AT AMAZON, Fall Savings on Washers and Dryers.
October 28, 2018
MICHAEL LEDEEN: Jews Must Defend Themselves and Fight Their Enemies.
IT’S ALL FUN AND GAMES UNTIL SOMEONE EATS ASPARAGUS: Scientists Have Finally Engineered More Sustainable Bricks Out Of… Human Urine.
DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Professor Accused of Racism for Asking His Student to Try Harder.
WHY, INDEED? Why Is CBD Oil Suddenly Everywhere? “Right now, CBD is the chemical equivalent to Bitcoin in 2016. . . It’s hot, everywhere and yet almost nobody understands it.”
GET WOKE, GO BROKE: Cancellation of ‘Boba Fett’ Movie Reveals a Star Wars Franchise in Serious Trouble.
It’s the Lady Ghostbusters syndrome of a studio and its marketing platform of left-leaning film “critics” (read: industry boosters) attacking male fans all over again. To borrow a line from another franchise that also involved George Lucas and Harrison Ford, Kathleen Kennedy chose…poorly.
EVERGREEN HEADLINE: Rage Makes You Stupid.
But it’s Kevin D. Williamson, so read the whole thing.
SECRET HISTORY: These Are The Forgotten Sex Workers Of The First World War Who Played An Important Role In Soldiers’ Lives.
“It’s a much deeper thing than we give it credit for. The men thought they were likely to die the next day, the thought you’re never going to have someone touch you nicely again before you die, it must be horrendous.
“Before one of the major offensives, where 80% of men were expected to die, 300 men were lined up outside this one brothel.”
Many of the men, she said, were virgins, who wanted to experience having sex before they died.
And many of them did die. This is known as “male privilege.”
HAD TO BE A MILLENNIAL: NYT’s take on jazz musicians so damn racist they deleted it.
So the Soviet Union was a swinging hotbed of sex, Bill Ayers is a swell guy, Trump should be assassinated, and jazz until recently was the sole province of whites — it’s quite an interesting worldview inside the Times’ Saved by the Bell-style offices.
DID ANTI-SEMITIC BDS RHETORIC TRIGGER THE SYNAGOGUE SHOOTER? “We’ve seen this meme applied liberally to explanations for what encouraged Cesar Sayoc to send bombs to all those Democrats. His lawyer even blames Trump for his client’s impulse-control problem. Should Trump be blamed for the synagogue massacre also? Many on the left are trying to make the connection, despite the fact that the shooter was virulently anti-Trump. But if Trump is to blame for the attempted bombings, yesterday’s anti-Semitic attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh could just as easily be blamed on the vicious anti-Jewish rhetoric coming from the left.”
Related: Did Years Of Obama’s Anti-Semitic Words and Actions Incite Pittsburgh Shooting?
ANSWERING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Does Watching Porn Raise Your Testosterone Levels?
IN THE MAIL: From Tom Davis, M.D. & Dan Janal, Telemedicine Confidential: Keeping Your Family Safe.
ADVENTURES IN #METOO RACISM: #BelieveAllWomen was used to lynch Emmett Till, she said. Protesters tried to drown her out.
SHOCKER: Columbia U. report finds ‘lacks of diversity,’ despite spending $185 million on ‘faculty diversity.’ What would be news is a report saying “actually, we’re fine.” Remember, these aren’t about students, they’re about ensuring full employment for educrats.
Based on the early evidence, the shooter was not only consumed with a hatred of Jews but possessed a kind of sneering contempt for Trump on the grounds that Trump was basically a Jewish agent or a Jew-lover himself. Trump can only be blamed for the murderous Jew-killing actions of someone who thought of him that way by people who are so consumed by hatred of him that there is nothing they won’t blame him for.
I think that’s about right.
YES, IT DOES: Voter Fraud Exists.
PHIL BREDESEN IS ENCOUNTERING SOME OF THIS, TOO: Manchin trouble in West Virginia? Some people love him but won’t vote for him.
As the charismatic Democrat walks towards the Martinsburg High School float filled with high-schoolers, hay, and lots of boisterous cheers, Shank admits, despite wanting a photo with the senator and liking him, come Nov. 6, he will vote for Manchin’s Republican opponent, Morrisey.
