3 November 2018

Washington imposes new sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba

By Bill Van Auken, 3 November 2018

Bolton’s speech on the Trump administration’s policy toward Latin America amounted to a demand for regime change in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

US expands illegal, unilateral sanctions against Iran

By Mike Head, 3 November 2018

The measures Washington outlined yesterday are tantamount to a declaration of war.

As sanctions tighten, Washington threatens Iran with “military might”

As workers’ opposition grows to Teamsters contract, UPS Freight prepares for strike

By Will Morrow, 3 November 2018

Workers voted by more than 62 percent to reject the UPS Freight contract on October 5.

Chicago Teamsters local announces end to UPS contract extension

Teamsters forces UPS Freight workers to vote again on rejected sellout contract

“We should all be fighting together”
Teamsters union isolates 8,500 Chicago UPS workers

After Teamsters overrule “no” vote on contract, UPS earnings up 20 percent

More on the struggle at UPS »

128 years after the first US electrocution
Tennessee revives “Old Smokey,” the electric chair, for an execution

By Kate Randall, 3 November 2018

The US Supreme Court has never ruled execution by electric chair or lethal injection unconstitutional and has consistently upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty itself.

“They are trying to outsource to cut costs and pit us against each other”
Allison Transmission workers speak out on UAW-management collaboration

By George Kirby and Shannon Jones, 3 November 2018

Allison Transmission workers in Indianapolis, Indiana are complaining about the outsourcing of jobs, speed-up and lack of representation by the United Auto Workers.

GM makes record quarterly profit as US corporations accelerate cost-cutting

Fiat Chrysler workers hit with temporary layoffs across North America

Still no investigation into death of young autoworker
One year since the death of Jacoby Hennings

More on autoworkers issues »

As US Steel and ArcelorMittal announce booming profits, the United Steelworkers pushes sellout deals

By our reporters, 3 November 2018

In the midst of a huge profit bonanza, unions like the USW, working on behalf of corporate management, are shamelessly telling workers it is they who must give back.

“Conditions are worse today than they were 40 years ago”
Pittsburgh-area workers speak out on USW sellout deal with US Steel

Vote “no” on the USW-US Steel concessions contract!

United Steelworkers announces tentative deal with US Steel

More on Steelworkers Struggles »

Trump manoeuvres in lead-up to talks with Chinese President Xi

By Nick Beams, 3 November 2018

The aim is either to extract major concessions from China or, failing that, create the best conditions for pressing ahead with trade war measures.

Falling growth rate sparks concern in China’s ruling circles

France to send aircraft carrier to South China Sea to threaten China

A major escalation in the US economic war against China

Japanese PM visits China in bid to improve relations

Sri Lankan crisis: Washington intervenes to maintain its political influence

By Deepal Jayasekera, 3 November 2018

The Trump administration, which is preparing for war against China, does not want to lose political domination in strategically-located Sri Lanka.

The JVP’s fraudulent attempt to capitalise on Sri Lanka’s political crisis

Fight for a socialist solution to the political crisis in Sri Lanka

Massive increase in police violence across UK

By Alice Summers, 3 November 2018

Since last year, police firearms operations have risen by nearly 20 percent nationally, with some areas seeing an increase of 53 percent.

Ireland votes to remove blasphemy from the constitution and re-elects Michael D. Higgins as president

By Dermot Byrne and Steve James, 3 November 2018

The collapse of Sinn Fein and the Labour Party, and their eclipse by the right-winger Casey, underscores the urgent need for a genuine socialist party of the working class in Ireland.

New Zealand: Bus union ends Wellington strike

By Tom Peters, 3 November 2018

The transport unions have sought to divide and demoralise workers and subordinate them to the Labour Party-led government.

New in Turkish

Cumhur İttifakı, artan uluslararası ve toplumsal gerilimlerin ortasında bozuldu

Barış Demir, 3 Kasım 2018

Artan toplumsal öfkenin ve Türkiye’nin uluslararası ilişkilerinde yaşanan değişimlerin ortasında, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi ile Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi arasındaki Cumhur İttifakı bozuldu.

New in French

Sous les acclamations du patronat
L’Ontario abaisse le salaire minimum et ampute les conditions de travail

Keith Jones, 3 novembre 2018

Lors d’un discours ponctué d’applaudissements adressé lors du sommet économique de l’Ontario, le premier ministre ontarien Doug Ford a clairement fait savoir que son gouvernement se prépare à une opposition de masse de la classe ouvrière.

Qui est Gary Walkowicz et qu’est-ce que le Working Class Party?

