Heroes Part II! Highly Courageous Ones at That!

I did not mean to leave this one out of the early post. Especially as representation is important. This took a lot of courage and that should be recognized and supported.

From CBS LA:

The statement was emblazoned on the Transgender Pride Flag, colored blue, pink and white. (The flag, designed by an Arizona trans woman, made its debut in 2000 at a pride parade in Phoenix.)

One report indicated the protest was planned by members of the TransLatin@ Coalition, a Los Angeles-based activist organization that advocates for the rights of transgender Latinx people. It’s unclear whether the flag was removed by the activists who brought it or by stadium security, and FOX’s television broadcast did not show either the flag or its removal.

Supporters of transgender rights have been galvanized in recent days after reports the Trump administration is planning to roll back Obama-era protections for trans people and to legally define gender as an immutable, biological trait.

It does us no good to combat anti-semitism, Islamophobia and the spillover on Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists from the subcontinent and Southeast Asia because bigoted Americans who discriminate can’t do it properly (morans!!!), anti-African American racism, anti-Latinx/Hispanic racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-immigrant xenophobia and nativism, and homophobia if we don’t make sure we support and lift up and, if necessary, intercede on behalf of all of people that fit within the LGBTQ community. Never again has to mean something. And has to mean something beyond just combatting anti-Semitism. We are, indeed, stronger together. And there are more of us without the herrenvolk coalition of the President’s supporters and the Republican Party and conservative movement they are remaking in an ugly, retrograde, revanchist image. They have picked this time and this place to try to make a last stand. I say we ensure they fail! Also, we’ve got folks like her in the fight:

If Senior Chief Beck’s still fighting, the least we can do is back her up cause I sure as hell don’t want to be in her way! And I’d pay good money to see the Vice President or the Attorney General tell her she can’t use the Lady’s Room!

Vote like your life and America’s depends on it! Get everyone you know to vote like their lives and America’s depends on it! And remember you’re not alone!

Open thread!


All of us doing the small things is as powerful, if not more powerful, than a few trying to do the big things.

Stay alert! Stay safe! Vote like your life and the life of America depends on it! And get everyone you know to vote like their lives and the life of America depends on it!

Open thread!

“Despact the fight…”

Possum Queen loses it at today’s briefing and stomps off in a huff:

For those who can’t/won’t watch, Huckabee Sanders responds to a question about Trump’s complicity in creating a tense, divided, violent atmosphere, first by lying (“he was elected by an overwhelming majority”), then by whining about negative coverage, which she claims Trump unfairly receives “dispact the fight” (she mispronounces “despite the fact” this way twice) that he’s the greatest president ever, blah blah blah :::flounce:::.

Meanwhile, her vile boss is back to whipping up hysteria about the Central American “caravan” again today despact the fight that the lies about the caravan directly motivated the terrorist in Pittsburgh to begin his murderous rampage:

If the American people don’t rise up and set brand-new records for Congressional turnover in eight days (plus kick Republicans to the curb in statehouses nationwide), we suck.

Eight days a week

Only eight days til the election. Vote early if you can! Otherwise, make a voting plan for election day. Mine is to go to the poll on the way to work after we drop the baby at daycare.

Let’s keep raising for the More More More fun. We already blew through our goal but I think the money here can make a difference.

Goal Thermometer

I’d like to keep giving to Four Directions, which works on ballot access for Native American voters too.

Goal Thermometer

Thanks everyone for being so generous. We’ve raised a little over 355K this cycle.

This Stevie classic seems appropriate these days.

Monday Afternoon Open Thread

Here are a couple of shots of a gorgeous belted kingfisher that’s perched on a navigation marker about 50 yards off my porch:

Here it is with a fish:

I hope to see a lot of this little bird; it’s still there right now, and I see it flying down to try to catch a fish occasionally and then returning to the marker.

Fight the Crazed Bigots: Support HIAS

Leto & Avalune Update

Many of you have asked if you can help, and Avalune has emailed me the following:

At 7:20 am on Wednesday, October 17, my phone alarm and ring tone went off simultaneously. I might have ignored the phone since no one calls me except to tell me my car insurance is expiring or I have four serious charges pressed on my name (why is it always four). But the alarm was going off and the name said Mike (commenter Leto). But the person speaking wasn’t Mike. The reception was bad. I told him I couldn’t hear him and asked him to hang on while I turned the alarm off.

But that isn’t entirely true. I didn’t hear every word but I hear what sounds an awful lot like “motorcycle accident.” He steps outside and reintroduces himself. He say me Mike was in an accident and at the hospital. He asks if I know the location. No. I don’t know any locations. My internal GPS has malfunctioned since returning to the states. I’ll figure it out, I tell him. He says he will text the address.