“Yeah, he’s a good guy. I mean, his politics is … it is what it is. At least he got Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court,” said Shank of Manchin, a vote he added was that really important to him.
Curt Blickenstann says the same, but adds a caveat — switch parties and Manchin could get his vote. “Oh yeah, he’d get the support of West Virginia even more. West Virginia is a hard-working state. It’s middle-class people, and that’s what Trump stands for is the middle-class people,” he says of the president who won all of the state’s 55 counties and earned a whopping 67–26 percent statewide win over Hillary Clinton.
Manchin says he’s not doing that. “Why would I change — I am who I am no matter what party name is after my name, I’ve never changed,” he said.
Voters here haven’t really changed either, except they don’t vote much for Democrats anymore, even Democrats who look like Republicans in any other state but here. Why? Democrats here place faith in their platform and are pro-life and pro-gun.
So do Republicans here.
Well, stay tuned and see how it turns out.
ADRIANA COHEN: So Much For Civility.
TIANA LOWE: Megyn Kelly is being fired because she shone too much light on NBC’s #MeToo problem. Now that she’s out, they can begin the process of rehabilitating Matt Lauer.
ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. Ask the Rabbi: Why Don’t Jews Believe in Original Sin?
October 27, 2018
AT AMAZON, save on Bestsellers in Beauty.
IT DOESN’T REALLY MATTER, BECAUSE IT WAS GOOD FOR THE CAUSE: Matthew Shepard Is the World’s Most Famous Gay Hate Crime Victim. But Was He Really Killed for Being Gay? “That’s right: One of Shepard’s killers was queer. Jimenez found through his reporting that McKinney had been Shepard’s lover. Sure, it’s possible that he had some internalized homophobia, but the narrative that Shepard was killed by bigot rednecks who targeted him for being gay is not, according to Jimenez, actually true. They killed him over meth. What’s more, Jimenez argues that Laramie wasn’t a hotbed of idiocy and homophobia either. It was a college town, home to the University of Wyoming. And like most college towns, it was, and is, quite liberal and even gay-friendly. That truth got lost as the story spread, and Laramie became a parody of white trash ignorance and bigotry.”
THEY’VE ALL GONE CRAZY: Guardian reporter screams at ‘anti-Semite’ Salena Zito for causing synagogue shooting by reporting on Trump.
Though in my experience, the Guardian folks are generally fine with actual anti-semites.
POINT TO REMEMBER: So far terror attacks tied to Obama Chicago pal Bill Ayers have killed more people than the evil bombs mailed by Cesar Seyoc. And the unrepentant Ayers had the rampant stupidity to say he should have detonated more bombs. (The New York Times, September 11, 2001: No Regrets For A Love of Explosives. This is 100 megaton irony.)
Alan Dershowitz has noticed this absolutely essential point:
The entire episode [[Seyoc’s bombs]] brings back painful memories of the Weathermen and other radical left wing organizations that planted bombs in the 1970s. The Weathermen and other radical leftist groups targeted universities, army bases, police officers, banks, and other establishment places and people. The death toll was considerable, and the fear was palpable. At about the same time, the Black Panthers, the Symbionese Liberation Army, and other radical leftist groups terrorized the United States.
So far no one has tried to glorify the arrested person responsible for the recent pipe bombs. Although President Trump has condemned the alleged perpetrator, it would not be surprising if some right wing extremists took perverse pleasure and pride in the attacks on the left wing icons. This is different from how some liberals glorified the Weathermen, Black Panthers, and other hard left terrorists. Left wing lawyers, who would never defend an accused right wing terrorist, rushed to represent these radical groups, while prominent liberals contributed to defense funds and attended fundraising parties. Films, books, plays, and articles sought to understand the motives of these young murderers.
Years later, Barack Obama befriended Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who had been active members of the Weathermen and supporters of violent terrorism. Both Ayers and Dohrn were invited to teach at well known American universities, as was Kathy Boudin, who had served a long prison term for participating in a terrorist inspired robbery that resulted in the deaths of two police officers and one armored guard and seriously injured another guard.
