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  1. Hugh Scanlon: The Role of Militancy
  2. Jon Halliday: Reply to Ishiguro
  3. Ken Coates: The Motor Industry
  4. B. B.: 'Economics and Ideology and Other Essays'
  5. Angus Hone: 'Economic Recovery in Britain 1932-1939'
  6. Reza Shirazi: 'Politics and the Military in Jordan'
  7. Victor Kiernan: 'Succession in India'
  8. Fred Halliday: 'Orbit of China'
  9. Jon Halliday: 'The Japanese Communist Movement'
  10. J. H.: 'The Southeast Asian City'
  11. Fern Rich: 'The New Legions'
  12. New Left Review: Che Guevara
  13. E. H. Carr: Revolution from Above
  14. Gareth Stedman Jones: The Pathology of English History
  15. Rex Mortimer: Communists and the Australian Left
  16. H. B.: The Laboratory Technician
  17. Irving Wohlfarth: Presentation of Adorno
  18. Theodor Adorno: Sociology and Psychology (Part I)
  19. Hide Ishiguro: On 'Japan--Asian Capitalism'