• All PSI affiliates are invited to comment on the document “Putting People over Profit” which outlines PSI’s priorities for the implementation of the PoA until 2022. These comments should be channelled through the elected representatives on the respective regional executive committee.

  • PSI has launched a global campaign for the Human Right to Health that aims at building a mass global movement that could influence concrete policies towards attaining Universal Public Health Coverage (UPHC). #PublicHealth4All

  • PSI launches a video series featuring 16 stories from nine countries – Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Italy, USA, Chad, Lebanon, Guatemala and Brazil - to praise the work of public servants around the world.

    See website: http://oneday.world-psi.org

  • PSI urges all affiliates to call on the governments of their countries to take immediate action to stop the targeting of health workers in conflict zones in general and Gaza in particular.
    Health workers are #NotaTarget.

  • psi/shutterstock.com

    UN poverty expert warns against tsunami of unchecked privatisation

    New report on "Extreme poverty and Human rights" finds that "widespread privatisation of public goods in many societies is systematically eliminating human rights protections and further marginalising those living in poverty".

  • Room 20 of UN building

    Binding UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights

    The intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations (IGWG) held its fourth meeting on 15-19 October in Geneva, in order to discuss the Zero Draft for an internationally legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.

  • PCS wins £3million check-off compensation

    PSI affiliate PCS has achieved a major victory over the UK government in a dispute over the check-off system for union dues. On 16 October 2018, the High Court ruled that ministers acted illegally by withdrawing check-off in a brutal attempt to bankrupt the union.