Denver Anarchist Black Cross Statement on the mass murder at the Aurora Century 16 Movie Complex

The writing of this statement was prompted by rumors circulating the internet that the person alleged to have shot over 70 people in an Aurora movie theater on July 20 was a member of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross. These claims are patently and maliciously false. James Holmes is not a member of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross, nor is he known to us in any way. It should not have to be said, but we will say it anyway: The members of Denver ABC along with any anarchists we have ever met, would never condone the calculated and intentional killing of random people. We are in fact actively and daily engaged in work to stop such tragic and horrific acts of violence at a systemic level.

As residents of Denver it was with shock, horror, and great sadness that members of our collective awoke on July 20, 2012 to news of a mass shooting at a movie theater in nearby Aurora that left 12 people dead and some 59 people wounded. Many of us spent our day anxiously listening to the news, wondering if we knew anyone who had been hurt, or even worse, killed. As the day drug on, and we started to be able to piece together some of the details of the shooting, emotions ran high. We listened intently as family members described watching their children shot, and those of us who are parents held our children close to us, filled with dread and immense despair. All of us spent our day filled with love and empathy for those who had endured such tragedy.

As the morning turned to afternoon, our shock and horror was interrupted by alarm and anger, as we were notified that a group of people were using twitter and online forums to link our organization to the alleged shooter, James Holmes. What seems to have started as an online blog post from a very shady far right-wing blogger that the suspect was a “black bloc anarchist”, had spiraled into an allegation that the shooter was a member of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross. It is with the most vehement and stern feelings that we wish to set the record straight. Not only was James Holmes not a member of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross, but no one we know even knew him or had knowingly ever met him.

The rumor linking our organization to this individual seems to stem from Luke Rudowski, the founder of We Are Change, a right wing conspiracy theory based organization that found its roots in the early days of the Tea Party and has since latched onto the Occupy Wall Street movement. At 3:21pm, he tweeted out the following tweet: “this is going to come out in the MSM soon but my friends in Denver tell me James Holmes was apart (sic) of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross”.

This erroneous and malicious statement hit us like a sack of bricks. We were shocked. Horrified. Nauseated. This tweet went “viral” within moments, spreading across the more conspiracy based elements of the Occupy and Libertarian movements on twitter and then to online forums. Not only were anarchists to be vilified and condemned, but our specific organization became, and remains, a target.

No attempt was offered to give any evidence to the claim. Much like the supposed state agents and members of the “mainstream media” that Luke Rudowski and so many from We Are Change claim they are fighting against, they made an unverifiable claim, with no research or foundational evidence, and stated it as fact. This was dangerous, irresponsible, and mirrored the tactics of the FBI.

Although Luke has since removed this claim, and has said he was “wrong” about his allegations, the damage has been done. Once a rumor is started on the internet, it’s almost impossible to extinguish. We have received multiple emails and inquiries seeking comments from media sources, and our blog received 20 times its traditional daily traffic. And it doesn’t seem to be subsiding any time soon, as our name is now associated with mass murder.

We Are Change, as an organization, is a group that thrives off simple answers to complex questions. With thinly veiled anti-semitism and traditional conspiracy theory logic, the problems of our society are not due to complex social, economic, and political relationships like capitalism, the nation-state project, white supremacy or patriarchy, but instead are just problems created by bogeymen like enemies, like “the Fed” or “the Bilderbergers” or “the NWO” or “the Jews”. Instead of actually asking tough questions and trying to build real complex analysis of why things are the way they are, it becomes easier to wash themselves of any culpability for being a part of a replicated social relationship, and just blame the “shadowy figures behind the curtain.”

This one dimensional logic was thus applied to the tragedy in Aurora. Instead of an analysis that actually seeks to investigate the complex relationships and conditions that lead to tragic events like mass murder, it’s easier to blame a small group of people. In this case, the Denver Anarchist Black Cross. In this way, Luke and others from We Are Change can wash their hands of any social responsibility. It can’t be a complex social phenomenon… it has to be the work of a secretive organization!

We might have been able to consider this the only reason that Luke and others at We Are Change would choose our organization to target with their allegations: it was an easy option. However, this isn’t the first time that Denver ABC has been targeted for neutralization by We Are Change.