The Ku Klux Klan was a violent radical group with significant support from political figures and ordinary citizens. During the first decades of the 20th century, left wing anarchists planted bombs and engaged in other forms of violence that killed many innocent people.
The Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat terrorist organization created after the Civil War — to RESIST!. In the 20th century the KKK was the militant wing of the Democratic Party, mostly in the South but not solely. It existed to intimidate — like Antifa. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), a Democrat lion of the Senate beloved by Bill Clinton, was a KKK grand kludge benighted fleagal frothing whatever. (If you recall his actual title, mention it in the comments.)
As for the Dershowitz essay — read the whole thing.
WELL, I’LL BE WAITING UNTIL I’M OLD ENOUGH: Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Sign Up For Medicare Part B. “He should have signed up for Medicare Part B three years earlier when he turned 65. By delaying, he had missed the best window — the so-called Initial Enrollment Period — to apply for Part B, which covers much of what we consider health care: doctor visits, tests, injectable drugs (including chemotherapy), ambulances, physical therapy and other non-hospital services. As a result, he has to pay permanently higher premiums, and he had to endure an unsettlingly long period — from December to July — before the coverage actually kicked in.”
AT AMAZON, save on bestselling Pet Supplies.
In every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. In a classic act of anti-Semitic violence, which is what this is, Jews hear the echoes of every violent anti-Semitic act that has preceded it in history. And we hear those echoes because they are there. That which motivates Jew-hatred today is what has motivated it from time immemorial—the poisonously attractive idea that Jews need to be extirpated because our existence is an offense or a threat to an existing larger order. The blessing of Jewish life in America is that this notion has largely been consigned to the dregs from which today’s human malignancy rose. Despite the fact that most hate crimes in America are aimed at Jews, the actual number is vanishingly small—especially compared to France, from which Jews are now fleeing, and England, whose Labour Party is in the hands of an actual Jew-hater.
Because we are obliged by the sickness of our political culture to analyze every despicable event in a manner designed to confirm our priors, we have already, mere hours after the barbarity, sunk into a nauseating discussion about how much blame to assign to the president for this unspeakable act. The obvious answer is: None. Donald Trump should be assigned no such blame, even if the shooter were the president of the Donald Trump Fan Club, because he pulled no trigger and committed no crime. Period. To do that, to assign blame, is to whitewash the crime itself and the criminal’s responsibility for it. He becomes a cultural robot, seized by an evil collective unconscious that drove him to his crimes.
Read the whole thing.
Working to clear Kavanaugh’s name, Grassley is also working to protect the names of future nominees. It is an effort to reestablish precedent in the nomination process through deterrence.
Grassley just referred Julie Swetnick and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, to the Department of Justice for possible criminal investigation. Swetnick made allegations that Kavanaugh was present at a party where she was “gang raped,” and further that he habitually attended such parties and even had a hand in drugging girls so that they could be assaulted in this way. Although her accusations were so incredible that only a few Democrats dared talk about them at Kavanaugh’s hearings, they were brought up — Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was among those to mention them as Democrats worked to kill Kavanaugh’s nomination and reputation. . . .
More than control of the court was at stake during the Kavanaugh hysteria. It wasn’t just about the reputation of one man. It quickly became a referendum on what political tactics would and wouldn’t fly in future confirmations. At stake was whether or not Democrats, with their all-out assault on Kavanaugh, would be allowed to rewrite the confirmation playbook for the future.
Grassley and company succeeded in getting Kavanaugh confirmed. But now Grassley is addressing the second issue by meting out consequences. Future nominees, Democrat and Republican both, can expect a crucible of a confirmation. But if Grassley is successful and the DOJ takes action, those nominees can take limited comfort in the fact that witnesses against them will be held responsible for egregious lies.
It is a small step, and it is up to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to decide what to do next. But it is an important step toward cleaning up the mess that was made of the confirmation process.
This is exactly right.
SCIENCE MARCHES ON: ‘The Blowjob Paper:’ Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick.
