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Mongo election update

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In today’s UnPresidented podcast, we have a huge election update that starts about 40 minutes into the show — in which we talk about a lot of polls and races — but ...

Latest polls show Dems ahead in House, GOP in Senate

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With less than 3 weeks to the midterm elections, there are a slew of new polls, and most show Democrats doing VERY well in the House, but slipping in the Senate. And while I want Democrats ...

How record fundraising & the health care issue are helping Dems in the midterms

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This short excerpt of our latest UnPresidented Podcast talks about the overwhelming advantage Democrats have in fundraising heading in to the midterm congressional elections in three ...
Stormy Daniels

Tiny Trump

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In today’s UnPresidented Podcast episode, we spend a good deal of time with a number of midterm election updates, but we also delve into: Trump’s growing public feud with ...
Ammar Campa-Najjar

Chip in to elect Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar and defeat racist Duncan Hunter

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Republican House member Duncan Hunter was recently indicted for taking campaign funds for personal use, and then claiming they were going to wounded warriors. As a result of his indictment, ...

Lots of great new polls for Democrats

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Yes, the whole Kavanaugh debacle sucked, but let’s get past that and focus on the good news: Lots of polls are still showing a Democratic wave barreling towards Washington in ...

I’m a proud Soros-American

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On the heels of the Kavanaugh debacle, Cliff and I decided it was time for an upbeat episode, and the latest elections polls gave us just the fodder we needed. Democrats are doing EXTREMELY ...

Susan Collins caves, will cast deciding vote for Kavanaugh. Chip in to defeat her in 2020.

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Susan Collins (R-ME) has done it again. The Republican Senator from Maine, who has a history of lacking spine when it matters most, just announced that she will gladly be the swing ...

Kavanaugh & the future of democracy in America

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This week, the FBI is doing a further background check on Brett Kavanaugh, but serious questions remain as to how much the White House has tied the FBI’s hands. In today’s ...

Digby on Kavanaugh

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One of our favorite writers Heather “Digby” Parton, of the blog Hullabaloo, joins us for a long discussion of the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. (The ...
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