Tom Hall et Tim Rivers, 3 novembre 2018

Le Working Class Party, affilié au parti pseudo-trotskiste français Lutte ouvrière (LO), illustre une fois de plus que le simple fait de qualifier un parti de «parti ouvrier», et même d'avoir des dirigeants issus de la classe ouvrière, ne garantit ni une orientation ni un programme ouvriers.

New in Norwegian

Hva må gjøres med plutokratene?

Patrick Martin, 2. november 2018

En ny rapport dokumenterer den kolossale rollen som arvet rikdom har for å opprettholde sosial ulikhet i Amerika.

Trump ber om «massive teltbyer» og innesperring av innvandrere uten frist

Eric London, 2. november 2018

Den høyreorienterte demagogen beskrev en helvetesvisjon av konsentrasjonsleirer for fengsling av hjelpeløse menn, kvinner og barn og oppfordret de tusenvis av tropper som hastes til Amerikas sørlige grense om å åpne ild på ubevæpnede folkemengder.

Ecuadors regjering stenger for all tilgang til Julian Assange

Mike Head, 2. november 2018

Forbudet er nok en advarsel om Moren...>

Nick Beams, 1. november 2018

USAs handelsdeparement har pålagt restriksjoner på utvekslinger med det store kinesiske hi-tech-firmaet Fujian Jinhua og refererer «nasjonale sikkerhetsinteresser».

BlackRock-sjef Merz søker å lede Tysklands regjerende CDU

Peter Schwarz, 1. november 2018

Den tyske regjeringseliten bruker storkoalisjonsregjeringens valgnederlag i Bayern og Hessen til å presse på for et skarpt skifte til høyre.

Alle mennesker er ikke skapt like
Det amerikanske oligarkiets angrep på fødselrettigheten til statsborgerskap

Eric London, 1. november 2018

Alle grupperinger av styringsklassen ser på grunnleggende demokratiske rettigheter som hindre for deres bestrebelser etter rikdom og verdensdominans.

New in German

Was tun mit den Plutokraten?

Patrick Martin, 3. November 2018

Ein neuer Bericht dokumentiert, wie Erbschaften die enorme soziale Ungleichheit in Amerika zementieren.

Trump fordert „riesige Zeltstädte“ und die unbefristete Inhaftierung von Immigranten

Eric London, 3. November 2018

Der rechte Demagoge zeichnete ein teuflisches Bild von Konzentrationslagern für wehrlose Männer, Frauen und Kinder und entsendet Tausende Soldaten an der Südgrenze der USA, um auf unbewaffnete Menschenmengen zu schießen.

Der Spiegel idealisiert Björn Höcke (AfD)

Peter Schwarz, 3. November 2018

Das Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel hat in der Ausgabe vom 27. Oktober ein schmeichelndes Porträt von Björn Höcke veröffentlicht, der so weit rechts steht wie kein anderer Spitzenmann der AfD.

Neue Halberg Guss: IG Metall drängt auf Verkauf an Sanierungsberater

Dietmar Henning und Marianne Arens, 3. November 2018

Gewerkschaft und Betriebsräte fordern den Verkauf der Neue Halberg Guss an die Beratungsfirma One Square Advisors, hinter der wahrscheinlich Geldgeber aus dem Kreis der bisherigen Kunden stehen.

Regierung von Ecuador isoliert Julian Assange

Mike Head, 3. November 2018

Die Moreno-Regierung hat neue, noch striktere Verhaltensregeln über Julian Assange verhängt und droht damit, dem WikiLeaks-Gründer das Asyl zu entziehen.

Wadim Rowogin und die Soziologie des Stalinismus

Andrea Peters, 3. November 2018

Am 18. September jährte sich der Todestag des sowjetischen marxistischen Historikers und Soziologen Wadim Rogowin. Er ist Autor einer sechsbändigen Reihe über den Stalinismus und die marxistische Opposition gegen die sowjetische Bürokratie.

New in Spanish

¿Qué debemos hacer con los plutócratas?/a>

Patrick Martin, 3 noviembre 2018

Un nuevo reporte documenta el papel colosal de la riqueza heredada en perpetuar la desigualdad social en Estados Unidos.

Trump llama a crear “ciudades masivas de carpas” y detener indefinidamente a inmigrantes

Por Eric London, 3 noviembre 2018

El demagogo derechista describió un futuro infernal de campos de concentración para indefensos hombres, mujeres y niños y urgió a las miles de tropas siendo enviadas con prisa a la frontera sur de EUA a abrir fuego contra multitudes desarmadas.

