Obituaries | The Sydney Morning Herald


Lawyer was scholar of public administration and the race track

Lawyer was scholar of public administration and the race track

On Saturday afternoons he could be seen strolling across the Newman quad wearing a sky-blue jacket with binoculars around his neck, on his way to that day’s race meeting.


Richard Gill: a teacher’s teacher and a musician’s musician

Richard Gill: a teacher’s teacher and a musician’s musician

Richard Gill’s indefatigable devotion to music was rewarded with probably the largest rollcall of awards in Australian music history.

Ian Marsh, a political scientist on a quest for solutions

Ian Marsh, a political scientist on a quest for solutions

Even from his early days studying at Harvard 40 years ago, the central theme of Ian Marsh's work, was that the two-party political system had passed its use-by date. Parties had lost their capacity to represent, to aggregate, to advocate, to negotiate and, ultimately to govern.  Professor Ian Marsh, a political scientist who died last month aged 73, was ahead of his time. The theme that drove much of his work has become even more pressing today.

  • by John Edwards and Chris Cunneen
Gilberto Benetton: united family in global clothing business

Gilberto Benetton: united family in global clothing business

Viaduct collapse this summer in Genoa killing 43 people weighed heavily on Benetton who was on the board of Atlantia.

Passive smoking victim changed workplace environment

Passive smoking victim changed workplace environment

Liesel Scholem was anxious to establish the precedent that passive smoking was the cause of her health problem.

An adventurous poet and writer

An adventurous poet and writer

James Cowan is the great Australian writer you never heard of.

Little Bookroom founder championed the cause of quality reading for children

Little Bookroom founder championed the cause of quality reading for children

Albert Ullin OAM was the founder and longtime owner of The Little Bookroom, Australia's oldest specialist children's bookshop. 

  • by Sophie Ullin and Margaret Robson Kett
Country bluesman, hit songwriter Tony Joe White dies aged 75

Country bluesman, hit songwriter Tony Joe White dies aged 75

He was best known for the songs Polk Salad Annie and Rainy Night in Georgia.

WW2 pilot who made numerous operations behind enemy lines

WW2 pilot who made numerous operations behind enemy lines

On one flight, the undercarriage of his Lightning collapsed and the aircraft rolled upside down.

Talented hockey player for NSW helped shape game

Talented hockey player for NSW helped shape game

As a child, the front gate and fibro garage doors were improvised as goals.

Iranian artist gave expression to women in Islamic Republic

Iranian artist gave expression to women in Islamic Republic

She wanted to show a Tehran that the Western media doesn’t show.