In December, Denver ABC discontinued our role as the legal team for Occupy Denver after repeated incidents of harassment and physical confrontation with members of the local chapter of We Are Change. This culminated in an event where members of We Are Change shouted down a member of Denver ABC who was addressing a crowd, by bellowing that she was a “member of the CIA”.

Luke Rudowski and We Are Change chose this moment, just as all political pundits do, to attack their political enemies and work to neutralize and discredit them: part CoIntelPro tactic of bad jacketing and making baseless accusations without any evidence whatsoever, and part political posturing.

Luke and We Are Change are spitting on the bodies of those who lost their lives with these sloppy tactics, and attempting to use someone else’s tragedy to grow their own political power by rehashing old disagreements with a political foe.

Undoubtedly, We Are Change are not alone in these types of actions. Whether it’s those on the institutional left pushing for gun control, or those on the right pushing for more police powers or a re-strengthening of fundamentalist religious values, hacks on all sides of the political spectrum are scrambling to push their own attempts to secure power at the expense of those who senselessly died in that dark Aurora movie theater.

And in the end, all of these people miss the forest for the trees. We live in an insane and violent culture. One that was founded upon mass genocide and slavery. We live in a culture that celebrates genocidal generals as “war heroes”, where military training happens in schools, where kids are bred from the youngest of ages to want to go conquer and occupy foreign countries. We live in a culture where it is always easier for people to get firearms than it is to get mental health treatment; where the only answer anyone seems to have for how this situation could have been dealt with revolves around the question of firearms. None of us heard a single person that has spoken on any media outlet, including alternative outlets, that spoke about the cultures of violence that surround us, or about access to mental health care, or necessary social services. All talk was centered on firearms: whether to ban them, or make sure the state gets more.

Let’s be clear, this is not a call for gun control. The members of Denver ABC have been quite clear on our stance on gun ownership and the right to defend communities and individuals from violence. However, even as proponents of gun ownership as a means of self defense, we cannot help but question why it is that no one has started a conversation around other aspects of this complex social phenomenon. Why do mass murders affect our communities? Why does this level of violence happen on such a regular cycle? Why would someone who shoots up a movie theater be (rightfully) vilified in a city where a celebratory statue of a man who helped massacre indigenous people by the tens of thousands is perched just yards away from the City and County Building?

Until we start to try to actually examine complex social relationships, and ask hard questions that may also indict ourselves as active contributors to this violent spectacle of a society, questions that may lead us to a critical analysis of our entire culture and way of life, we may never really have any answers on how to prevent these horrible tragedies. In fact, the longer we avoid asking these questions, and building a complex and critical understanding of the insane society we live in, the more often tragedies like this will occur.

As the members of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross continue in our work to build a free, just, and liberatory society our thoughts stand with the victims of this horrible tragedy.

In mourning and in rage,
DABC July 21, 2012.

38 Responses

  1. This Luke Rudowski seems like a world class piece of shit. Also, these random rumors that this guy was involved in the anarchist movement is some fishy shit. I hate conspiracy theory crap but some random “private investigator” from Florida starting a meme that catches fire, in the political climate we are in just seems a little obvious. Also fuck you Luke Rudowski

  2. Reblogged this on NonviolentConflict.

  3. Thank you for raising very important societal issues, and thank you as well for pointing out that as a nation, we still have a karmic debt to pay for still-unresolved historical crimes.

  4. Luke is not the person that said this! It is a PI from Florida named Bill Warner who appeared on Laura Ingraham’s show: ..

  5. Nilly, Luke is the person who started pointing the finger at our specific group. A screen shot of his tweet is available here, near the bottom of the article.

  6. […] Denver Anarchist Black Cross Statement on the mass murder at the Aurora Century 16 Movie Complex […]

  7. Those who question the false assumptions of the common culture will always trouble the comfortable, the warmongers, and the simple-minded.

    For this reason alone, they are often falsely accused.

  8. Spectacular blog post. Your sensitivity and kindness, as well as your unequivocality, nearly brought tears to my eyes. Sharing on FB. It is indeed the violent culture as a whole that needs to be examined, and ultimately dismantled, destroyed. Be strong against this attack, brothers and sisters.