Los niños detenidos hablan: "Sólo quería alguien quien me abrace"
Desde el interior de los centros de detención de niños inmigrantes de Estados Unidos

nuestros reporteros, 3 noviembre 2018

El World Socialist Web Site habló con varios niños inmigrantes recientemente liberados de los albergues de detención infantil sobre las condiciones en las instalaciones.

A medida que se endurecen las sanciones, Washington amenaza a Irán con emplear “poderío militar”

Por Keith Jones, 3 noviembre 2018

Los EUA están intensificando dramáticamente su guerra económica ilegal contra Irán, con el objetivo de aplastar su economía e imponer un régimen proestadounidense en Teherán.

New in Russian

Министр внутренних дел Италии Сальвини распорядился выгнать мигрантов из города Риаче

Марианна Аренс, 31 октября 2018 г.

Правое коалиционное правительство приказало удалить всех беженцев из «деревни гостеприимства» на юге Калабрии.

Other Languages


Immigrant tent cities and right-wing terror: The new normal in America

3 November 2018

Halting the growth of political violence and the moves toward dictatorship requires a break with the Democratic Party and the mobilization of the immense power of the American and international working class.

Earlier Perspectives »

Exclusive Report

Child detainees speak out: “I just wanted a hug from someone”
The view from inside America’s child immigrant detention shelters

By our reporters, 1 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site spoke with several immigrant children recently released from child detention shelters about conditions in the facilities.

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Christine Assange, mother of persecuted WikiLeaks publisher, endorses Niles Niemuth, SEP candidate for Congress

By our reporter, 3 November 2018

Christine Assange posted an endorsement of Niles Niemuth on Twitter, calling on her followers to vote for “an anti-corruption/ pro Assange candidate.”

Letters protest censorship of Niles Niemuth election campaign by WDIV

3 November 2018

The WSWS is publishing a selection of the letters which were sent in response to the open letter written by Niemuth, the Socialist Equality Party candidate for Congress in Michigan’s 12th District.

An open letter to WDIV Local 4 News in Detroit
Stop the censorship of the Socialist Equality Party campaign!

Who are Gary Walkowicz and the Working Class Party?

By Tom Hall and Tim Rivers, 2 November 2018

Obama stumps for Democrats in Michigan: A legacy of social devastation

By Niles Niemuth, 26 October 2018

Oppose Trump’s attacks on immigrants! Defend the migrant caravan!

By Niles Niemuth, 25 October 2018

SEP candidate Niles Niemuth speaks with students and workers in Lincoln Park, Michigan

“It is like a pyramid scheme and we’re the worker ants at the bottom”
Amazon workers in Downriver Michigan speak to SEP candidate Niles Niemuth

Campaign website »

Arts Review

The Wife: A Nobel Prize winner exposed

By Benjamin Mateus, 3 November 2018

The Wife is being celebrated, in the context of the #MeToo movement, as further proof that brutish, overbearing men largely exist to crush talented, deserving women’s hopes and dreams.

What do Tamara Jenkins’ Private Life and Jesse Peretz’s Juliet, Naked have in common?

By David Walsh, 1 November 2018

Two short films: The Overcoat, based on the Nikolai Gogol story, and Detainment, about the Jamie Bulger murder case

By David Walsh, 29 October 2018

Interview with photographer Tom Kiefer: “This work is part of the historical documentation of our country’s response to migration”
El Sueño Americano: Exhibition of migrants’ items seized and discarded by US border patrol

By Norisa Diaz, 26 October 2018

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Against the right-wing attacks of university administrators and the far-right
Successful solidarity event for the student union of Humboldt University

By our reporters, 2 November 2018

Two hundred students came to a meeting October 25 at Humboldt University called in solidarity with the RefRat, the student administration.


What is to be done about the plutocrats?

By Patrick Martin, 2 November 2018

New York Times tries to shame “disillusioned young voters” into supporting the Democrats

By Barry Grey, 2 November 2018

Abigail Spanberger: CIA Democrat for Virginia’s 7th District

A wolf in wolf’s clothing: West Virginia Democrat Richard Ojeda

Trump calls for “massive cities of tents” and indefinite detention of immigrants

By Eric London, 2 November 2018

Trump may send 15,000 troops to US-Mexico border

All men are not created equal
The American oligarchy’s attack on birthright citizenship

More on North American Immigration Issues »

Ecuador’s government cuts off all access to Julian Assange

By Mike Head, 2 November 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Washington calls for Yemen ceasefire as Saudis escalate siege of Hodeidah

By Bill Van Auken, 2 November 2018

Thousands attend funerals for victims of Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

