On the attack on the FSB in Russia

  • Posted on: 31 October 2018
  • By: thecollective

A year ago, the Russian Federal Security Service—the FSB—initiated a wave of repression, arresting and brutally torturing anarchists in order to force them to sign false statements admitting to participating in a supposed terrorist group invented by the Russian authorities. The ensuing crackdowns put tremendous pressure on anarchists around Russia; you can learn more about the cases and solidarity efforts here. Today, a young Russian anarchist died in an attack on the FSB headquarters in Arkhangelsk. The FSB has gotten its wish, bullying young Russians into carrying out bombings rather than engaging in public organizing. Below, we present a rough translation of the initial report from Russian anarchists, including the young man’s personal claim of responsibility.

FRR Books Podcast: The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner, a Close Reading Part 2

  • Posted on: 31 October 2018
  • By: rydra wrong

Listen here: http://freeradicalradio.net/frr-books-podcast-the-unique-and-its-propert...
Or here: https://archive.org/details/FRRstirner2

Welcome to episode 2 of the FRR Books Podcast series on Max Stirner’s The Unique and its Property translated by Wolif Landstreicher. In this podcast we cover section 1.2.3 The Hierarchy, completing section 1.2, stopping just before section 1.3 The Free.

Russian anarchist detonates self at federal security HQ

  • Posted on: 31 October 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

"A 17-year-old has died of his wounds after detonating explosives in an office of Russia's FSB federal security service in the north-western city of Arkhangelsk, officials say.

Three FSB employees were hurt when the explosives went off just inside the building at around 09:00 (06:00 GMT).

The blast caused serious damage.

A CCTV image of the suspect emerged soon afterwards, along with a message he allegedly posted on social media just before the blast.

Brazil: The Alternative to Fascism Is not Democracy

  • Posted on: 31 October 2018
  • By: thecollective

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, fascist proponent of dictatorship and mass killings, has won the election. Who needs a military coup when you use voting to accomplish exactly the same thing? We’ve already explored in detail how the left and centrist parties paved the way for this. From Brazil to France, parties across the political spectrum have lost all pretense of offering any solution to social problems other than escalating state violence. In this context, it’s not surprising that politicians who explicitly represent the police and military are coming to power, as they have become the linchpin of the state itself.

Beer & Rage: Anarchy is NOT Order! Anarchy is NOT Chaos!

  • Posted on: 30 October 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

In this two-part series, we discuss the common misconceptions around anarchy/anarchism. While the public may misconceive anarchism as wanting chaos, many of those who call themselves anarchist would posit that anarchism is order. We would argue that anarchy/anarchism exists outside of this dichotomy, and that order/chaos are merely forms of rulership, not the absence of rulers.

The Post-Modern Anarchist Revolution

  • Posted on: 30 October 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Dissident Voice by Michel Luc Bellemare / October 26th, 2018

Because post-modernism does not go far enough, because post-modernism has not reached the zenith and apex of its critique and programme due to the fact it has been divorced from its motor force, anarchism, revolution/insurrection is unavoidable. In fact, post-modernism demands it. It demands the total realization of anarchism, that is, its own essence. Post-modernism demands the full-maturation of its inherent principles, radical equality, radical plurality and the total demolition of all meta-narratives. Its only recourse is post-modern anarchist revolution.

Two comrades are imprisoned in Poland

  • Posted on: 29 October 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On 19 October our two comrades were arrested because of a court sentence given to them for taking part in anarchist protest against European Economic Congress (EEC) 2015 which was held in Katowice.

Our friends where sentenced to community services because of the crime called “infringement of privacy”. They were protesting in empty abandoned tenement house which was city property. They wanted to protest against the inherent contradiction between empty property and homelessness and to show injustice of savage capitalism.