But laugh at your peril. Organic evolution has done all it can in the short term to make people attractive; humans aren’t going to improve significantly in our lifetimes. Mechanical evolution is moving much faster, and sexbots are improving at a rapid clip.
Journalists phoned us by the dozens, mostly demanding to know how long we had presided over a circus of drug and alcohol abuse, misogyny, and criminality. At least these reporters gave us the courtesy of a call. Many other national media outlets simply ran archly critical stories without bothering to contact us at all.
This was all necessary for American democracy, some of them explained, since one of our graduates had become a Supreme Court nominee. In a sense, that’s understandable. But as I learned firsthand, the lens trained on Georgetown Prep was warped, obscuring details that ran counter to preferred narratives, and the resulting portrait of our community was grossly distorted.
We were garishly described as an institution that “celebrated heavy drinking,” “a troubled, morally questionable symbol of a snobby elite [where] alcohol was an integral part of the school’s identity,” and a place where “disregard or mistreatment of women [was] widely accepted.” A “debauched . . . scene of cloistered young men.” And those are just a few such insults from the more than 60 articles that appeared about Prep in the Washington Post alone.
Democracy dies in demonization.
More here: Post Truth.
A California-based public relations firm is offering paid protesting services to its clients.
Crowds on Demand, out of Beverly Hills, offers “protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts,” according to their website. “We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas.”
According to the Los Angeles Times, the company hired protestors to lobby the New Orleans City Council on behalf of a power plant operator, however the operator claims it only hired Crowds on Demand to bring supporters to the meetings, but did not know paid actors were involved. Each actor was reportedly paid $60 to attend the meetings, and $200 to speak on behalf of the power plant.
Actors were also hired to protest a Masons convention in San Francisco, and to act as paparazzi and fans for an L.A. life coaches conference.
The late Andrew Breitbart could have gotten hours of YouTube clips dunking on a lefty rent-a-crowd.
(Via SDA.)
LEARNING TO LOVE the counter-depth fridge. We have one. It’s fine. It’s true that the extra depth in a standard fridge is mostly just space to accumulate stuff you never use, and eventually throw out. Of course, we have a second refrigerator-freezer in the utility room, where we can stage party supplies, etc. when needed.
ILYA SOMIN OF THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY: Mail Bomber Cesar Sayoc Threatened Me on Facebook.
STAY THIRSTY, MY FRIENDS: US Troops Deploy ‘Overwhelming Force’ Against Iceland’s Beer Supplies.
KIMBERLY LEONARD AND SALENA ZITO: 11 shot dead in Pittsburgh synagogue, 4 police wounded. Suspect shouted: ‘Jews need to die.’
As we all know, this shooting is Trump’s fault because he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.
LACK OF SELF-AWARENESS DEPARTMENT: Below is someone who works for the Intercept and Al Jazeera blaming anti-Semitism on *other* people promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Let me repeat, the Intercept and Al Jazeera. Meanwhile, this is as good a time as any to tell the anti-Semites who I’ve heard sometimes infest our comments section to get lost, you aren’t welcome here.
AT AMAZON, save in Sports Nutrition.
WELL, ALSO IT WAS A CRAPPY VACCINE THAT YEAR: Did low vaccination rates help make the last flu season so deadly?
NEWS YOU CAN USE: These are the bad things about early retirement that no one talks about.
(Via Newsalert.)
BLUE WAVE? Flop Sweat: Democrats Pour Nearly Three Million More Dollars Into…New Jersey.
Don’t get cocky.
MORE ON PITTSBURGH: Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooter Allegedly Entered Shouting “All Jews Must Die.”
Meanwhile, the brave moral arbiters of the press are here to tell us that Jews kinda deserve it, since Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem or something.
THIS WEEK IN MEDIA BIAS HISTORY: Then-ABC News President David Westin Can’t Say If Pentagon Attack Was Wrong.
NOBODY’S PERFECT: U.S. Air Force Accidentally Drops Humvee on Civilian Neighborhood. “An Army spokesman said that the airdrop had been conducted by the service’s Operational Test Command as they tested a new parachute system for heavy equipment. The three parachutes designed to gently lower the Humvee to the ground worked, he said, and the test ‘went as planned—except for the early release.'”
