10-26-2018 11:09:17 AM -0700
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10-25-2018 04:31:41 PM -0700
10-25-2018 01:27:23 PM -0700
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Want a liberal utopia? This is what it looks like.
There is a massive amount of evidence on social media that he is pro-Trump, pro-Republican, and virulently anti-Democrat.
Europe does not stand with Charlie Hebdo and never did. It was a pathetic lie and they all know it. #LEuropeNestPasCharlie.
BREAKING: Feds arrest suspected mail bomber.
Arrest of bombing suspect "doesn't mean we're all out of the woods," FBI director added. "There may be other packages in transit now."
19-year-old Naser Almadaoji was arrested at the Columbus airport trying to leave the country.
But Apple sings a different tune in Russia...
If the Saudis kill a Saudi citizen, why is it our problem?
SJW codes of conduct have been all the rage in online communities in recent years.
And you don't?
What does your gut tell you?
Megyn Kelly is out at NBC...
Alaa Mohd Abusaad told an undercover agent how to send the money undetected.
As Muslim gay-bashing waxes, media honesty about it wanes.
State Republican Party tweeted that it had filed an ethics complaint against the “outsider group who is running political ads in violation" of ethics rules.