    Love and Liberation

    Jan @ TheRewildWest

  9. The international media is exploring the underlying issues of violence in America.

  10. This was so well written I had to repost it on my page; then I got paranoid that maybe I was inadvertently helping to spread the smear. Well, truth will out; so be it.

  11. The guy can hardly be called a “private investigator”. The dude is a delusional man who can barely form a coherent sentence. Anyone looking at the kind of baseless “investigating” (actually propaganda) on his blog can see this guy is no professional at anything, other than perhaps eating donuts.

    Let people swallow his bullshit if they like, they are going to be the dumbest in society anyway and have no common sense. If people cannot tell the difference between right-wing propaganda and actual fact then their opinions are irrelevant. Just as that propagandist is irrelevant.

  12. “And in the end, all of these people miss the forest for the trees. We live in an insane and violent culture. One that was founded upon mass genocide and slavery. We live in a culture that celebrates genocidal generals as “war heroes”, where military training happens in schools, where kids are bred from the youngest of ages to want to go conquer and occupy foreign countries. We live in a culture where it is always easier for people to get firearms than it is to get mental health treatment; where the only answer anyone seems to have for how this situation could have been dealt with revolves around the question of firearms. None of us heard a single person that has spoken on any media outlet, including alternative outlets, that spoke about the cultures of violence that surround us, or about access to mental health care, or necessary social services. All talk was centered on firearms: whether to ban them, or make sure the state gets more.

    Let’s be clear, this is not a call for gun control. The members of Denver ABC have been quite clear on our stance on gun ownership and the right to defend communities and individuals from violence. However, even as proponents of gun ownership as a means of self defense, we cannot help but question why it is that no one has started a conversation around other aspects of this complex social phenomenon. Why do mass murders affect our communities? Why does this level of violence happen on such a regular cycle? Why would someone who shoots up a movie theater be (rightfully) vilified in a city where a celebratory statue of a man who helped massacre indigenous people by the tens of thousands is perched just yards away from the City and County Building?

    Until we start to try to actually examine complex social relationships, and ask hard questions that may also indict ourselves as active contributors to this violent spectacle of a society, questions that may lead us to a critical analysis of our entire culture and way of life, we may never really have any answers on how to prevent these horrible tragedies. In fact, the longer we avoid asking these questions, and building a complex and critical understanding of the insane society we live in, the more often tragedies like this will occur.”

    ^This above part was the most profound essay I have yet to read about this tragedy. It never even occurred to me until I read this that this is not an issue of whether we arent asking the state to regulate guns better or whether we all need to go off and get a concealed carry permit and pack heat with us everywhere. The fundamental issue is how we treat one another. I am by no means saying these innocent victims, or that anybody in society for that matter, deserves this. They did not one bit. What im saying is that many of us in this country react to things with anger, hostility, threats, and actual violence. Im not violent, but Im just as guilty for some of this stuff I just mentioned. We tailgate people when were driving, we have animosity towards other vehicles on the road as if fellow human beings arent inside operating them and riding in them. Somebody says something we dont like, many of us respond with anger instead of calmly telling them that what they said hurts our feelings or upsets us. As a whole, we’re a violent nation thats so full of anger towards humanity. Theres certainly nothing wrong to diagree about an issue, but we need to not let that disagreement give in to anger, and again, I am definitely guilty of that. Thank you so much Denver ABC for this post, which I added to my favorites on my computer. you’ve inspired me to strive to be a more compassionate and empathetic person. Love is all we need.

    With love,
    Chris from Virginia Beach

  13. To Denver Anarchist Black Cross:

    My name is Craig FitzGerald, and I am the spokesperson for We Are Change NYC and for the National Anarchist Tribal Alliance – New York. I am writing you to apologize for the unwarranted smear of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross by Luke Rudkowski.

    I understand that our views on anarchism and other specific issues may vary, but I believe in building alliances and coalitions with other anti-globalist groups. I see Luke’s words about DABC as libel, and I want to be clear that he in no way represents WACNYC or WAC as a whole, which is a decentralized network of autonomous chapters. Unfortunately, the myth that Luke is the sole founder and leader of WAC is pervasive, just like the false myth that Holmes was associated with some political radical group from the Tea Party to OWS. In fact, WACNYC has completely separated from any cooperation with Luke; he was kicked out of our chapter for stealing donations that were intended for 9/11/01 first responders. We totally agree with you that his recent tactics mirror those of the FBI.

