New Left Review I/6, November-December 1960

Loan Davies

The Congo And The Press

the congo upheaval has sent Fleet Street into orgasms of wild delight. The Congo crisis has brought out the worst in most sections of the Press. The Daily Express has been able to rap out its staccato contradictions, and beat down all parties but the few British “chaps out there”; the News of the World and the Pictorial have found ample material for their rape catalogues, (the News of the World managed to get Lumumba into the Society scandals by announcing that he had been in a “Brawl at the Ritz”); while the Guardian and the Times have been displaying an unfailing capacity for ambiguity and lack of comprehensive analysis, cloaking their editorials and reports in regal ermine and attempting to present the British attitude with platitudinous objectivity.

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Ioan Davies, ‘The Congo and the Press’, NLR I/6: £3

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