IF YOU LIKE YOUR PLAN, YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN: Obama Says Politicians Lying Is Something ‘We Have Not Seen Before.’ Here Are Three Of His Biggest Whoppers.
Of course, we’re dealing with the guy who was quoted as saying, “I actually believe my own bullshit,” so perhaps he’s living out George Costanza’s belief that “it’s not a lie, if you believe it.”
But most damningly, Kelly has made it clear that she will not welcome back abusers. When asked about Matt Lauer, NBC’s lovely, $20 million anchor who had a door lock on his desk to more easily prey on female subordinates, Kelly minced as few words as she could without condemning her employers for their complicity in Lauer’s persistent harassment.
“I know too much that others don’t know,” Kelly said when asked about the allegation. Kelly interviewed his accusers on her morning show, sending a public warning shot not just to Lauer, but to his many remaining NBC loyalists, that a remorseful comeback would not be tolerated.
Hollywood gossip giants have known of the tension between Kelly and NBC News chairman Andy Lack due to her reporting for half a year. But beware of the all-too convenient narrative that Kelly’s demise would come from a since-rectified gaffe. NBC knew they bought an anchor used to Fox News prime time rather than the ease of morning shows. But Kelly also fought a president and a prime-time guru. No doubt Andy Lack underestimated her potential to doggedly cover her own company’s malpractice.
Gentlemen (and ladies), you can’t do journalism here — this is NBC News!
IN THE MAIL: From Bill Lee, This Road I’m On: The Power of Hope in the Face of Adversity.
“IN TIMES LIKE THESE, IT IS HELPFUL TO REMEMBER THAT THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TIMES LIKE THESE.” – Paul Harvey. “Yes, things are going crazy. Someone in an article on a news site commented that this year has been tumblr fan fiction weird. It has. Yet this has not been the first crazy year ever — or necessarily the craziest year.”
Read the whole thing.
IT’S COME TO THIS: HBO To Have An ‘Intimacy Coordinator’ On Set For All Sex Scenes Now.
AMERICA’S 18 MOST DANGEROUS VOLCANOES: Hawaii’s Mount Kilauea is number one. Seattle and Portland are uncomfortably close to two others on the list, Mount Rainier and Mount Hood, respectively.
TODAY IN HISTORY: On October 27, 1787, the first of the Federalist Papers (this one written by Alexander Hamilton) was published and handed out on street corners in New York. Over the course of the next 10 months, 85 short little essays were hastily written by Hamilton, John Jay, or James Madison and distributed. Each explained some aspect of the proposed Constitution and advocated for its ratification. They weren’t written for the ages, but a few of them nevertheless became classics of political theory. And they are worth reading as a group.
I once wrote a paper that asked whether law professors were following in the footsteps of the authors of the Federalist Papers by blogging instead of writing battleship law review articles that hardly anybody reads. But upon reflection … I must have been on drugs.
SWEDISH ROYAL NAVY CORVETTE KARLSTAD: Docks in Trondheim, Norway. Swedish forces are participating in NATO’S Exercise Trident Juncture.
IT’S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME SHE CUTS A DUET WITH THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN AS CAT STEVENS. Singer Sinéad O’Connor Becomes A Muslim: ‘All Scripture Study Leads To Islam.’
MEDIA WHIPLASH ALERT: Time magazine asks, “Why Are We All Having So Little Sex?,” just a few weeks after the DNC-MSM scolded Brett Kavanaugh en masse about his sex life 35 years ago.
Earlier: The Sexual Revolution Is Over.
WE KNOW WHY: Why Did NBC News Sit on Evidence Discrediting a Kavanaugh Accuser for Weeks?
The Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee recommended anti-Trump attorney Michael Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick to the Justice Department for possible criminal charges on Thursday. Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley noted that in multiple public statements, Swetnick and Avenatti contradicted the sworn statement they provided claiming that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ran a gang-rape-party ring in high school.
What was a very bad day for Avenatti got worse when NBC News reported hours later that “NBC News also found other apparent inconsistencies in a second sworn statement from another woman whose statement Avenatti provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee in a bid to bolster Swetnick’s claims.”
