Category Archives: Uncategorized

July 25, 2018 – Fourth Annual International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners

   Since the last July 25th International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, the worldwide struggle against the nightmare of fascism and the far-right has grown and intensified. The news bulletins steadily report the racist and bigoted attacks, the harassment … Continue reading

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New posters for July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners

A comrade made some new posters for the July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners. Spread the word and support our comrades!

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July 10th: Day of Solidarity With Injured Antifa in Sacramento

On June 26th, over 500 anti-fascists ran Nazis the fuck out of Sacramento, preventing a rally and show of force at the state capitol by the Traditional Workers Party, the Golden State Skinheads and other assorted fascists (from Blood and … Continue reading

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Shut Down the pro-Nazi, RAC “Oi Fest” tonight at the Black Bear!

UPDATE: After outcry against them, Black Bear cancelled the second day of the festival. More on that later. Another pro-Nazi, Rock Against Communism “Oi Fest” is being held this weekend in New York City. The first show is today, Saturday … Continue reading

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Women and Queer convergence called against Trump in Manhattan

  On Thursday, April 14th Donald Trump, will attend Manhattan’s GOP gala. Jon Kasich and Ted Cruz, who was not well received in the Bronx, will also be in attendance.  One counter protest group has 4,500 interested, and there’s at least one … Continue reading

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Solidarity with Antifa who stood up to KKK in Anaheim!

As many of you have now heard, a KKK rally was militantly confronted by antifascists in Anaheim, California. In the clashes that followed Klansmen stabbed various antifascists before being run off. The police, showing their true colors, arrested 7 antifascists and … Continue reading

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Queer Fascism: Why White Nationalists Are Trying to Drop Homophobia

The National Policy Institute’s conference for 2015 just wrapped up, one of the most popular intellectual events for the white nationalist movement in the United States.  NPI is run by youngish nationalist Richard Spencer, who encourages the movement to be … Continue reading

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Support needed for VA anarchist arrested after SC KKK rally counterdemo

From itsgoingdown: On Monday, July 27th, our friend and comrade, Stephen Loughman, was arrested and charged with “breach of peace” for his support the week before at an anti-KKK rally in Columbia, SC on July 18th, 2015. Local activists had … Continue reading

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Fourteen Years Later: Carlo Vive!

From our article last year: [Fourteen] years ago today, Italian Anarchist Carlo Giuliani was murdered by carabinieri during the protests against the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy. Each successive mobilization of the Anti-Globalization years (1999-2002) became increasingly more militant, and … Continue reading

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NYPD a client of Italian Hacker fascists

Last week thousands of internal communications and invoices from the Italian firm Hacking Team were published on Wikileaks. In the emails it has been revealed that the NYPD was a client, along with the FBI and other government security agencies and death squads … Continue reading

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