

Page history last edited by Christopher St. John 6 years, 11 months ago
This page covers the first Barcamp Austin, which took place March 11, 2006. It has been locked because of vandalism. Please contact an administrator if you need to edit it.


Check out the plans for the next BarCampAustin!



Bar Camp Austin - March 11th, 2006


BarCamp Austin Schedule




Event Coverage




List your blog postings here:



Event notes


Bar Camp Austin Poster NOTE: Please be careful when you edit this page. We had a user delete half of the content the day before the event, and had to rebuild this page from cache files. We had to rebuild the wiki this morning so if your links are missing, please edit them back in (we did the best we could)



We now have live Breeze rooms sponsored by Adobe featuring live video, audio, and chat (depending on speakers)





  • rtsp:// for the unofficial roving pirate video stream.



Connection problems resolved! The IRC channel for the event is now active at #barcampaustin on Please tell Decibel about any connection issues.


How do I get from SXSW to BarCampAustin? Just Click here for a Google map!


PARKING NOTICE : When you get here, park in the building, and bring your parking ticket to the event with you! FREE PARKING! FREE as in FREE.


UPDATE: BarCampAustin Chris Messina has finished an amazing poster that is now at the print shop!

UPDATE: BarCampAustin is being held at the Thistle Café on 6th and Lavaca. Check out the photos of the venue!

UPDATE: BarCampAustin would like to thank Duncan Hopkins for creating our logo!


What is BarCampAustin? Think of it as a way to get the tech/geek community together in Austin during one of the coolest music and media events of the year; SXSW. Non-Austin equivalents? Well, Dallas beat us to it (not sure how that happened) but think: Usenix? SXSW Interactive? Burning Man? BarCampPaloAlto? Only one thing is certain: It's up to you to decide. The most important thing you should take away from the event? Relationships with other geeks!




UPDATE: A special BarCampAustin “Partay” (meet and greet) will be held at the Thistle Café on Friday March 10th starting at 7pm (and going until the wee hours of the night). This will be a great opportunity to meet people who will be attending BarCampAustin and have hallway conversations prior to the event –Last minute ideas and session are highly encouraged.


The Event: Saturday, March 11th, 2006, with an official start at 9am (get there early to get a good presentation slot!) and an official end of "as late as it goes"...but some us will have to be to work on Monday :)





BarCampAustin is being held at the Thistle Café on 6th and Lavaca. Check out the photos of the venue!





  • 03 Feb 2006: BarCampers unite! We’re going to have a party on Friday night (location TBA next week) so that every one can, meet, greet, and eat drink! Stay tuned for details.
  • 03 Feb 2006: BarCampAustin 2006 to be held at the Thistle Café on 6th and Lavaca. Check out the photos of the venue!
  • 30 Jan 2006: We have the venue and will be announcing details soon...please stay tuned!
  • 19 Jan 2006: The date for the event has been set: Sat, March 11th, 2006. The venue is TBD, but we already have some commitments...just trying to pick the best place for our fellow geeks.



What is it?


(As stolen from BarCampNYC, as copied from...) BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. All attendees must give a demo, a session, or help with one.


Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.


When you come, be prepared to share with barcampers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world.


Questions? Check out the google groups mailing list at: or just post them in the "Questions" section at the bottom of this page. Or join us on irc: #barcamp, look for cks or bingledac.



Similiar Things






Add yourself! Include your instant messaging or email info if you like. If you think you might want to help out, by all means add yourself to the organizers list and sign up for:











Proposed Sessions


NOTE: Sessions will be voted on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM, as we will have more ideas than time slots available. If you are not able to arrive in the morning to list / promote your session, then please have someone represent you OR contact whurley,


Attendees will vote on sessions at 10:30 AM, sessions with the most votes will be held latter in the evening when SXSW folks can join in.