    Although this letter is primarily intended as an attempt to isolate Luke Rudkowski in his false accusations and express solidarity with DABC, I would also like to say a few words about WAC itself, in the hopes that further disinformation ceases from all directions. I trust in your knowledge that media (mainstream or independent) can be an extremely manipulative force, and I therefore appreciate your open minded review of this attempt at clarification.

    WAC does not have roots in the Tea Party. WAC began in 2004, and the Tea Party dates to 2008 at the earliest. Nor have we “latched onto” the Occupy movement. Actually, despite disagreement on certain issues and tactics, several WACNYC members have been consistently present at OWS, camping out at the original Occupy here in NYC, from the very beginning.

    We don’t “thrive off simple answers to complex questions.” Much of our popular education projects revolve around the importance of asking critical questions and doing one’s own research to find the answers. WAC was pioneered by apolitical NYC youth who saw glaring inconsistencies in the local tragedy (9/11) that defined their generation. The group grew organically as its members learned more about the world, and each person developed her own ideology. But the internal ideological diversity of the organization makes us hard to define, and we get labeled “right” by the left, and “left” by the right. In reality, we’re neither. WAC is a grassroots organization that aims at transcending the left-right political paradigm.

    Your dismissal of the Federal Reserve as a “bogeyman like enemy” confuses me because in the same sentence capitalism and statism are denounced as part of a complex societal crisis. WAC agrees with that analysis and recognizes the Federal Reserve as one gear in the machine. The Bilderberg group is an element in this multifaceted system that at least deserves some research; the oligarchy is apparent. “The NWO” is just another term for globalization, which is not a mythical monster but a complex institution. Much of the seeming disagreement here is semantics, and much is the result of an oversimplification of issues. Just as anarchists are oversimplified and demonized, movements (like WAC) that don’t easily fit into pre-existing political categories face similar misrepresentation.

    We do not demonize “the Jews” or any other ethnic or religious group. Our code of conduct states: “WACNYC is a peaceful organization that does not discriminate in any way. We are tolerant of all, regardless of racial, religious, ethnic, gender, or sexual orientation. We denounce any individual or group that would speak in our name and that would not adhere to these precepts.”

    I truly believe that WACNYC and DABC have more in common that we think. Even if you don’t think so, we can at least agree on the fact that Luke Rudkowski’s accusations were unfounded and atrocious. He is no longer associated with any WAC chapter (although he still uses the banner), and he only represents himself. Despite our disassociation from Luke, we apologize once again for his libelous comments, and our hearts go out to the victims of the tragedy in Aurora.

    Craig FitzGerald

    • This is nonsense. No one at We Are Change knows who Craig FitzGerald even is! Luke R is the sole founded of We Are Change. This is not a mistaken notion. It is a fact.

      As the person running his own organization and getting donations to do his work, he never “stole” any money, nor would any money be allocated unless he allocated it. Nor could be be kicked out of his own group. This is more nonsense.

      This nonsensical Craig FitzGerald fictional person/ made-up name is a joke. The comments made here by “Craig” about Luke R are “libelous” – I think he means defamatory.

      Nothing Luke wrote was defamatory — he wrote that a source connected this org — Denver Anarchist Black Cross to James Holmes, but that it had not been confirmed. That is called — reporting the news.

      The more effort you folks spend on smearing Luke R, the more ludicrous and the guiltier you appear. A simple “We have checked with all our members and none of them recall seeing Holmes at our events” would have sufficed. But – CAn you even SAY that? Did you ask ALL your members? And if one of them has been connected to Holmes, would that person tell you? Of course not.

      • With all do respect Nilly, when it comes to the things you have stated here regarding Craig FitzGerald and Luke Rudkowski alongside We Are Change in general, clearly you have a very limited understanding of the history.

