Super & retirement | News, Advice & Guides | The Sydney Morning Herald


Super & retirement

Time to help super's left-behinds

Time to help super's left-behinds

Australia's superannuation savings system has a massive, looming problem.


You don't need much money to be charged full freight in aged care

You don't need much money to be charged full freight in aged care

The trouble with the market price is that it creates a no man’s land for many retirees.

  • by Rachel Lane
Women need an extra $140 a week to retire in comfort. Men just $45

Women need an extra $140 a week to retire in comfort. Men just $45

A big part of the disengagement many Aussies feel with their super is the uncertainty over how much will ultimately be enough

  • by Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon
Lifetime accounts the real fix to lost super

Lifetime accounts the real fix to lost super

The pile of "lost" super will not be reduced to acceptable levels unless employees have a single fund that follows them from employer to employer

  • by John Collett
Planning for aged care at home means checking the fine print

Planning for aged care at home means checking the fine print

There are many hurdles to leap to access funding for aged care in your home

  • by Rachel Lane
Here's a super secret to a longer life

Here's a super secret to a longer life

There's a pension fund in Australia where the typical recipient lives into their nineties.

  • by George Cochrane
Many super funds fail to use their muscle at company AGMs
Ethical investing

Many super funds fail to use their muscle at company AGMs

Some large super fund are doing a lot more than other to help improve the governance standards of our largest listed companies

  • by John Collett
Royal commission should fix 'broken' aged-care funding
Retirement living

Royal commission should fix 'broken' aged-care funding

The current system protects the very poor and the very wealthy, leaving those in the middle to pay the most.

  • by Rachel Lane
Super errors are costing those heading into retirement

Super errors are costing those heading into retirement

Superannuation is a complex beast surrounded by even more complex legislation.

  • by Olivia Maragna
Aveo offers alternatives to its 'Aveo Way' retirement village contract
Retirement living

Aveo offers alternatives to its 'Aveo Way' retirement village contract

Aveo is following moves by competitors Lendlease and Stockland to offer greater choice to the aged care market.

  • by Rachel Lane
Royal commission prompts Australians to switch super funds

Royal commission prompts Australians to switch super funds

The banking royal commission is cultivating a super switching culture that could have a major impact on super fund memberships in the coming year, new research reveals.

  • by Nina Hendy