National Policy Institute is Confronted by Anti-Fascist and Resorts to Sieg Heils

This last weekend was the largest conference that the white nationalist/Alt Right think tank the National Policy Institute ever had.  Featuring Alt Right celebrities like Millenial Woes, Mike Enoch, Peter Brimelow, F. Roger Devlin, and Kevin MacDonald, the speeches were the general fare, a mixture of white revolution and Donald Trump fanboy gossip.

The night before the conference attendees were trying to have a banquet dinner at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Washington D.C.  The organizersD.C. area anti-fascist organizations got wind of this event and stormed the venue, disrupting the dinner and confronting NPI Director Richard Spencer.  Once Maggiano’s figured out what the event was, especially after a photo was tweeted of Spencer and others at the restaurant “Sieg Heiling,” they donated all profits from that night to the Anti-Defamation League and apologized for hosting it.

The next day the conference began while hundreds of anti-fascist protesters surrounded the venue.  The tone of fear could be felt through the conference as Spencer frantically tried to reroute the fascists to avoid confrontation.  Emily Youcis, one of the more embarrassingly shallow Alt Right commentators and animators decided to go outside to insult the protesters along with a person filming on their phone.  They got shut down by the opposition almost immediately, with the camera person losing their phone and ending up with a head wound after instigating a fight.

This sent Spencer into a bit of a fit, yet they were still able to hold their press conference before hand.  Here Spencer demanded that the media take his side in his recent dispute with Twitter as a number of neo-fascist accounts have been suspended for violating the Terms of Service.  Spencer went on to insult most of the reporters, along with Jared Taylor of American Renaissance trying to talk down to them with his elitist accent and embarrassing talking points.

The conference then wrapped up with Spencer’s speech where he dropped all pretenses and said that non-whites just want to take things and that Jewish media personalities might not be human.  He then screamed “Hail Trump, Hail Victory, Hail Our People.”  The crowd erupted in chants, with many joining in a Third Reich styled Roman Salute, often known as the straight-armed “Sieg Heil.”

To Spencer’s dismay this was picked up by journalists filming from The Atlantic magazine, who will be releasing a documentary on Spencer in January.  This has spread across the media quickly, prompting many people to start singling Spencer and his movement out as what they are: white supremacists and Nazis.


18 thoughts on “National Policy Institute is Confronted by Anti-Fascist and Resorts to Sieg Heils”

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