  • An introduction to the openQRM project [] (whurley)
  • Mac Mini as a Home Entertainment System [] (Jeremy Derr)
  • What you should know about PostgreSQL [] (to be followed by MySQL vs. PostgreSQL holy war; bring weapons!)
  • Approaches to listview & table design/functionality (Lindsey Simon)
  • Agile in the Real World: Wild Success, Terrible Failure, and Endless Yelling. (Cote')
  • My Computer Just Died... What About My Data? [] (Jeremy Derr)
  • Enterprise Blogging: Tools and Tactics (Cote' and JJB)
  • Developing a parallel unofficial branch of an open source project (JJB)
  • Open Source Project Panel (Moderated by Raven Zachary)
  • A distributed entertainment system for the physical fitness market (Alex Sirota via Toronto)
  • CiviCRM: CMS agnostic, open source constitutent relationship management for nonprofits and civic groups.
  • Building Basecamp (in php) (Ryan Thrash)
  • Introduction to Flock. Everything you never knew you wanted to know about the newest rising star and how it differs from Firefox and Mozilla.
  • Ask a search engine optimization person about SEO techniques
  • Everything you ever wanted to know about Podcasting (with Q&A;)
  • IRL: Using Virtual Commmunity tools to support real-world community-building, and vice versa
  • Hacking Mac OS X, or, why you should all quit your dayjobs and learn Cocoa (R. Tyler Ballance) (Bring pillows for a good ole' "My OS is better than your OS" pillow fight afterward)
  • Podcasting 101 (Josh Owens) note: I realize this may overlap with another presentation, but no one has claimed the other podcasting presentation...
  • MetroNets, Community Portals, Social Networks, Web 2.0 apps, and Mashups - time for Austin to get in the game with its own network: a sandbox to play in / a toolbox to work with MetroNets & SocialNets: Austin's Own Network (John Cooper)
  • Event Mirror : What happened when and why.
  • Asterisk and you ( or how I learned to love hating SIP ) (Kevin Marvin)
  • subverting social networks (Eric Skiff)

Proposed Activities


Music jam - Since it is SXSW, we're going to try and get a couple of bands to stop by, but bring your laptops, instruments, amps, etc. for a general jam session

  • Live blogging, video, IRC chat, podcasting, and the works (See Chris Saylor and Josh Owens for podcast interviews of web 2.0 stuff).

The Keep Your Finger In The Box Game (Raven Zachary is donating an iPod Nano as the prize for this)

[ AvalonStar Bowling] - on Upcoming





Free. But there's a catch. Attendees are expected to contribute back to the conference by participating actively. "Active participation" might mean giving a presentation, helping with a presentation, blogging or podcasting the event, or whatever other creative ways to contribute people can come up with. BarCampPaloAlto2005 had a paypal account where people could contribute actual money if they wanted.



Sponsors (Who/What)


Wow, we have some very cool sponsors that understand this is not a commercial event. That said, we have funding and surprises for everyone thanks to some very generous individuals and companies.










  • Q: How many session slots are there? -JJB
  • A: If this is anything like FooCamp - it was pretty flexible - often times different sessions were going on at the same time... I think that its more important to have too many sessions and try to find a way to fit them in, than to not have enough... :) -Richard Yoo
  • Q: Doesn't this clash with day 1 of SXSW interactive panels?
  • A: Sure, but like many people, I wasn't going to SWSX Interactive anyway.
  • A: BarCampAustin goes from 9am-3am. SXSW panels are from 11-6pm. People can go to both.
  • Q: Why not make it the 10th? Or rather, why the 11th rather than the 10th?
  • A: Because the 11th is a Saturday?
  • Q: How do I get from SXSW to BarCampAustin?
  • A: See the map below, it's less than a mile (actually more like 8 blocks) so it's an easy walk.



How do I get from SXSW to BarCampAustin? (Click here for a Google map)



1. Head west from Cesar Chavez St E/E 1st St - go 0.2 mi

2. Turn right at Brazos St - go 0.3 mi

3. Turn left at E 6th St - go 0.1 mi

4. Continue on W 6th St - go 0.2 mi

5. Have a great time



Carpooling from Dallas


Can we get a bus from Dallas to Austin arranged? If so, can we get WiFi access via Verizon BroadbandAccess & Junxion Box via the bus??


People attending from Dallas:


  • Alexander Muse (Three seats available, car type omitted - 214.550.2003 for ride)
  • Raven Zachary - I am driving down tonight (Friday) around 7:30pm and returning Sunday morning if anyone needs a ride. 214.718.2587 mobile
  • Todd Manning (carless at the present, may change by March)
  • Brian Oberkirch
  • ChristopherStJohn
  • Kevin Marvin (I have an Expedition, and am not afraid to use it!)
  • BlakeBurris (have Suburban / will travel)
  • Ryan Thrash (ponders idea of party bus)


Carpooling from San Antonio


Who wants to Carpool from San Antonio to Austin?


People attending from San Antonio:


  • put your name here.


Carpooling from Houston


Who wants to Carpool from Houston to Austin?


People attending from Houston:


  • Erica O'Grady erica - at - creativerse dot com


Carpooling from College Station


People attending from College Station:



Hotel Sharing for Austin SXSW attendees


Anybody want to split a cheap hotel? I'll reserve a room if I can get a few ppl interested - Vinnie


  • Vinnie Lauria (organizer) - vincent.lauria at - AIM: vlauria

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