When I get there, I only know he was in surgery. I retain about half what people tell me. He was hit by a car turning left. He was going pretty fast. It would have still been dark. He would have almost arrived at work. We were going to buy a car in three more days so he wouldn’t have to keep taking his motorcycle. Now his motorcycle – or what is left of it – is in a Sunoco station somewhere.

More pieces come together over the next couple days. He saw that she was going to turn in front of him. He tried to avoid the accident. There was a 15 ft skid mark on the road, nice and straight where he tried to stop and move over without dropping the bike. He was going 33 in a 40 area. His breaks and headlamp are new. There was a car behind her which he probably assumed would zip around like they always do, so he didn’t move over enough to be in oncoming traffic. He hit the car head-on next to her left headlight. A big chunk of her car is missing. There is a circle on her windshield that would have been where his head impacted. Was it at that point when the plastic shield on his helmet lacerated his upper lip? Or was it when he went over the top of her car and flew 13 ft away where was lucky the car behind her swerved and avoided running over his body? He was conscious all the way until they sedated him in the trauma center to start the work of stopping his bleeding. They tell me he was “pleasant.”

His pelvis slammed into the gas tank on the motorcycle. There are huge dents where the force gave him an open book fracture of the pelvis. Did the open book shear then or when he hit the ground yards away? The bone cut through his body, permanently damaging some organs and leaving a gaping wound. Blood filled the area around the pelvis. This is often a fatal injury they tell me. The doctor kind of laughs as he says it. He laughs a lot when he talks. It’s jarring to hear him laugh while he’s saying the words “serious” and “life-threatening” and “lots of blood” and “we’re going to cut up his abdomen because we have to make sure there’s no contamination.” Somewhere in that his tibia jammed into his kneecap.

Over the next few days we watched him lay immobile and sedated. They unstuffed and stuffed his wound. They put plates and screws in the front and back of his pelvis. They put a plate and screws in his knee. They let him come out of sedation. He was confused. Broke out in sweats. Hallucinated from a combination of the sedation wearing off and an adverse reaction to some of the drug changes. The walls moved. Dead birds replaced the surgical gloves. The hazmat bin was blood. But each day he showed improvement. Drugs adjusted. His mind started to be a little less fuzzy and his voice a little less raw.

His progress is remarkable so far. He has a long road ahead in therapy before he will walk again but the doctors are confident he will.

I don’t know what kind of mess this is going to be financially but one of Mike’s coworkers started a go.fund.me page for expenses. Over the next few days I expect he will begin to regain more dexterity in his hands and be able to comment for himself again and I can go back to the lurking. Thank you all for your support. Your messages cheered us both.


Y’all are in our thoughts. Man I bet he is dying for a shave.

Free Gold in Oklahoma

Twelve counties in Oklahoma have an extraordinarily odd pricing arrangement.  Anyone who qualifies for premium subsidies on the individual market can get a $0 Gold plan***.  Below is the relevant part of the pricing table for one of the counties.

QHP 2019 Master table
StateCountyMetal LevelIssuer NamePlan ID – Standard ComponentHIOS IDPremium Adult Individual Age 40
OKAlfalfaBronzeBlue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma87571OK032009787571$433.00
OKAlfalfaGoldBlue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma87571OK032009287571$608.00
OKAlfalfaSilverBlue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma87571OK032008387571$669.00
OKAlfalfaBronzeMedica Insurance Company21333OK002000521333$761.00
OKAlfalfaBronzeMedica Insurance Company21333OK002001121333$788.00
OKAlfalfaExpanded BronzeMedica Insurance Company21333OK002002321333$840.00
OKAlfalfaGoldMedica Insurance Company21333OK002002521333$1,002.00
OKAlfalfaSilverMedica Insurance Company21333OK002000321333$1,159.00

Gold plans will be effectively free for anyone who qualifies for subsidies.  The Blue Cross Silver plans with CSR are better financial protection for anyone making under 250% Federal Poverty Level and Bronze is cleanly dominated.   What is happening is that BCBSOK is running a Silver Load/Gold Gap game on their plan offerings with a price order of Bronze-Gold-Silver.  If they were the only insurer, Gold would have a decent discount on Silver and Bronze would be dirt cheap for subsidized buyers.  However, Medica also entered the county.  They are also running a Silver Load/Gold Gap game of Bronze-Bronze-Bronze-Gold-Silver.  If Medica was the only insurer in the county, there would be huge discounts on all Bronze plans and a large discount on the Gold plan.