By Samuel Davidson, 2 November 2018

Mass shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue
Anti-Semitic violence erupts in America

After Pittsburgh massacre: New York Times covers up Trump’s role in instigating fascist violence

Bolsonaro’s victory and the debacle of Brazil’s Workers Party

By Bill Van Auken, 31 October 2018

Geoffrey Rush defamation trial against Murdoch media begins in Sydney

By Linda Tenenbaum, 27 October 2018

New York Times celebrates downfall of 201 “powerful men:” The ugly face of the #MeToo campaign

One year of the #MeToo movement

More on the sexual misconduct witch-hunt »

Workers Struggles

Mass strikes by transport workers and government employees in India
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

3 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Canada Post workers’ rotating strike briefly extended to Montreal

By our reporters, 2 November 2018

Canadian postal workers criticize ineffectual rotating walkouts

Canada: Postal union launches rotating walkout campaign

Video: One year since the death of Ford worker Jacoby Hennings—The failure of capitalism and the fight of young workers for a future

Chilean police attack pensioners’ protest in Santiago

By Cesar Uco, 31 October 2018

New Zealand teachers’ union moves to call off strikes

By John Braddock, 31 October 2018


World vertebrate populations have fallen 60 percent since 1970

By Bryan Dyne, 1 November 2018

The latest Living Planet Report demonstrates the far-reaching implications of human activity on both the climate and the degradation of the natural environment.

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

Watch: Two Hundred Years Since the Birth of Karl Marx

By Nick Beams, 31 October 2018

This lecture was delivered by Nick Beams, a member of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, at several Australian universities during September and October 2018.

Nick Beams delivers successful lectures on the contemporary relevance of Karl Marx at Australian universities

By our reporters, 31 October 2018

History of the Fourth International

David North begins US speaking tour in Michigan to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 25 October 2018

David North, chairman of the WSWS International Editorial Board, spoke on the lessons of the 20th century, the attack on Marxism and the fight for socialism today.

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International

The struggle for socialism and the importance of history: David North interviewed on Radio Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Prime TV News reports on David North’s press conference

Text of David North's remarks to Sri Lankan press conference on Trotskyism

Watch: David North interviewed on Sri Lanka’s English-language Channel Eye TV

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 September 2018

Meetings in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

19 October 2018

David North, the chairperson of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, will be speaking in the United States this fall to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International.

25 years ago: Maastricht Treaty establishes European Union

On November 1, 1993, the European Economic Community was officially transformed into the European Union as the Treaty on European Union, informally known as the Maastricht Treaty, went into effect.

More »

50 years ago: Johnson announces temporary halt in bombing of North Vietnam

In a nationally televised speech on October 31, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson announced that the United States was halting the bombing of North Vietnam, which had been continued more or less without pause since 1965.

More »

75 years ago: US coal miners win contract in fourth wartime strike

Members of the United Mine Workers union launched their fourth wartime strike after an October 31, 1943 deadline passed without an agreement.

More »


100 years ago: British poet Wilfred Owen dies in battle

Wilfred Owen, one of the most significant poets of the First World War and one of the great anti-war poets of any time, was killed in action on November 4, 1918 while crossing the Sambre-Oise Canal in northern France.

More »

Mehring Books

Why are they back?
New title from Mehring Books explains resurgence of fascism in Germany

By our reporters, 19 October 2018

Author Christoph Vandreier presented the book in a well-attended lecture at the Frankfurt Book fair last Saturday.

Mehring Books UK publishes The Heritage We Defend 30th anniversary edition

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

Book review

DSA covers for unions and Democrats in new book on walkout by West Virginia teachers
55 Strong, Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

By Nancy Hanover, 18 October 2018

A new book promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is centered on the lie that the West Virginia teachers’ strike, which set off the series of strikes nationally last spring, was a “victory” in which the unions played a heroic role.

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon whistleblower Shannon Allen: Celebrated $15 base pay represents pay cut for some workers

By Tom Carter, 16 October 2018

Watch: What do Amazon job applicants think about $15/hr?

More on Amazon »


Vadim Rogovin and the sociology of Stalinism

By Andrea Peters, 25 September 2018

September 18 marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Soviet Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin, the author of a seven-volume series on Stalinism and the Marxist opposition to the Soviet bureaucracy.

Twenty years since the death of Marxist historian and sociologist Vadim Rogovin

By David North, 18 September 2018

International Committee of the Fourth International

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
The lessons of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party’s Great Betrayal

By Rohantha De Silva and Vilani Peiris, 24 September 2018


Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.