It was very good reporting by NBC News. But it was also reporting based on interviews conducted three weeks ago, with no clear indication of why the outlet chose to sit on it. . . .
But per the newest story, these are the details NBC News knew for a fact during the Kavanaugh debate, and chose not to report:
On September 30, Avenatti forwarded an anonymous woman (I’ll call her Woman B) to NBC claiming she could corroborate Swetnick’s story. On the contrary, she said of the punch spiking “I didn’t ever think it was Brett” and when asked if she ever witnessed Kavanaugh act inappropriately towards women replied, “No.” On October 2nd, Avenatti publicized a sworn statement from an unnamed woman claiming she had “witnessed firsthand Brett Kavanaugh, together with others, ‘spike’ the ‘punch’ at house parties I attended with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol” and he engaged in “inappropriate physical contact with girls of a sexual nature.” The same day, Avenatti confirms to NBC News that the woman is Woman B.
On October 3rd, Woman B tells NBC she only “skimmed” the statement she made to Congress.
The same day, when asked about the discrepancies, Avenatti suddenly backtracks and claims the woman is not Woman B.On October 4th, Woman B texts NBC: “It is incorrect that I saw Brett spike the punch. I didn’t see anyone spike the punch … I was very clear with Michael Avenatti from day one.” The same day, when asked about her denials, Avenatti responds, “I have a signed declaration that states otherwise together with multiple audio recordings where she stated exactly what is in the declaration. There were also multiple witnesses to our discussions.” Five minutes later, Woman B texts NBC: “Please understand that everything in the declaration is true and you should not contact me anymore regarding this issue.” Minutes later, NBC calls again, and Woman B again reiterates she never saw Kavanaugh spiking punch or being sexually inappropriate. On October 5th, she texts NBC: “I will definitely talk to you again and no longer Avenatti. I do not like that he twisted my words.” Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed October 6th. At the time of his confirmation, there was a sworn statement before Congress indicating that the Supreme Court nominee was a sexual assailant and drugged women. As far as the Senate and public knew, there was nothing indicating that statement was false.
NBC News knew that it was false. Four days earlier, they at least had enough to report that Woman B had changed her story. And days before that, they knew that one of the witnesses that Swetnick alluded to could not “attest to the truthfulness” of her allegations as she claimed in her sworn statement.
What gives? One gets the impression that had Grassley not moved to recommended Avenatti for criminal charges, NBC News would have continued to sit on the story.
UGLY HISTORY: On this day in 1838, Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs issued Executive Order 44, calling for the extermination of Mormons. The order read in part: “The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the state if necessary for the public peace—their outrages are beyond all description. If you can increase your force, you are authorized to do so to any extent you may consider necessary.” (Boldface added.)
WHAT DESPERATION LOOKS LIKE: Biden to campaign for Heitkamp days before North Dakota election.
Former Vice President Joe Biden will campaign in North Dakota alongside Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D) on Nov. 1, as the senator fights to hang onto her seat in a deep-red state.
Biden will kick off the “Bring it Home, Heidi!” five-day statewide tour in Fargo next Thursday in the final days of the midterm elections.
His visit comes as the race has been trending more towards Republicans, which improves GOP chances of hanging onto their slim 51-49 seat majority.
Heitkamp faces a tough reelection race against Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) in a state that President Trump won by nearly 36 points in 2016. Recent public polls show Heitkamp trailing Cramer by double-digit margins.
ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: UN report calls Bay Area homeless crisis human rights violation — Special rapporteur cites SF and Oakland along with worst slums in the world.
Found via “Comfortably Smug,” who tweets, “We need a coalition of the willing to go into San Francisco for regime change.”
Earlier: California Ranks as Poorest State, One of the Worst for Income Inequality. “Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.”
IT DOESN’T MATTER, THEY CAN’T HELP THEMSELVES: Blaming Trump, GOP could backfire for Dems.
MEDIA MAN TELLS WOMAN SHE’S PAID TOO MUCH: CNN’s Stelter: Megyn Kelly Was ‘Paid Too Much’ at NBC.