        First thing, Craig P. FitzGerald is in no way, shape, or form, an imaginary person that no one at We Are Change knows or ever heard of. Craig FitzGerald is in thousands of pictures at Ground Zero or involved with organizing September 11th, event with Luke Rudkowski since 2008 ~ 2010 before a majority of the members had a falling out with Luke Rudkowski due to transparency issues. Craig FitzGerald has been in various We Are Change and is well known by other members of We Are Change in the variety of chapters throughout the country. To make a statement \”No one at We Are Change knows who Craig FitzGerald even is\” is a complete falsehood 100%

        ”Luke R is the sole founded of We Are Change. This is not a mistaken notion. It is a fact.”

        This statement is completely 100% false on it\’s face as well. We Are Change was organized shortly after a letter was issued to an individual by the name of Les Jamison by signing members of the letter who are on a list for many of the same reasons we at WAC-NYC also argued about regarding Luke and Transparency. To claim Luke Rudkowshi is the sole founder of We Are Change and disregard Sabrina Rivera, Brian Kenny, Scott Star, Dan Burke, Amir, Darnell Louis, Diane Lipson, or the variety of others that were present when CHANGE was created is not only false but also excluding all other co-founders of CHANGE.

        Now I must ask you if you were present at the November 20th, 2010 emergency financial meeting that Craig FitzGerald, myself, and many others attended because I do not recall you being present at that meeting that took place. The financial records were never fully squared away during this time and Luke had sent a threatening letter to several of us which I have a copy of being one of the recipients and all that he was going to Disband the entire NYC group due to questions they continued to raise regarding these financial issues undemocratically.

        If you were not present during any of this particular history or know people personally who were, to defend someone you do not personally know and to attack another individual you do not personally know is a foolish move on your part.

        If anyone thinks Craig FitzGerald is an imaginary character, perhaps they should go down to the Path Station at the WTC during a Saturday afternoon sometime after 3:30 p.m. and ask people at Ground Zero handing out 9/11 flyers if they ever heard of Craig P. FitzGerald or perhaps Gabriel Morgan Brown.

        As for National Anarchism when it comes to NY, members of NATA-NY are all color, races, creeds, genders, and sexualities. NATA-NY does not discriminate against people based on those factors because NATA-NY is an alliance of various individuals and groups willing to find common ground when it comes to standing up for individual sovereignty and stopping globalization from infringing upon those very rights of the individual.

        As a member of NATA-NY and WAC-NYC Chapter, I am and have always been willing to work with others to find common ground and have done outreach to Tea-Party, Ron Paul Supporters, and was present in Zuccotti Park during the first few months of Occupy Wall Street trying to bridge alliances with individuals against the corruption of globalism.

        I recommend you do a bit more research on WAC in general Nilly regarding the origins and the names of those who were involved for years and still continue to be involved to this day because you clearly aren’t aware of some details that Craig, myself, or various others understand clearly.


        Gabriel Morgan Brown
        We Are Change – New York City Elected Secretary

    • Craig,

      We don’t have anything in common with “National Anarchists”. To claim that National Anarchism is in some way not a product of white supremacist logic is a gross fallacy. I mean, the root of “National Anarchism” is some anti-state version of “National Socialism”.

      Thanks for clarifying some things with Luke, but if National Anarchists are affiliated with We Are Change, or even if National Anarchist ideology comes out of We Are Change, then that tells us all we need to know about We Are Change’s trajectory toward racist ideologies.

      We can have arguments all we want about ideological differences, but there’s no point. Had enough silly debates with National Anarchists in the past to know that this will go nowhere. Stop clinging to a liberatory ideological label to somehow spread your “Third positionist” racialized nonsense.


    • Also… Craig.. can you explain this?

      • SEE!? THAT is what I am talking about! This Craig Fitzgerald has NOTHING to do with We Are Change. And We Are Change has nothing to do with racism, holocaust deniers, or any of that.

        We Are Change is a group of indie journalists founded by Luke Rudkowski – the idea is to be the change that you want to see in the world.

        Craig is claiming Luke R was kicked out of We Are Change, his own organization, for stealing money meant for 9/11 First Responders. Hello? Luke would have been in about 8th grade then, and of course this was long before Luke even founded We Are Change.

        It is sad and sickening to read these posts by Craig, WHOEVER he is (and no one really seems to know, so me might just be a cop posing to see if you agree with his nonsense).