However, they are both in the county.  Medica’s general price level in the twelve counties are much higher than the BCBS-OK so instead large but not incredibly massive gapping, BCBS-OK will be running some ridiculous gaps where all of their plans are effectively free for the subsidized population.  The Gold plan may not be the optimal plan for everyone.  It is clearly beaten by the BCBSOK CSR Silver plans for anyone earning under 200% FPL.  There is a fuzzy space between 201-250% FPL between Gold and CSR Silver.

But there is free gold lying on the sidewalk just waiting for people to sign up.  I am very curious if people will sign up for $0 premium Gold plans in these counties as this will inform us as to how much price really matters versus other non-financial factors.

***  I’ve tested this for the adult purchaser’s stingiest scenario (a single 19 year old non-smoker making $48,560 (precisely 400% FPL)) in Alfalfa County but the pricing holds everywhere else and the spreads get bigger for any other scenario.  Any scenario where a buyer group consists of either older individuals or multiple individuals at 400% FPL will see even larger Silver to Gold spreads.

Monday Morning Open Thread: Positivity Is GOOD!

On the Road and In Your Backyard

Good Morning All,

On The Road and In Your Backyard is a weekday feature spotlighting reader submissions. From the exotic to the familiar, please share your part of the world, whether you’re traveling or just in your locality. Share some photos and a narrative, let us see through your pictures and words. We’re so lucky each and every day to see and appreciate the world around us!

Submissions from commenters are welcome at tools.balloon-juice.com

For each picture, it’s best to provide your commenter screenname, description, where it was taken, and date. It’s tough to keep everyone’s email address and screenname straight, so don’t assume that I remember it “from last time”. More and more, the first photo before the fold will be from a commenter, so making it easy to locate the screenname when I’ve found a compelling photo is crucial.

This is the first of a fantastic week of submissions. First we have two days of Africa, from very different perspectives and narratives. As a white guy born in Africa, I’ve always felt a certain spiritual bond with our Mother Continent, and I’m just thrilled with these submissions.

And then BillinGlendale on Wednesday, followed by a mega post Thursday on stuff out West.  Friday – who knows?! I suspect otmar will provide a wonderful closeout for the week, TBH.


Have a wonderful day, and enjoy the pictures. There is so much goodness this week – off we go!

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Swamp Things (Open Thread)

So, here’s the ambient noise at the swamp compound this evening:

What the fuck even is that? Frogs mostly, I’m guessing.

Such a long day! We had a nonstop stream of relatives stopping by to see the new place, so we were occupied with that from 11 AM to 9 PM. We have a driveway gate, so at every arrival and departure, we had to coordinate corralling and releasing the dogs. Not to mention providing assurances via text or phone that, yes, keep going through the scary swamp and past the dead end signs…

During the hullabaloo, the mister and I reaffirmed our bond of silence. One thing that attracted us to each other is our mutual comfort with silence — the absence of a need to fill any lull in conversation with small talk. After everyone finally left, we sat in companionable quiet to watch the World Series, until the mister and the dogs nodded off. Now it’s just the frogs and me, and I’m letting them do the talking.

Regarding the Series: I’m rooting for the Sox since I used to live in Boston, and I adore David Price. But I’m almost hoping the Dodgers pull out a win so we can have a competitive series. If my team ain’t in it, I generally want to see seven games so I feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth. Oh well. Doesn’t look likely.

What are you up to?

Sunday Evening Open Thread

What’s doing that’s not politics?

Because you’re everywhere to me

Every political analyst I read says the big question on election day is how many seemingly safe, under-the-radar races all over the country the Dems win. Even conservatives are saying that.

So once more into the breach for the Balloon Juice More More More fund, which consists of 47 Democratic candidates the vast majority of whom are in second and third tier races. This could make a difference.

Goal Thermometer

GOP: How Can You Call Us Anti-Semites When We’re So Careful Not to Use the K-Word?

Editor of the National Review, promoter of Sarah Palin, Rich “Sparklepants” Lowry:

Read more

A Little Optimism

As we learn that one of the victims of yesterday’s mass murder at a synagogue was a 97 year-old Holocaust survivor, I want to add a note of optimism from the aftermath of another mass shooting. I’ve been following the students who organized March for Our Lives on Twitter, and their feeds have been notable more for their absence and calculation rather then their presence. They’ve been busy running voter registration drives and GOTV events, and most of what they tweet is related to that. They’ve written a book that has made the Young Adult best seller list.

Because they aren’t vulgar, ridiculous liars and clowns, they don’t garner a lot of media attention, but they are out there, working. They are focused, determined and dedicated. I am excited and optimistic about their work.

Open thread.

Update:That tweet was from Jennifer Epstein, White House correspondent for Bloomberg, and she’s since deleted it since it wasn’t well sourced. Thanks to Mike S for pointing that out.