ABOUT TIME SOMEONE DID THIS: Tech Community Outraged after SQLite Founder Adopts Benedictine Code of Conduct. Stop the SJW onslaught on our places of fun and our places of business. Don’t give them an inch. Not one. They’re parasites who produce nothing and destroy every field they infect.
I BELIEVE THEY CALL THIS DHIMMITUDE: Insulting Islam Now Illegal in Europe.
CONTRARY TO WHAT THE MEDIA AND THE DEMS (BIRM) WILL TELL YOU THE MOST SALIENT THING ABOUT THE CRAZY IN FLORIDA WHO SENT THE DUD BOMBS IS NOT THAT HE’S A TRUMP FAN OR A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN. IT’S THAT HE’S A KNOWN WOLF: Our under-incarceration problem, explosive packages edition. Even if he’s apparently too insane to do any damage, he should have been somewhere he couldn’t even attempt it.
THIS IS MY SHOCKED FACE: Buyers Remorse? NBC And CNN Suddenly BackPedal On Michael Avenatti.
October 26, 2018
BUT THEY FIRED JAMES DAMORE FOR MAKING TRUTHFUL GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Google reportedly paid Android creator millions after sex misconduct claim. “Google is about to pay Andy Rubin, the creator of Android, the last installment of his $90 million exit package — a golden parachute he received despite his being credibly accused of coercing a female employee into performing oral sex, it was revealed on Thursday.”
Don’t be evil. Unless, you know, it pays.
DON’T BUY INTO THE NARRATIVE: Don’t let the media and Democrats get away with it.
OPEN THREAD: Make of it what you will.
YOUR DAILY TREACHER: Insulting Islam Now Illegal in Europe. “Europe does not stand with Charlie Hebdo and never did. It was a pathetic lie and they all know it. #LEuropeNestPasCharlie.”
Everyone seems to remember Ronald Reagan’s 600-ship Navy from the 1980s, but few understand how precipitate the decline was following the demise of the Soviet Union. First the Bush/Clinton “peace dividend,” and then the nation’s focus on its wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, saw the Navy fall from 592 ships in 1989, to 350 in 1998, to its nadir of 271 in 2015. While this was playing out, both civilian and uniformed leaders made the argument that the Navy did not require large numbers of ships so long as the ships it retained were of the most advanced designs. This answer appeared valid, in theory, but the reality was that a smaller fleet simply could not be everywhere we needed it to be at once.
The result has been a slow unraveling of the maritime order of free trade and free navigation that the United States and its Navy struggled so hard to build over the previous 70 years. The current situation recalls the “broken windows” theory of law enforcement first advanced by George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson in the early 1980s. The theory took its name from the phenomenon wherein an unrepaired broken window acts as a psychological invitation to break other windows. Kelling and Wilson argued that police could control crime by maintaining a general sense of order in their communities, with cooperation from the communities themselves. This entailed patrolling on foot rather than by car — so that officers would be seen as part of the neighborhood — and by taking “quality of life” offenses seriously.
Between 2001 and 2016, when the Navy was shrinking rapidly, the United States’ strategic focus was firmly locked on its counterterrorism wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Most of the Navy’s deploying ships were either moving towards those conflicts or returning home from them, leaving entire maritime “neighborhoods” unpatrolled — and windows started to break.
I had some related thoughts in this column.
IT’S ALWAYS IN THE LAST PLACE YOU LOOK: Mind’s quality control center found in long-ignored brain area.
CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: FBI undercover agent billed for food, drinks at Andrew Gillum fundraiser, documents show. “The Forward Florida PAC would eventually become the war chest for Gillum’s gubernatorial campaign. It is the first piece of evidence linking an ongoing FBI probe to Gillum’s broader campaign for statewide office. The emails and receipts released Friday as part of a supplemental records request from the Florida Commission on Ethics show that the agent, Mike Miller, was invoiced $4,386 by 101 Restaurant and Mint Lounge, a restaurant owned by lobbyist Adam Corey at the time. An email exchange shows that Miller paid the bill and that Gillum sent him a personal thank you note for the food.”