      • Nilly, learn to read. – Try this link for obvious connections between We Are Change and Craig Fitzgerald

        Also, Craig said WAC NY started in 2004. Therefore, obviously, Luke couldn’t have been kicked out for stealing in 2001. Perhaps Craig is talking about a recent occurance.

        Here’s results from another simple google search.

        If people like you are behind searching for “truth”, we are truly fucked.

  14. Hi friends at Denver ABC, we’ve never met but I’m writing from Mexico to say how helpful your information has been to us in our efforts here to support political prisoners. Anyone who is familiar with your ongoing work will immediately see that this attack against you is a total lie aimed at discrediting you as well as the struggles of the people you support. This guy Luke stinks like a government agent, but wherever he’s getting his money from, he’s sure doing the work of the State. I hope even people who aren’t acquainted with your work will think hard about what you say in your statement– the important questions you raise about gun control and the history and culture of the United States.

    With you all the way,

    • Thanks so much! Hopefully we can build some good ties and working relationships with comrades in Mexico. We’ve been in contact with folks from the Mexico CNA, are you active with them?

      • Yes, they’ve always supported our work in support of Mumia and we’ve cooperated with them on a number of things. Recently this includes support for Mexican political prisoner Alberto Patishtán, who’s been in prison for 12 years, accused of the murder of 8 policemen in Chiapas. He claims innocence and has done an amazing job of starting prisoner organizations and organizing hunger strikes, and for this reason was moved into isolation more than a thousand miles from home almost a year ago. Recently, we’ve also been supporting a young anarchist prison Mario López Hernández who was recently severely wounded when an explosive device prematurely went off in his hands. He is now in the prison infirmary and his companion Felicity Ann Ryder has fortunately evaded capture.

        The link to our relatively new Mumia blog is
        When I translated some of the solidarity birthday messages from other political prisoners in the United States, your page and that of Jericho were especially helpful in providing background information on the different cases. Thanks!

        I see Cruz Negra just sent around a Spanish translation of your statement so we will also help distribute it.

        In solidarity,

  15. This whole page looks like a smear of Luke R. This whole page is DABC trying to deflect the topic into a smear of Luke R. Yes, you are all so good and peaceful — not.

    Who is Craig FitzGerald posting here? No one at We Are Change has ever even heard of him! He must not understand what defamation is — it is telling lies. Luke R FOUNDED We are Change, is the SOLE founder of it. Luke did not steal any money and was not kicked out of his own organization. And who made up this Craig FitzGerald character to post here?

    Luke did not in any way “smear” Denver Anarchist Black Cross, he simply reported the news, as journalists do. You don’t like the news, so you attack the journalist – and now make up defamatory stories about him, and post those under the fake Craig FitzGerald name! Just digging it deeper and deeper.

    • Nilly,

      A quick google search of Craig Ftizgerald will show that he has had links to We Are Change in the past. Your silly conspiracy theory around every corner logic shows itself for what it is when you somehow accuse us of making this post up and trying to somehow attack Luke with it.

      “Journalists” are supposed to factcheck before they report on “news”. Which seems to be a critique offered by Luke and his ilk about the “Mainstream Media”: that they jump to conclusions and report things as fact without any follow up. Which guess what? Is what Luke did.

      How exactly have we deflected any topic? And how exactly did we smear Luke? Did we make any accusations in our statement that aren’t true about Luke? NOPE. We never entered into an ad-hominem attack, or any sort of baiting to attack him or anyone at We Are Change.

      Thanks for your time, but seriously… you need to get a lot less paranoid about things and stop seeing some sort of “conspiracy” around every corner.

      • Journalists get info from sources. As Luke explained, his source is STILL checking that and confirming it. It will probably take them a good long while to find out and confirm if Holmes was associated with people in your group, if anyone even cares to check that out.

    • I just came here from facebook, Craig posted the letter he sent to DABC so everybody could read it openly. I can assure you, Craig is a real person (an awesome one, no less, and yes I know him in real life). He’s been a tireless activist for many, many years (he now has a seriously debilitating illness and STILL keeps going, street-level), and is well liked across the societal spectrum. He’s super-dedicated, and if he wrote it, he meant it. I don’t know many people as genuine or selfless as he is.

