [rolling my eyes]

  4. Astute analysis Heath. With your obvious vast ability to analyze and effectively communicate such a coherent argument you are truly a natural fit for conservative media. A thought process like you have and an ability to communicate in the manner that you do can’t be learned. It’s something one is born with or isn’t. Fox News is hiring. You undoubtedly would fit in there.

  5. @Heath,

    Why did Terry Anderson, Thomas Sutherland, Terry Waite, Benjamin Weir, Frank Reed, others stay in captivity? Surely they had chances in seven years to escape? Maybe they had Stockholm Syndrome? Maybe they were initially captives but found some sexual arousal in captivity and stayed willingly? Maybe they are men who simply didn’t want to work and wanted someone to give them food and shelter without making them work? Maybe they were bisexual? Why did they get in the car with their kidnappers instead of yelling help? Why didn’t they escape the first chance they could? Doesn’t the fact that grown men were held for years and never tried to escape sound fishy? Maybe it was just a conspiracy to discredit men by showing that men kidnap?

    Does the paragraph above sound absurd? Of course It sounds absurd because it is absurd. Frank Reed tried to escape. They beat him so badly he never recovered. The others didn’t try to escape. They waited until they were released because they wanted to live. No one asked the questions that are being asked of these women. No one accused them of playing coquettish victims. The assumption was automatically that they were free when they were freed. Until then they were captive and escape wasn’t an option.

    The US hostages in Lebanon were grown men. Men who had been around the world, were experienced in life and all had some position of power. Yet they reacted the same as the girls in captivity. Go figure…….

    Apply your logic to men in captivity and it is illogical and insulting to the victims. Same logic applies to the women. Being female doesn’t make one a willing captive. Just easier to subdue because women are smaller than men and have less chance of fighting back.

  6. I have to agree with Jillbrennemen and Amanda Brooks. You, Mr. Heath are an idiot. Survival is emphasized in the military along with attempts to escape when feasible. These women escaped when they could. Applaud them and shut up.

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