Iran: Execution of trade unionist sparks general strike

It was with sorrow and anger that AAWL learned that on Sunday 9 May 2010 the Iranian regime executed five political prisoners including Mr Farzad Kamangar. The four young men and one woman were executed for their political opposition to the regime. Farzad Kamangar was a member of the Teachers' Union of Kurdistan who was arrested in 2006 and charged with “endangering national security” and "enmity against God" in a ‘trial’ that lasted seven minutes. "If we stay silent, these executions will continue" said Farzad's brother Mohammad.

Read more here.      Additional reports here.

On 13 May, a general strike was called in Iranian Kurdistan by political opposition groups. Despite the regime’s unofficial military rule and extensive security to intimidate people, many cities in Kurdistan joined the general strike.

Education International (EI) is calling on its member organisations to join the campaign in memory of Farzad, and in support of other Iranian teachers and union activists. Farzad was one of the activists AAWL was supporting through the 'free our comrades' campaign.

In Sydney a protest against the assassination of Iran political prisoners was called for Thursday, May 13 outside the NSW State Parliament.

AAWL offers its condolences to Farzad's family and comrades.