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The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Is the ​Inevitable Result of​ Trump’s Vile Nationalism

Shame on all those who have been silent—or, worse, supported the president’s agenda.

Sasha Abramsky


Beto O’Rourke Is For Real

Newspapers in Texas’s three largest cities just endorsed the Democrat.

John Nichols

The Political Press Is Failing Us Again at the Worst Possible Time

Coverage of a group of desperate refugees shows the media haven’t learned a thing since 2016.

Joshua Holland
Latin America

Brazil’s Northeastern Resistance

Brazil’s northeast overwhelmingly rejected Bolsonaro’s far-right agenda; now leftists worry that they aren’t welcome in their own country.

Kaspar Loftin
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From the Magazine

fall books

How the Courts Perpetuate Broken-Windows Policing

Issa Kohler-Hausmann’s  Misdemeanorland  looks at how the court system has imposed a system of control that reinforces broken-windows police. 

Clio Chang

In Naguib Mahfouz's World

Through his massive corpus, the Egyptian novelist helped capture the startling pace and steep costs of a nation in pursuit of independence.

Ursula Lindsey

Ottessa Moshfegh’s Contemporary Gothic

My Year of Rest and Relaxation offers a fever dream of New York’s millennial elite before the 2008 crash.

Ismail Muhammad


If You Build a Left Movement, the Candidates Will Come

The “what” and “why” of politics are more urgent than the “who.”

Gary Younge

Could Vermont Become the First State With Universal Broadband?

Gubernatorial candidate Christine Hallquist wants to bring utility populism to Vermont.

Evan Malmgren

The Most Important Ballot Measures of 2018

Amid the din of election activity, don’t forget the power and potential of the ballot initiative.

Simon Davis-Cohen


A Genuine Fascist Is on the Verge of Power in Brazil

Jair Bolsonaro, now far ahead in the polls, approves military dictatorship and has called for violent destruction of the left—and investors seem to approve.

Andy Robinson

Populism’s Promise: Can Germany’s ‘Rise Up’ Unite the Democratic Masses?

This new left formation is trying to win back the blue-collar and middle-class voters who have drifted into the far right’s camp.

Paul Hockenos

A Letter to Brazil, From a Friend Living Under Duterte

Brazil is on the verge of electing a Duterte-style fascist. What can the left do?

Walden Bello


Frederick Douglass’s 19th Century

A new biography gives an account of both Douglass’s political and personal life that will likely remain the standard for years to come.

Eric Foner

Sergio de la Pava’s Society-Spanning Fiction

His novels capture a world riven apart by class and brought back together by art.

Frank Guan

Robyn’s Radical Return

Honey, the Swedish artist’s first solo album in eight years, is a triumph of cerebral pop music. 

Natasha Lewis

Watch and Listen

Listen: How the NCAA Gaslights America

Sports economist Andy Schwarz joins the show to talk NCAA, the FBI case, and alternatives.

October 23, 2018

Watch: These Tenants Are Leading the Largest Rent Strike in LA History

Residents of three buildings in Central Los Angeles are refusing to pay rent until their landlord agrees to fair rent increases.

August 20, 2018

Watch: More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters: The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

What we can learn from one of the great organizers in American history.

November 15, 2016


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