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Explosive Mail and Explosive Males

Explosive devices found in the mail
target Democratic leaders, activists & media.
Yet Trump's been claiming liberals are violent
as he tours the country fomenting anger.

Trump & GOP candidates in close races
claim terrorists are among traveling migrants,
use anti-Semitic tropes against protesters,
accuse Dem candidates of being unpatriotic.

And as GOP candidate lie about health care,
double-down on championing Kavanaugh
& seek to suppress voters across the USA,
we have 12 days to defuse the right wing.

Authorities are defusing explosive mail.
Only voters can disable these explosive males
that are desperately & divisively running the GOP.

Count down the days, lift up a glass,
and share your hopes & fears with friends
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you

November Is Coming

Mitch McConnell says rising deficits
will require cuts to Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid --
deficits caused by tax gifts to billionaires.

Donald Trump takes the Saudi ruler's word
about the disappearance—and likely murder—
of a dissident journalist, even comparing
the accusations against Saudi Arabia
to the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.

GOP candidates, facing slumping polls,
double down on suppressing voters,
racist attacks, anti-immigrant fear-mongering
and outright lies about health care.

And meanwhile the world's in climate crisis
yet Trump & the GOP deny, deny, deny.

In the face of all this, there's one reminder:
November is coming.

In fact, with the expansion of early voting,
it's Election Day somewhere.
Basically, November is already here.

If you love democracy & would like a drink,
come countdown to Election Day & share a night
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.


Despite massive opposition,
allegations of sexual assault,
and a partisan tirade,
Kavanaugh was confirmed
by a GOP that barely blinked.

Despite mocking Dr. Blasey Ford,
a swirl of criminal activity around him
& a contempt for our justice system,
Trump got the GOP to do what he wanted.

Now, decades of judicial decisions
could carry the imprint
of a corrupt & callous administration
& its reactionary right-wing supporters.

The country said Kava-No.
the GOP said Kava-Now.
So the question is Kava-Now-What?

We count down 26 days until midterms,
& 2 years until 2020
and we count on each other
to keep up the fight in the courts,
in the streets and at the polls.

Get started with pints & pals
as liberal libations lift left-leaning spirits
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

We Also Like Beer. It's Kavanaugh We Don't Like

Two men have barked and blustered,
they've lied & self-aggrandized,
they've met multiple assault allegations with
dismissive disrespect & privileged pompousness.
No wonder Trump picked Kavanaugh.

Republicans rushed a ridiculous FBI probe,
partisan, pathetic & totally predictable,
that skipped survivors, ignored evidence
& whitewashed it's weak week of work
for the whims of the White House.

Protests pour forth, survivors speak up,
coast to coast, constituents have called out,
but the GOP runs away from the truth & voters.
On Nov 6, they won't be able to run any more.

Will Flake, who flips and flops, fold?
Will Collins find confidence or con he constituents?
Time for the Senate stand up to two abusive men
—or sit down as voters stand up to the Senate.

"I like beer," was Kavanaugh's defense.
Well, we like beer too —
but dislike everything else you stand for,
the way you've acted, ruled, lied,
& the people brutally pushing you forward.
In the end, we will hold you and them accountable.

In the meantime, we'll have a beer,
stand up for values & stand with each other
at our local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you

We Believe. (And the GOP Should Be Leaving)

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford
shows courage and grit and honesty.
While Republicans attempt to
discredit, dismiss, and demean.

Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick
share stories of sexual assault.
The GOP won't even hear from them
as Republicans ignore survivors.

People across America are speaking up
to stand with survivors of sexual violence
-- while Trump calls Kavanaugh the victim
& the GOP tries to ram through his confirmation.

The UN may be laughing at Trump,
but we can't laugh through these tears.

We believe survivors. We believe women.
We believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford,
Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick.

We are believing.
When will the GOP finally be leaving?

If this testimony doesn't shut them up,
voters will need to shut them down.
40 Days until Election Day.
Who needs a drink?

Share thoughts, feelings and the night together
as we drink liberally, and always responsibly,
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you

Taking "Confirmation Bias" to a Whole New Level

Trump's Supreme Court nominee
is accused of sexual assault.
So the GOP plans to wait a few days,
pressure the survivor, otherwise dismiss her
& vote before the facts are uncovered.

Trump shows sympathy to Kavanaugh,
treating him like the victim
comparing accusations to the Mueller probe
which he continues to dismiss as a witch hunt.

Since McConnell & Grassley learned they could
break every rule to block Merrick Garland,
they're now breaking every rule
to confirm a right-wing partisan
who'll further their agenda for generations.

Trump & the GOP use every bit of info
to confirm the right-wing plan in motion
even if it means confirming a man
unscrutinized & unscrupulous.

This has always been a biased confirmation,
but now the Republicans are taking
"confirmation bias" to a whole new level.

Whether we'll stop the vote
or in November stop them with our votes,
one thing that's confirmed
is that Americans are getting fed up.

Share a drink, a dream, a pint, a prayer
as you share the night with good company
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

The Disaster After

As a hurricane heads toward the Carolinas
causing millions to evacuate,
we learn Trump moved money from FEMA to ICE
& is investing in bigger children's prison camps
rather than storm prevention or relief.

As we mark a year since Hurricane Maria
battered Puerto Rico causing 3,000 deaths,
Trump claims the death toll is a lie
& gives himself an A for millions left forgotten.

A storm swirls around Trump & his team,
Kavanaugh's caught in a whirlwind of lies,
yet the GOP plows ahead to confirm
a lifetime justice & affirm Trump's agenda.

Storms can be destructive
but just as scary is what comes next
when incompetence, disregard & lies
follow a storm with the disaster after.

Weather the storms with good friends,
good politics and a few good drinks
at your local progressive social club.

Find - or start - a chapter near you.

How to Beat the DC Heat

Fireworks in the Senate committee room
as Democrats object, protesters interrupt,
and Cory Booker interjects records --
critical, but confidential -- into the hearings.

Brett Kavanaugh dodges on Roe,
hasn't thought about presidential powers,
can't commit on pre-existing conditions
& turns from a grieving Parkland father.

And as Trumpworld is rocked
by Woodword's revelations
& by an insider's anonymous op-ed,
Senate Republicans don't break stride
in pushing Trump's lifetime nominee.

This administration is on fire,
threatening to burn us all
but the GOP denies it's warming
-- it's time for them to feel the heat.

But there's one way to beat the DC heat:
If our voices can't cool this blaze,
then our votes will need to extinguish it.
In the meantime, it's a long, hot summer.

Cool of with cold drinks & chill company
at your local progressive social club.