      As for Luke “founding WAC”, no, he did not. He was in early, but he was not “the founder”, contrary to popular belief.

    • Oh stop and gain some intelligence would you? The only thing DABC is trying to say is that they aren’t in any way involved with the massacre that happened. Luke DID send out the Twitter so he was, at the least, guilty of not using common sense. Suck it up and accept that he is human and makes mistakes.

  16. It was never my intention to debate about National Anarchism, but only to let you know not all chapters of WAC are with Luke. It was also not my intention to debate about the so called Holocaust or the events surrounding 9/11. Once again We are Change is not an anti-Semitic organization, we have plenty of Jewish members and members of all races, colors, and creeds. While some members of WAC are anti Zionist others are not. Some question the official story of the “Holocaust” and the way history is manipulated in general, and others do not. We are Change is a diverse group founded on the principles of free thought, speech and association. As far as National Anarchism is concerned, I am a NA who is not a racial separatist and NATA-NY has a diverse membership. Check out some of our foundational documents :

    Obviously Nilly isn’t even worth my comments, probable a troll on the government’s payroll just like Luke.

    • If you listen to the interview with Craig Fitzgerald on Keith Preston’s ‘The Stark Truth’ [sic] podcast (i’m not going to give a link, but its easy enough to find: “New Right vs Old”), Craig says that “I’m quite open about the debts that we bear to figures like Hitler and Mussolini and Codreanu, I think that their deeds and their words were very useful and provide a lot of insight, a lot of guidance,” and says that only organizational differences separate them – but they have the “same values and the same social goals.” Craig then talks about how inspired by the SS he is, before repeatedly saying that US whites are going through a “slow, cool genocide.” To counter this, he lays out his plan to make California (!!!) an all-white state through “population transfer” – the expulsion of people of color from CA. This is because “ethnonationalism is for everyone.”

      So despite his rhetoric, only time will tell if Craig, like many N-As, moves deeper into White Supremacist circles. After all, you can find the same kind of letters written by Ian Stewart of Skrewdriver in the early days, where he denies that he’s a racist, even after he is active in those circles. They are covering for time so that they can still remain active in non-racist circles.

      • LOL, that episode is with Greg Johnson from the North American New Right so what do you expect? And The Stark Truth is hosted by Robert Stark. You can listen to the REAL interview here: I don’t agree with the guy on everything but I had to respond because of how completely screwed up your reply was.

  17. You can’t deny it! We have the facts! Gulf of Tonkin! MKUltra! Buy Gold/Silver/Water Filters!

  18. First of all Luke Rukowski did NOT form, found, or start wrc…….his best friend did, Luke also DID steal money from.the organization two years ago…..he wasnt in seventh grade…..Craig Fitzgerald IS a speokesperaon for wrc. You have been mislead like.many others…Luke is as bad as the people he claims to be fighting against….that is a fact!!

  19. If not for the shooting, it would have been very hard to keep this story from going national. Now it will probably never see the light of day outside of Utah and maybe the surrounding states.
    “Prominent Utah Republican Fundraiser Arrested On Rape Charges”

  20. That was beautiful. I’ve never heard of your organization until now. I am investigating Luke Rudkowski, Craig Fitzgerald and the death of Daniel Wallace. There’s something fishy with these two!!

  21. Hey Craig was it not Daniel Wallace who founded WACNYC? I’m sure it was. Yeah he died at 23 yrs old in his sleep. That was the end of WACNYC in reality.

  22. […] Denver Anarchist Black Cross Statement on the mass murder at the Aurora Century 16 Movie Complex – “The writing of this statement was prompted by rumors circulating the internet that the person alleged to have shot over 70 people in an Aurora movie theater on July 20 was a member of the Denver Anarchist Black Cross.” […]

  23. […] group. He frequently promotes militia leaders and antisemites like his hero David Icke. He even blamed the Denver Anarchist Black Cross for the 2012 Aurora, Colorado theater mass […]

  24. […] Promueve a líderes de las milicias blancas y antisemitas como a su héroe David Icke. Incluso acusó a la Cruz Negra Anarquista de Denver del tiroteo indiscriminado del teatro de Aurora-Colorado en […]

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