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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    23. Feb.

    Looking to join an antifa crew? Thinking of starting your own? Not sure what to do/how to get going? Advice, resources, and tips for you:

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  2. 22. März
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  3. 22. März
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  4. hat retweetet
    21. März
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  5. 21. März
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  6. hat retweetet
    21. März

    I did a short interview with about the meaning of the Christchurch massacre and how we should respond.

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  7. 21. März

    SPRING IS HERE! You'll need t-shirts for the nice weather. Ours raises $ for The Int'l. Anti-Fascist Defence Fund. In N. America? Order it here: In EU/UK/elsewhere? Order it here:

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  8. 21. März
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  9. hat retweetet
    20. März
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  10. 21. März

    List of fascists/extreme right bigots who are also documented pedophiles, child molesters, & child rapists. So many that it seems that fash groups = front groups for grooming gangs. (Content Warning for sexual violence against children):

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  11. hat retweetet
    19. März

    Seen around Sydney in the days since the Massacre. Wherever we stand, we stand against fascism.

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  12. 19. März

    Would you like a convenient way to locate & report fascist YouTube videos? NYC antifa have created a browser extension exactly for that purpose!

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  13. hat retweetet
    18. März

    Here’s something I wrote for about why the influence of Ultra movements should be embraced by British football. Features and

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  14. 18. März
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  15. 18. März
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  16. hat retweetet

    When choosing a spouse, it’s important to find someone who sees you for your best qualities, who overlooks your faults, who forgets your mistakes, who only remembers your accomplishments. In other words, find someone who looks at you the way the media looks at white terrorists.

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  17. 17. März
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  18. hat retweetet
    17. März

    Heathens United Against Racism statement about the Christchurch massacre and the perpetrator's use of heathen ideas

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  19. 17. März
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  20. 17. März
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  21. 17. März
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